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Code Geass - the Brittanian Empire


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Yay <3

And I don't really mind techi not being here, or Ka-chan, because Techi is a pervy Emperor-kun, and I already can contact Ka-chan through teh chatzy :3

And hey,d oes anyone here have MSN? =o

I like havin more than 1 way to contact mah Geass buddehs.
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[quote name='Dark Link 401' timestamp='1288446958' post='4749416']
Yay <3

And I don't really mind techi not being here, or Ka-chan, because Techi is a pervy Emperor-kun, and I already can contact Ka-chan through teh chatzy :3

And hey,d oes anyone here have MSN? =o

I like havin more than 1 way to contact mah Geass buddehs.

No, not at the moment anyway. I might as well get one though, seems a lot of people have them.
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[quote name='Mako109' timestamp='1288449139' post='4749483']
Yea. And as for that Anime watching website, I thought we have been over this before >.< I can only go to any website on my iPod Touch! And most of those sites are not compatible with my iPod Touch.
I know, I know...but I don't know which ones would be compatible...sorry.

[quote name='Dark Link 401' timestamp='1288449176' post='4749485']
How are you gonan get them both to start posting again? ._.

And don't bring pervy Emperor-kun DDX
Don't worry about it, this is the skills I have being the pervy emperor's best friend and our fave witch's big bro. I got it covered. Also, he has hormone problems...oh, they grow up so fast XD
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[quote]I say we name a new emperor while he's gone... is Archwing still active? Because that would be the night of 1's job if none of the Prince's/Princesses want it.

Yah im active
The eldest prince or Princess takes the throne if the emperor retires or "dies". The new emperor can then choose new knights of the round, keep the old ones, or just switch some of them, demoted knights of the round return to noble titles like baron, margrave, count, ect. If the knights suspect foul play (AKA we just dont like the new emperor or we think he/she did something to make the old emporer leave) we can have a coup d'état.

But im all for DL being emporer [u]IF[/u] Techi dosnt come back within a week. DL is technicly the eldest in terms of how long he's been here so yah... Unless techi comes back or picks a new emperor himself within a week i think we should upgrade DL to emperor. (But that might be hard because techi is the one with actual power due to this being his club and all......So id prefer if techi just came back, less confusing and less chance of someone getting angry about this)
Whats with this brittanian chazty youve been talking about? I saw the link but IDK chatzy's tend to run slow on my computer...
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@mako - xD

@FTW - HUUUGE hormone problems.

And the fact he hides the fact he likes Ka-chan is cute ~


it's basically turned to the DL-Ka-chan chatzy, since no one else goes there anymore, cept for MKS sometimes, but we're loads of fun.
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[quote name='Mako109' timestamp='1288476177' post='4750710']
New Topic= Why woman in anime are so attractive when they have colored hair. Or is that only me?

No, I can say the same thing. I guess it's because it's because in animeland you can have any color hair and there is no bad dye job. Of course, many of those are supposed to be natural hair colors (since when are purple, pink and green hair natural colors?). I guess it's all in perception.
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[quote name='Mako109' timestamp='1288476591' post='4750724']
What is killing me is that I am having trouble telling who I like more, C2 or Kaleen. EFF YOU COLORED HAIR!!!

Something tells me you like them both for more than just the hair color ;)

Also, maybe that'll bring Hereh and the Emperor back. Just start saying you like Kallen more.

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