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YouMeAtSix - An Abomination to Music

Bahamut - Envoy of the End

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Does anyone else here feel the same way as me that 'pop rock' bands such as YouMeAtSix, Elliot Minor, Go Audio, The Blackout, and the long list of fly-by, one-hit wannabes they have spawned are the absolute worst kind of bands in existance - generic and fairly uninspiring pretty boy bands that are just so bland and replusive. To me anyway.

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Yes All Time Low definatly fit into this, although they are a bit more bearable they are the definition of what this kind of band is about. 'We sing about girls and stuffed up relationships, and girls, and stuffed up relationships, and, er... how does my hair look?'

Agreed with Yin as well about 'those' TV shows.
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