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What do you think makes a good Manga series?

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So, We've all read many Manga series, if you haven't then I encourage you to. Manga somehow is able to capture many in it's story, plot and development of its characters. But what in your opinion do you think makes a Manga Series so successful? Is it the appearance of both the antagonists and protaganists (not just looked but how they act), is it the interesting nature of the plot or the negative concequences that can arrive from the plot should the protaganists not stop the antagonists.

There are many popular mangas however, mangas like Naruto, Bleach and Once Piece are all considered top flight. I've read most of Bleach and One Piece and all of the Naruto Manga to date and can say that they all have many strengths but also those slight negativities that may potentially cause them to lose their fan base.

(you may feel differently but this is just what i see)

Naruto: Said to be the top Manga currently, it has gained major support most probably due to the More balanced powers and abbilities of the characters and the way the plot has been developing. The balanceness of the charcaters is seen through many instances eg: When fighting Pein although Naruto gained Sage Mode, he didn't just immediately kill him the fight had "ups and downs smiles and frowns" (lols) this could be portrayed as a great scene as the helpless Leaf Village need to rely on the person everyone previously hated to save them. Although this is my favourite manga i can honestly say that there is a spam of cliche's throughout the manga series, the whole proving of one's worth and fighting for acceptance is often portarayed in not only the manga series, but in everyday life to, whether it be with a group of friends or meeting new people etc. For me I don't really play to cose attention to it, the whole basis of the story is for their to be something special about the main character which is normally that he/she is morally awesome, i actually welcome the whole cliche side of it, the introduction of the cliches adds an uplifting nature about the characters.

Bleach: My most recently read manga, i love the whol idea of the soul slayers and their 2 forms and the plot for that matter. The plot of the 13 captains in soul society, then the Arrancar is both entertaining and suspensful, suspensful in that you wonder who the strongest are and what they can doa nd what problems could they cause for the main character and protaganists. Also observing what they hope to acheive is always a pleasure. I have one big problem with Bleach however, Overpowerdness. Many people say that Bleach isn't as Op'd as DBZ, i beg to differ. IMO DBZ is actually less Opd, when i say that i don't mean in terms of comparing the 2 anime/mangas and seeing who can do what like Goku vs Ichigo, but rather Ichigo vs Byakuya or Goku vs Freiza. When Aizen revealed his true self, he was untouchable which is fione as he is the main antagonist, but a question to ask is how such a power could not be detected from Soul Society? The op'dness started and continued from that point IMO. Ichigo although a well done character, was put into the heat of battle to quickly and stacked against high odds fighting with the captains, i mean learning Bankai in like 3 days? Then rising to the level of Byakuya in what 6 months? when Byakuya trained his whole life? Really? Although i like this manga alot and can't wait to see how it develops.

One Piece: This to me is one of the most enjoyable of the 3, mainly due to the humour side of it and because of who the main protaganist is. IMO Luffy is both a creative and welld oen character, his general nature is far beyond the typical, "I'm awesome watch me do what's right." He brings a bright light to a dark room, whenever he apears you know something good will happen. I also love the story of this manga, the whole "Pirates" idea was great! It was able to lead to countless crews and characters to be introduced and allwoed its audience to watch the growth of one particular group. The devil fruit powers IMO are a good way to top of the manga, it allows for the supernatural aspect to be added and thereby entice many readers to continued to read to what other new powers there are and who possesses them. I as of late have not seen really any Op'd intention, within the manga, however I could be wrong.

But yea to me what makes a good character is the main character and the main antagonist, who and what they are to me speaks for the rest of the manga, what do you like to see in a manga series?
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That's one way to look at it, or conversely you could say,

"What do you think makes a good manga series?" i think so and so leads to a "GOOD" Manga series.

"What is the real stand out of popular mangas?" if you put some thought into it, you'd realise that i wasn't saying popular mangas = quality, i'm saying what do you think stands out to people about the existing popular mangas, you can bash the popular ones for all i care eg: Naruto is only popular cause of suckers who fall for the cliche filled story.

Interpret it any way you want, if you think that popular mangas don't nessecarily equal quality, then say why u think they still manage to be popular.

Given the way people worship you here i thought you'd at the very least be able to figure that out.
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  • 3 weeks later...
A good plot that doesn't get boring and keeps you reading. This doesn't necessarily mean that there can't be fighting and such in it, but there has to be a good plot backing it up. Keeping [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeusExMachina"]deus ex machinas[/url], [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RetCon"]retcons[/url] and [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BigDamnHeroes"]stuff like that[/url] to minimum would be nice, which would mean that every bit of the story has to be planned out in advance to make sense. Also, the writer should have [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DidNotDoTheResearch"]verified that everything[/url] [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CriticalResearchFailure"]works the way they do in real life[/url] unless something in the series affects forces the contrary.

If the series does contain fighting, the main character should have to [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TrainingFromHell"]work for their strength[/url], and not necessarily end up as the strongest being in existence [exception: [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GenerationXerox"]if one or both parents were/is the strongest ever[/url]]. If said main character does become the strongest, there should be some [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PowerAtAPrice"]non-situational, major drawback[/url] when said power is in use to [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DramaPreservingHandicap"]keep things balanced[/url], but don't just make [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SortingAlgorithmOfEvil"]stronger and stronger enemies with no explanation[/url]. Also, the fighting should have multiple styles, not just one. Seeing EVERYONE use a mecha, or guns, or swords, or magic gets boring after a while - mixing those four while throwing in some [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IKnowMaddenKombat"]interesting fictional stuff would be better[/url]. Some attempt at a negotiation would be nice.

[url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CookingDuel"]If something is serious business[/url], at least make it justifiable why it is serious business. (For example, [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DuelsDecideEverything"]Yu-Gi-Oh! has people stopped due to loss at a[/url] [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SeriousBusiness"]card game[/url], which makes no sense. However, Pokemon's battling stopping any given evil group makes sense - not complying after you lose a battle could have you killed).

The main character should at least have an average person's common sense and, by extension, not be a [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IdiotHero"]complete idiot[/url]. If the hero is [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChasteHero"]oblivious to anything[/url], a valid explanation should be in place. The supporting cast should be interesting and not overly generic.

Any love stories should be [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LoveAtFirstSight"]simple[/url] or [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AllLoveIsUnrequited"]really[/url] [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LoveDodecahedron"]complex[/url] but should not be [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LastMinuteHookup"]thrown in[/url] at the [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LastGirlWins"]last second[/url] or [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TenchiSolution"]left unresolved[/url]. There is no middle-ground. [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MahouSenseiNegima"]Yes, it has been proven that this doesn't get in the way of a story[/url].

The series must also strike a balance between humour, awesomeness, and sadness.
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yea i agree with basically all that stuff, i'm trying to get ideas for a fan fic or manga series, i have a few but i'm not sure how they are, considering they are hardly repsonded to, I also think that the main protaganist shouldn't always find some way to win through emotion or the sudden development of a new technique, however either i think can be used just not excessively
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[quote name='=The End Gamer=' timestamp='1287741003' post='4725331']
Also, take a look at Neon Genesis Evangelion. A great anime that gives off epicness. You can study on how to make a character look seriously realistic, how to give a normal schoolboy the courage to fight, and the importance of all life forms on earth.
It's not just eroguro like many mistake.
I recently saw Evangelion 1.11. I'm not sure how closely followed the original series, but Shinji almost ruined the whole thing for me. I MEAN COME ON! SHUT UP YOU STUPID EMO!

The giant robots were cool tho...
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[quote name='ADHD-Guitar' timestamp='1287857166' post='4729057']
Shinji almost ruined the whole thing for me. I MEAN COME ON! SHUT UP YOU STUPID EMO![/quote]

Shinji-Kun is hardly worth a main character's place. Yet I think he's the best main character ever since he's the one most likely to exist.

For instance, if you were asked to ride on EVA-01 and fight Sachiel, would you instantly start fight him? I think chances are better that you'd just freeze on the spot and scream your head off.
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[quote name='=The End Gamer=' timestamp='1288083839' post='4738515']
Shinji-Kun is hardly worth a main character's place. [b]Yet I think he's the best main character ever since he's the one most likely to exist.[/b]

For instance, if you were asked to ride on EVA-01 and fight Sachiel, would you instantly start fight him? I think chances are better that you'd just freeze on the spot and scream your head off.

Meet Kei Kurono via Gantz. If you want most likely to exist, it's Kei Kurono, no contest.
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