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Galactica Firma (Started / Still Accepting)


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Lars looked at the human who left, and then at Tim.

"As I already said I am Lars. A Skreech." He said, still speaking in his loud, Skreech-voice. "I'm currently after Centaurion, the Alphyn who caused some problems here. You see, I'm a bounty hunter, and that is how I make my living. Why were Centaurion after you anyway?" Lars looked around in the ship, he hadn't had the chance when Jessi showed up. Even though it was small it was still bigger then the [i]Metal Queen[/i].
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"As long as your activities don't affect the 'business' going on, I'm fine with whatever you do." Akkoro said solemnly. Then he turned and followed Jessi into the recesses of the ship. He entered a compartment in which a viewscreen showed the area around the vessel on one side, and under which a long curves pilot's console was located. On the other side, there was a set of chairs around a mapping table. Akkoro called this the omni-room- the room for everything. The [i]Daruu Centaurion Sabre[/i] eschewed traditional ship structure with an open floor plan, as the omni-room consumed most of the ship with only rooms like bedrooms and cargo holds elsewhere. It helped avoid situations like the one Akkoro had caused back on the Star Rose with all the confusion caused in the corridors. Akkoro strode across the room towards the mapping table and began laying in the course for Zheng Huo. "And if you wish to learn how I got here so fast, you better be a good little girl..." He murmured.
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"Well that explains why he was so keen to have me get rid of you," Tim replied, "although I was not informed of your name. You'll find that he has almost certainly left the ship already - that last blast, which you probably felt pushing the ship forward, was intended to blow her apart, and would have done had I not jettisoned the bomb. As for why he would be after us, I believe ANNA could probably explain that to both of us," he added, turning towards the AI.
"Yes," she replied, "the primary intruder attempted to use the computer systems in the secondary engine room in order to download and erase certain light sensor files from the main computer core. The files were those of this vessel's flights close to wild space, and they have now been removed from the main core, meaning I no longer have access to them. They have been moved to an isolated data storage unit, and will be returned to the main core when possible."
"OK," Tim replied, "when they're back let me know. So there you have it," he added, turning back to the Skreech, "that's as much as we know at the moment. If you have somewhere you can be contacted I can let you know if we find anything, but it may take a while, since we'll have our hands full cleaning up."
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"Oh, you know I'm a good girl! Now tell me how you got here so fast!" Jessi was obviously drunk, this is not how she used to act, and Akkoro knew that. She quickly changed the subject. "And of course my little problems won't get in the way for the mission, Kerrigan's probably not left on the planet anyway!"

((I'll pretend that Skreech has special openings where their mouths are for drinking. And they get easily drunk because of their sulfur-based bodies.))

"I could help cleaning up!" Lars said. "As long as you take me with you!"
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"If you were anyone else, I would say no." Akkoro said, amused by her behavior. "But since you're my partner, you can come. You can take your usual bedroom. But please, when the hangover comes, barf in one of the cargo holds. They're sealed so the ship won't sink." Akkoro said, being half-rational, half-amusing. Plot successfully laid in, he straightened up and moved as if he was going over to help Jessi. In her present condition, help to her room was probably needed.
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"Well that would depend on where you wanted to go," Tim replied, looking at the figure in the breathing suit. "Whilst I can't deny that another pair of hands would be useful, I don't carry passengers unless they have somewhere to go to." [i]Besides, Lep doesn't always do well with new people, and I can't imagine that a bounty hunter would be high on the list of people she'd get along with. Still, if he were fixing up the broken doors at the front of the hold, the cabins down there could be flooded with Sulfur, and he could move in and out via the hold - the other doors have airlocks, and the corridor could be rigged as a stand-in...[/i]
In the meantime ANNA headed down a vertical maintenance shaft to the doors in question to conduct a more detailed survey of exactly what damage was done.
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"You're not going after the fishy guy?" Lars questioned. "I thought I you wanted to get whatever he took back, and I need to get him. Win/win situation!"
Jessi accepted the help of Akkoro and laid down on her bed. Her head had already started to hurt. She hated to be a Skreech sometimes. They didn't get drunk immediately, it took some time for the alcohol to reach their mind, but GOD did they get drunk when it did!
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The M'rie'au sighed as she tended to Rey's wounds. "At least we can pay back the people for you using the items." She replied. "My name is Tu'lo'sst'na'al'llr, Chief of Chiefs of Tribe Wy'a'ar'pi of Clan Tf'fen'alf'a'an. I am on an important mission from the Assembly of Chiefs of Chiefs of Chiefs. Would you care to join me?"

[i]Man...Out of all people, why does it have to bee a IT?[/i]
Despite his rants, Rey was in no position to actually complain about anything.[b]"Well, how would I know I you won't ditch me?"[/b] he said sarcastically, while he was laying down. Taking a break after everything he's just been put through. "[b]Wow...you wasted nearly most of my supplies...But enough of that, why do you need my help? Since we both know that you would've killed me [i]which I'm glad you didn't...[/i]...ugh...[/b]" Lossing his sense of balance, Rey was losing his mind again, and things started to spin around him. Faster, faster as things went, he eventually puked.



"This is the [i]The Coward[/i], and the current record shows that no threat is apearing near the planet Ndeeria, however, my ship is running low on supplies..." After puasing for a bit, Tala took a breather, since his english wasn't as good, so he would stumbled upon words most of the time. "So I'm resquesting any supplies to any ship that could supply me. I'll be able to compensate you as well. OVER AND OUT!"
( (Would anyone care to interact with Tala?))
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"We don't need to follow him," Tim replied, sighing before wincing. "We have a backup copy of what he took, which ANNA was able to isolate from the ship's computer systems before we let them take them. If we'd wanted to stop him taking them, he would have got at most a quarter of what he did, and if we really didn't want him to have the information, well then we have ways to make anything he took useless to him. If you're looking to rush off in pursuit of him somewhere find another ship. We can be going in a couple of hours, but we still have matters to attend to here. Besides, we don't give free rides, not even if you're working."
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Osanimu glanced around with delight at the glittering stars that studded the space around her ship. Sighing with happiness she recalled when she'd last seen them...
[i]"Quick, GO!" Screeched Osanimu over the purr of engines. Saiyr pressed the Quantum Dribe button, and they shot foward. Looking back quickly, Osanimu wished she hadn't. The collasal ship the World-Eaters where in was drawing closer. Filled with fear, she rushed foward to the pilot area. "Saiyr, we have to speed up NOW!" Jumping into the co-pilot seat and switching on Double Control, she grabbed a lever. "Are you sure you want to do that?" Saiyr has asked sfearfully. "Saiyr, we are much quicker if we use that split lever we installed. If the ship is smaller, then it's faster, and harder to spot. And you know if we don't get away, we'll be dead in moments. So hurry, brace yourself!" Osanimu pulled the lever, and a loud clunk was heard. Slowly, new walls were created between Saiyr and Osanimu, and then Osanimu's half split off Saiyr's. Osanimu screamed with fear as the ship began spinning out of control. "OSA! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"...............[/i] Osanimu shuddered. All beauty about the glittering stars then had been spoiled by fear. "At least Saiyr made it out. I wonder if he knows I'm coming.."
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((BDD, why don't you have your ship come upon Frybread's in space? It might slow things down, but it could get Frybread back into the story.))

"Goodnight, Jessi." Akkoro said, shaking his head. He turned off the lights on the drunken Skreech and then retreated to his own bedroom. He was going to meditate, then wash away the aches of the battle, and end with a good night's sleep. Akkoro would need all of his wits around him when dealing with the Black Nova Pirates. Only the One knew how tricky they were.


""You're looking for the Alphyn assassin?" A voice asked from behind Lars. In stepped in a Diusianx, one cloaked in bright orange armor that did not hide his skinny and lithe frame. Despite this, there was something about the alien that radiated power. "I know how to get to Centaurion, or, as he is truly known, Akkoro Kamui." The Diusianx said in a deep bass voice. "My name is Sarv Dasient. I am what you would call a hacker." The Diusianix said softly, knowing the reaction he would get. Hackers were hated universally, as most planetary systems relied on consoles, that if hacked, could kill millions. "For months, I too have been after Centaurion." The Diusianx continued. "We, err, worked together on assignment, but then that filthy fish backstabbed me and had me captured by the authorities. I spend 10 long years in a rotten cell because of him. Now I want to get him back. Bounty hunter, if you have the means to destroy the assassin, I will give you his location." This shocking development revealed, Sarv turned to Tim. "If you can transport us, kind sir, I will repair your ship for you. And, no, I do not mean the artificial wounds. I mean the damage done to your computer." The Diusianx continued. "You see, I have studied long and hard on Akkoro in my hunt for him. And something I have learned is that is every contract that involves hacking a computer, Akkoro would release a virus into the computer in way of a 'parting gift'. Nearly undetectable. If you don't accept my help, your computer will be destroyed in mere days."
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Tim looked at the new arrival, who was yet another life form unable to breath the oxygen atmosphere of the majority of inhabited worlds. "A virus, you say?" he asked seriously. He trusted ANNA to take care of such matters, but she wasn't flawless, and something designed to avoid protection could be a hazard. He didn't really trust this person, simply because he didn't know them, but somehow a virus seemed a fitting action from the Alpyn - besides, if the data had been at all sensitive, he would have had ANNA put a virus in the files herself before they were stolen. "Well, you may find nothing, since he had every intention of blowing the ship and it's computer apart, but I suppose it would be for the best if you were to take a look.
"ANNA, we have some more company. Please come to the main cockpit." He turned to the two suited figures. "If you're coming, follow me, otherwise I'll ask you to leave." He turned, and headed down a short section running forwards to some doors, beyond which was the cockpit, which he entered, before turning the main seat around and almost collapsing into it.
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Lars looked at the Diusianx that was now accompanying them, and then followed the human into the cockpit.

"If you accept to take us along, then I will repair the ship's damage while the bugman (Lars doesn't know how to pronounce Diusianx) repairs your computer." Lars thought a moment about what the human had said about him having to pay. "And if we capture... Akkoro, was it?" He turned to the Diusianx with a questioning look, which couldn't be seen because of his suit. "Anyway, you can take a third of the money. Fair deal?"
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(Yeah, I can encounter Frybread's ship. I had nothing planned at this moment, so that works out.)
Osanimu sighed. After travelling for this long, not even the sparkling stars were interesting. "Nothing is going to happen..." Osanimu muttered, typing in the Auto-Pilot control co-ordinates. Leaning back, she pulled out a notepad, and began boredly drawing pictures of Jikalhuan constellations. "The rabbit-cat......The tuyigor....The warrior....." Osanimu muttered, drawing each constellation she named. But her drawing was interupted when she heard a call coming across her radio. Frowning, she turned up the volume. ""This is the The Coward, and the current record shows that no threat is apearing near the planet Ndeeria, however, my ship is running low on supplies...So I'm resquesting any supplies to any ship that could supply me. I'll be able to compensate you as well. OVER AND OUT!" Osanimu frowned more. "Hmmn, seems like somebody needs a bit of help." Getting up, she went to check the spare supplies quater. "OK, I have enough supplies to help [i]The Coward[/i], so I'll tell them I'm coming with supplies." Walking back to the pilot area she tuned into this ship's radio. "Hello, this is the [i]Midnight Star[/i], I have heard your request and am coming with supplies." She turned off Auto Pilot, and shot through space towards [i]The Coward[/i].
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The Torchlight was on a total standstill, watching, waiting, for anything to happen. Fara' checked the view screen, only to see to small ships move closer to each other.
"Lieutenant, bring our ship closer. Try to pick up some radio chatter. I want to know whats going on." Fara' commanded. "All members, stay at your battle-stations. There might be more." The encrypted frequency got breached with relative ease, and began to feed the conversation through the speakers.
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"Very good." Sarv said imperiously. He clambered up into the ship proper, and began to follow Jones. Halfway down the corridor, he looked back. "Aren't you coming?" He said to the Skreech. "You [i]do[/i] want to capture Centaurion, don't you?"


Sparks began to walk back to the ship, happily thinking about the job he had just wrangled. Man, was he going to be living large after this one...but still, there was one thing that hampered Sparks' good mood. That struggle he had seen outside the cantina, between that M'rie'au and the Ngee. Sparks could have done nothing to stop it, under the circumstances, but still, he wondered. What had been the fight about? And why had that M'rie'au looked so familiar? Oh yeah, that's right. Sparks and Jace were going to transport a M'rie'au to whats-its-name after the Zheng Huo job. Kinda uncanny, wasn't it? He was transporting a M'rie'au the next day and then he saw one in a fight- a coincidence that was made even stranger due to the fact you could barely find any M'rie'au around these parts. Yep, uncanny it was...

((If you don't get what I'm saying, TFF, it's that I want you to be the M'rie'au they're transporting. That way you can be in on the action, too.))
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Settling into his chair, Tim looked at the two aliens he had apparently now picked up. "I'm afraid I have a partner, who will require her own share of the bounty," he replied, "however, since we share certain resources, 40 per cent will suffice for the both of us, leaving however the rest is split up to the two of you." He paused for a moment. "If that is satisfactory, then you can provide me with the co-ordinates for this person, and I will have the ship's AI direct you to where I need you."
The door to the cockpit opened, and ANNA entered, moving to the side of the door and waiting to be told why she was asked to come. She was slightly surprised to see a Diusinax, but she quickly gave a smile.
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((MY APOLOGIZES GUYS!! It's just that I didn't have time too to Role-Play!!))

"[i]Midnight Star?[/i] Roger. But just so you know, I'm currently enlisted in the USF, so anything supicious can, and will be used in the court of law. One more thing, due to the planet I'm currently orbiting, no one but authorized personal of the USF can enter it's air-space. With this being said, the only way you can deliver the supplies, either through a escape pod, or of other means. Over and out!"

After pukking of his guts out, Rey let out a sigh of relief, and took some pain medications. "So again, why do you need me on your journey?"
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"I have been tasked to deliver an item of great importance, but a group of thieves, much like yourself, now has the package. I need to find the package, which I am positive is somewhere on this planet, so I wish to enlist you, a thief, to help me fine my prey in this accursed duracrete jungle. Will you accept? There is a monetary reward involved in the successful delivery of the package, which I have no need for, but you might be interested in. I only hope my assailants have not yet discovered the true nature of the package."
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Osanimu heared the reply. "Oh......Ok then. I will send an escape pod with the supplies. They will be coming within the hour. Over and out!" She got up after re-entering the auto pilot co-ordinates. "[i]That works for me. I'll send the supplies via escape pod and continue on my way to Zheng Hou[/i]" She smiled, and walked to the back of small ship. Pulling a small lever, a beam of pixels shot from the front of the ship. This beam dispersed, revealing an escape pod. After performing the neccesary procedure, she attched the pod to the ship and loaded the supplies inside. Once this was done, Osanimu entered the co-ordinates of [i]The Coward[/i], and exited. Pushing a button, the pod seperated from the ship, and shot off through space. Osanimu smiled. "That's taken care of then."
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"It's been over 6 years you know...Since then, I've living like the poorest of the whites, despite the promises they told...for the past 4 years now...my life as been a hell...The only thing that I want is too get off the streets. Tulo' you have no idea what it's like too be one of the most hated person in the world. You can only mend the pain of what people like me went through...We lost our homes, our honor...So it's only easy for people like you too calls me a theif. But for others, it may be the only salvation we could find...So unless you can get me off the streets Tulo'...I'll see what I can do..."

[i] Alright good, my supplies are on the way now, so I just got too wait about a hour, then I'm set.[/i]
"Thank you, as for your payment, you can just go to the nearest USF base, and as to withdrawel money from my account. Just say it's for the compensation of my supplies, you can use the pass-code 187-619. Over and out!"
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