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Kami or Kami-like artwork. *4 reps can be earned*


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I'm goint to make Kami cards to replace some very powerful monsters that lead the Metagame right now (You can guess who I mean).

The problem is...

I can't find drawings of Kami-like artwork. Examples of what I mean are The Creator God of Light, Horakhty as appeared in the Anime and this.

I will give 2 reps to the first one and 2 reps to the best one, which can be the same one.

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I'm goint to make Kami cards to replace some very powerful monsters that lead the Metagame right now (You can guess who I mean).

The problem is...

I can't find drawings of Kami-like artwork. Examples of what I mean are The Creator God of Light, Horakhty as appeared in the Anime and this.

I will give 2 reps to the first one and 2 reps to the best one, which can be the same one.

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