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(OOC Thread) Broken Eternity; YuGiOh (Started/Accepting)

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>.> *looks around* so...like...you all can't just wait for someone else. Someone NEEDS to post, or nothing will happen. Remember, we only have like 5 people, so there wont be an action-packed, nothing-but-stuff adventure. You ill have to tap your inner psyche and let the art flow from your fingertips. Otherwise we'll be stuck with:

"Of course!" Said jimbo, as he walked on.

"Me too!" Sally followed.

Jimbo kept walking

So did sally...

Jimbo waited for something to happen

So did sally?

Jimbo...is bored

So did sally!!!
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I would've posted, but... I honestly don't know my excuse. I've had this thread and its RP in open tabs this entire time, but I guess I got distracted by the fact that I can play Wii at home, or write stories as part of my school project. In the meantime, I should post n--Oh. Zeke is the one with the prompt. :mellow: Waiting, fortunately, is something I can do.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

[b]Name[/b]: Haruo Stryder
[b]Age/Gender[/b]: 18
[b]Appearance[/b]: Unruly Blond hair; 5'10"; wears a red t-shirt under a black knee-length trench coat (sleeveless). His trench coat holds his cards in an inner pocket. His torn blue jeans can be seen under his trench coat as well. He wears black boots. His semi-toned body can only be seen when he works out (which is not very often).
[b]Duel Disk[/b]: Who needs that antique? Trash it. (Secretly has one that was given to him by his best friend. He doesn't like it, though. :P)
[b]Backstory/Bio[/b]: He just wishes that the Monsters would leave him alone. His personality has two faces; one of intelligence (sort of) and one that doesn't care (if he becomes frustrated). His "intelligent" side is highly loyal to his group. The "careless" side doesn't appear very often, but he will leave the area if there's nothing good for him.
For as long as he could remember, Haruo was raised by his friend, whom Haruo knew only as "Stryder". Stryder was the silent type that was quick thinking (ironically, his spirit was "Noisy Gnat"). He taught Haruo how to use his powers to a point, but he never really caught on. While Stryder was out foraging one day, he was attacked by one of the Monster Generals. Hours later, Haruo found him. Around the same time, the Silver Wings were on their way to recruit Stryder. Instead, they found Haruo collapsed next to the now-late Stryder. They took him to Pegasus to see if he was any use.
Since that day, Haruo has fought alongside the Sinver Wings and Seto Kaiba's Dragons, but Kaiba doesn't really like him (no surprise there). He's still trying to find the Monster General who attacked Stryder.
[b]Power Deciding Factors: [/b]
[b]Social Association[/b]: Usually follows Pegasus, but will follow Kaiba.
[b]Duel Spirit[/b]: [spoiler=Silent Strider] [img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091102131957/yugioh/images/thumb/a/a0/SilentStriderTDGS-EN-C-UE.jpg/121px-SilentStriderTDGS-EN-C-UE.jpg[/img] [/spoiler]
[b]Handling Type[/b]: DARK Spellcaster-type
[b]Nature[/b]: Good. Would've preferred to be neutral, but circumstances didn't agree with him.

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