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Chords of Chaos [Started/Accepting]


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[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Name: Scarlet Glacies
Appearance: Scarlet has blue eyes and long, light blue hair. She usually wears a blue and white jacket with a snowflake on the back. She wears matching white shorts and blue and white sneakers. She around 5'3 and is physically fit. Scarlet, also carries around a small MP3 Player and usually listens to music when she's bored/when she has nothing good to do. The MP3 Player is the common white color and matches her jacket. The headphones are a deep green color, which usually stand out compared to her normal outfit.
Personality: Scarlet is a kind girl, although a little sarcastic. She becomes really pessimistic when thrown under pressure. However, she usually tries her best to be kind to others. She's also seen as a tomboy, especially when she gets pessimistic or acts sarcastic. [/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Bio: Scarlet was born to an odd family in Amadus. She had a brother, who was seen as pretty flamboyant. She pretty much took it on herself to be the sporty one and such of the family, thus getting her the "tomboy" title, although she didn't seem to mind. Her brother inherited her mom's instrument, while she inherited her father's, albeit an edited version of it. It was an acoustic guitar, and is one of her favorite things in life. She learned how to play the guitar in a matter of days and eventually became extremely skilled in it, becoming well known by the people in her neighborhood. Eventually, she learned about the rumor of the Composer's sheet music. Being the adventurous person she is, she decided she would take it upon herself to find the sheet.
Instrument: Acoustic Guitar
Weapon: Dagger
Chord: Adventurer's Chord - Increases the strength/courage of people within a 20 foot diameter of her.
Leitmotif: Final Strum - A sudden explosion occurs within a 100 foot diameter of her. The first 30 feet aren't effected by the explosion.
Theme Song:[/font] (Does it have to have lyrics? Or is it a battle theme? I'm confused.)

As of now:
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Name: John Doe
Appearance:[spoiler= Appearance][img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/170/0/0/Angel_Beats___TK_by_Dekret.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Personality: (Would rather not fill in)
Bio: John doesn't have much of a memory. All he knows is his age, 18, and how to dance. He picked up the Banjo not long after waking up in some random hospital. He loved play the instrument and made it into a hobby and then a lifestyle. He got together with a group of singers, dancers and players called 'Quick Step'. He would alternate dancing and playing the Banjo for the enjoyment of others. However tragedy struck and several of the 'Quick Step' members were killed during a robbery and their instruments stolen. John has not set out to find the instruments and to find the book of music to playback his memories and his friends. However as his usual self he kept dancing and playing all along the way, and now he has this gut feeling things are about to get hectic.
Instrument: Banjo
Weapon: None (Fist Fighter)
Chord: Knockin' on Heaven's Door: Increases the speed of allies nearby to mach .015 and allows them to concentrate better. However to do this he must continuously play and dance at the same time.
Leitmotif: Graduation: John Plays his Banjo so hard he breaks the strings and sends massive Sound waves out at everyone in a 270 degree arc in front of him. However his soul is connected to the music and as such can only be restored by repairing the Banjo.
Theme Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOm0Xx8L-Nw
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[quote name='Ice' timestamp='1286234266' post='4680032']
By "only used once" do you mean once per battle or once throughout the whole RP?

Once in the rp, unless me and Mystic give you another for some reason.

It's your Crowning Moment of Awesome.

@Sleep: Sure, accepted for both
@Black: Accepted
@Soul: The chord is a small abbility that's simple to use, yours looks like some flashy finisher, anad you have to know the name of your instrument.


@Reservers: You know, this rp isn't going anywhere, you could have just waited till you had your character.

@Jake: There is a ten character limit, this is because I am afriad you'll try to break this limit.

But try to have a good reason for number eleven.

@Creator: Accepted/
@Ice: Accepted.
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Pardon my spelling I'm doing this on a touch screen

Name: Lan Marsh
Appearance: Lan wears a white blouse, black pants with a belt, Black shoes, a pair of black, fingertipless gloves, and a black suit and tie with white cuffs. Lan has somewhat long, messy green-yellow hair with bangs that droop over certain areas of his forehead. One of Lan's eyes is yellow and the other is green. He also wears a pair of circular glasses for formal occasions.
Personality: Lan wears a monotone expression, often giving people the idea he is dull and boring, but in reality, if you get to know him, he is very expressive and optimistic, and would be called what people would say 'fun'. He's very energetic and caring, often putting others before himself. He isn't very talkative, but he isn't quiet either.
Bio: He was born a single child with parents hardly ever home. He found it hard to socialize with anyone and only felt comfortable around his guitar or anywhere someone was preforming. Throughout his life, he was forced to keep his hair a little long by his lovely overbearing but awfully narcissistic mom who saw her young self in him. He had gotten over his timidness. That adding to the fact that he really does look like his mom in her elementary days results to him always being considered as part of the female population because of that, he is always ostracized by his male peers. His mother died soon after they moved to another town and Lan was sent off to an orphanage. At the age of thirteen Lan joined a traveling band and lived with them for a long while until leaving and roaming the lands of Amadus.
Instrument: Acoustic Guitar
Weapon: A kitchen knife, and a 2 M1911 pistols
Chord: Notes of Neverwhere: teleports Lan to an area of choice
Leitmotif: Destiny Dissonance: anyone who can hear is affected. Basically if you hurt him, you get the exact same wound, pain and all.
Theme Song: I'm on my iPod touch and it won't let me link Youtube videos
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here be my two

[size=5]Melody Riya Calliope the III[/size]
[b]Personality:[/b] Melody's personality can be sumed up in one word- bubbly. She is always happy or excited about something. An optimistic at heart she can come off as naive at times though she is very intuitive. However she has a bad trait of being spoiled.
A member of a prominant family, Melody was always sheltered and given anything she ever wanted. When people began to hunt for the great Composer's sheet music she particularly took no interest in it. However when reports of people disappearing reached her family's ears her mother, whom she had not been on good terms with, decided that she should send her as an ambassitor to discover the truth behind the disappearances.
[b]Instrument:[/b] Leaf Whistle
[b]Weapon:[/b] small dagger
[b]Chord:[/b] While Melody continues to play the calming tune of her leaf whistle a powerful shield is summoned around her any anybody within a three foot radiace. However there is a limit to the ammount of protection . . . she recieves 1/10 the damage the shield takes.
Grand Finale of Endearment
With this powerfully moving leaf rason Melody is able to revive one person from death no matter how long ago they had passed away. After she has finished the rason she temporarily looses her Chord for 24 hours.
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfOWz_RJBz8"]Theme Song[/url]

[size=5]Savas Phorcys Zephaniah[/size]
Personality: Savas has a greedy and laid back personality, rarely doing anything for free or getting willingly involved in disputes. He is rarely serious in battle, often utilizing flashy techniques just for fun. He also has a strong tendancy towards perversion . . .
Savas is known as a legendary warrior and has built up his skills from years of life and death battles in coliseums, hunting beasts, and acting as a mercenary. He eventually met Melody's father, a prominant political figure, after being hired to kill him. However after a plea from his then eight year old daughter, and a well drawn out fight from her father, decided to join on as a personal guard. Interested from the start over the great Composer's sheet music Savas had to be bribed, quite well, not to abandon his duties and go off searching on his own. However after Melody was instructed to discover the reasons of the disappearances Savas happily went along.
[b]Instrument:[/b] Xun
[b]Weapon:[/b] four foot katana
[b]Chord:[/b] creates massive shockwaves which can be directed at will
Remnants of Discord
Causes everything within a thirty foot radius to implode.
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH143yOfTuo"]Theme Song[/url]
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[quote name='Nevert' timestamp='1286246809' post='4680455']

30 feet instakill is 30 feet to many.

And the revive thing is pretty messed up as well.

Plus Melody's bio is one line short.

But don't worry, it needs only a tiny bit of patching up.

Well if it could only be used one time during the rpg I thought I should go big with the final attacks
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Hmmm . . . well I guess I can change/tone the final attacks down . . .


[size=5]Melody Riya Calliope the III[/size]
[b]Personality:[/b] Melody's personality can be sumed up in one word- bubbly. She is always happy or excited about something. An optimistic at heart she can come off as naive at times though she is very intuitive. However she has a bad trait of being spoiled.
A member of a prominant family, Melody was always sheltered and given anything she ever wanted. When people began to hunt for the great Composer's sheet music she particularly took no interest in it. However when reports of people disappearing reached her family's ears her mother, whom she had not been on good terms with, decided that she should send her as an ambassitor to discover the truth behind the disappearances. She has travelled quite far ever since she left with her guardian, Savas, and appears to be close to getting somewhere in her search for the truth.
[b]Instrument:[/b] Leaf Whistle
[b]Weapon:[/b] small dagger
[b]Chord:[/b] While Melody continues to play the calming tune of her leaf whistle a powerful shield is summoned around her any anybody within a three foot radiace. However there is a limit to the ammount of protection . . . she recieves 1/10 the damage the shield takes.
Grand Finale of Endearment
With this powerfully moving leaf rason Melody is able to revive one person from death as long as they have been deceased for under five minutes. After she has finished the rason she temporarily looses her Chord for 24 hours.
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfOWz_RJBz8"]Theme Song[/url]

[size=5]Savas Phorcys Zephaniah[/size]
Personality: Savas has a greedy and laid back personality, rarely doing anything for free or getting willingly involved in disputes. He is rarely serious in battle, often utilizing flashy techniques just for fun. He also has a strong tendancy towards perversion . . .
Savas is known as a legendary warrior and has built up his skills from years of life and death battles in coliseums, hunting beasts, and acting as a mercenary. He eventually met Melody's father, a prominant political figure, after being hired to kill him. However after a plea from his then eight year old daughter, and a well drawn out fight from her father, decided to join on as a personal guard. Interested from the start over the great Composer's sheet music Savas had to be bribed, quite well, not to abandon his duties and go off searching on his own. However after Melody was instructed to discover the reasons of the disappearances Savas happily went along.
[b]Instrument:[/b] Xun
[b]Weapon:[/b] four foot katana
[b]Chord:[/b] creates massive shockwaves which can be directed at will
Remnants of Discord
Creates a powerful vaccum which absorbs the surrounding area into a inescapable vortex.
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH143yOfTuo"]Theme Song[/url]
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