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Blue Eyes Pop's fo shizzle.

blue eyes pop

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Where I'll put comics, sprite or otherwise, and other artwork.


An alternate universe, which is sort of a fusion of SATAM, Archie and the game universe. Robotnik is rising in power, and while he has not completely conquered everything, his reign of terror extends everyday.
The freedom fighters, the main active group against Robotnik, fight to keep freedom on Mobius, and often thwart Robotnik's plans thanks to young Sonic the Hedgehog.

As required for many of the custom sprites I've used, credits and a link to the MFZ.

[*]SWATbots were created by Damien, and can be found on his SATAM Robotnik sheet.
[*]Tiara sprites used so far by Golden Sonikku and QuickSilver.
[*]Powerless Sonic sprites, minor edited to make briefly seen "Spork", by Xeric.

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[b]Mega Man, Anarchy Days.[/b]
An 8-bit, classic comic revolving around the Blue Bombers adventures after the games. Possibly a transition of Classic to X.

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More might be added to the comics depending on popularity with people.


[spoiler=Concept art?]
Possible concept art for a comic.
Would be hand drawn, and the art would be a step up from stick figures but nothing amazing.

More to be added.
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