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YCM's Pet Owners club! (Furries are not allowed near pets!)

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[center][size="6"]~YCM's Pet Owners Club~[/size][/center]


1) All rules of YCM apply, breaking the rules will result in a strike!

2) All senior members are to be respected.

3) If you gain 3 strikes, you are banned from the club!

4) No molesting the pets!

5) No racism or sexual harassment! (But talking dirty with your friends in a way that won't harm any one is allowed!)

6) Never allow a furry near our pets.

7) Never talk about the Club.

8) Rule 9 is true.

9) Rule 8 is a lie.

10) Have fun!

[spoiler= Form for application]


Display Name:

Pets that you had:

Pets that you have:

Pets that you want:

Name of all pets:


[spoiler= Members]
[spoiler= VK-Duelist]
Username: VK-Duelist

Display Name: General VK-Duelist/Shepard

Pets that you had:

Lucky (Beagle, Purebreed, Male)

Mimi (Black Labador/Golden Retriver mix, Female)

Natilus (Needle Fish, Male)

Black Zerg Swarm (Ants, unknown species, fought in a epic war against Blakie's Red ants.)

Pets that you have:

Buddy (Shiba Inu,Purebreed, Male)

Pets that you want:

Red Fox


Asian Grenade Ants

Akita Inu


[spoiler= Tomiix]

Display Name:ummm this means? Tomiix

Pets that you had:Guinne pig hermit crab

Pets that you have:Dalmation hermit crabs

Pets that you want:Husky, that girl in the banner ;P

[spoiler= O-Chill]
Username: ZeroChill

Display Name: 0-Chill

Pets that you had: 2-3 dogs, 3 birds, 1 cat

Pets that you have: 1 turtle

Pets that you want: several Chickens

Name of all pets: [Past Pets]Pookey the Chihuahua, Crystal the huge, white-haired dog, ricky the cockatiel, pippy the cockatiel, kikki the cockatiel, max the white-haired kitten, [Present] Venus the Eastern Painted Turtle

[spoiler= Smeargle]
Username: Smeargle

Display Name: Smeargle

Pets that you had: A Black Rabbit(Can't remember much about it)
About 20 fish.
A Male Peachface bird called Noddy.
A Male Husky+Samoyed Dog called Axel
And a few others that I can't remember

Pets that you have:
A Female Labrador Dog
A Snake (Don't know its gender or type)
6 Budgies

Pets that you want:
None really.

Name of all pets:
Labrador = Hayley
Snake = Snakey
1 Budgie = Ice
2 Budgie = Sky
3 Budgie = Typhoon
4 Budgie = Wildfire
5 Budgie = Storm
6 Budgie = Franklin



[spoiler= Banners]



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Display Name:ummm this means? Tomiix

Pets that you had:Guinne pig hermit crab

Pets that you have:Dalmation hermit crabs

Pets that you want:Husky, that girl in the banner ;P

Name of all pets:Hunter- Dalmation Hermit Cranbs- Verys they keep changin shells so i cant keep track so there the krabz

(FIRST!) meh not new. so what are we gonna do here?
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Username: ZeroChill

Display Name: 0-Chill

Pets that you had: 2-3 dogs, 3 birds, 1 cat

Pets that you have: 1 turtle

Pets that you want: several Chickens

Name of all pets: [Past Pets]Pookey the Chihuahua, Crystal the huge, white-haired dog, ricky the cockatiel, pippy the cockatiel, kikki the cockatiel, max the white-haired kitten, [Present] Venus the Eastern Painted Turtle
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Username: Smeargle

Display Name: Smeargle

Pets that you had: A Black Rabbit(Can't remember much about it)
About 20 fish.
A Male Peachface bird called Noddy.
A Male Husky+Samoyed Dog called Axel
And a few others that I can't remember

Pets that you have:
A Female Labrador Dog
A Snake (Don't know its gender or type)
6 Budgies

Pets that you want:
None really.

Name of all pets:
Labrador = Hayley
Snake = Snakey
1 Budgie = Ice
2 Budgie = Sky
3 Budgie = Typhoon
4 Budgie = Wildfire
5 Budgie = Storm
6 Budgie = Franklin
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like as a replacment to pitbulls? and i figured out the problem, the ... after cheese burger when you copy that it dosent work with the siggy i had to click the link copy that first then put in the url link myself... to fix the problem put [code][code] [/code] [/code]
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yeah i wouldnt want my pet cricket have to fight a praying mantus... thats unfair. Also what makes domesticated fights bad? We domesticate dogs to fight humans for the police and foreign contrys use it for shows. As long as its like fake or a show or for law I understand not like illegal pit fights or cock fights where you bet for money and expect one to die. Like theres a circus that has two lions pretend to fight each other, thats cool buit if we put two tammed lions shoot them up and have them fight, then thats bad I guess.
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XD I didnt nutter him hes a rescue was abondened about 8 times he was once found on the streets, he couldnt find the right owner till us. The rescue neutred him because if he ran away again they wouldnt want puppies suddenly appearing and dieing in the streets.
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Kiwis are an endangered species of birds. There are 4 different species, with one of them having 3 different subspecies. The kiwi in the video was probably being raised by the person holding it with the towel.

Also, it is hard to dress-up cats.
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