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The Coliseum (Season 1) (PG13) [Accepting/Not Started]


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This is not WWE, some things are based on WWE, but there are no pinning, sometimes submissions but mostly KOs, and even at the end of the season death will plague the Coliseum.
[spoiler=Rules]1. Wait for a reaction(example: Bruiser KO punched Wimpy and finished him off.)
2. Mild swearing is allowed(Only Crap, Ass)
3. Both fighters will be PMed and they will be given info about their fight(If I say you lose just remember it's a game, it's also a way to keep order, but you can lose or win anyway you want).
4. I think everyone should know this but NO SPAM.
5. Everyone should know the rest.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Plot]"I'm here to entertain the fans, now all I need are people, excuse me warriors willing to step up and fight." The Chairman states.
"Is there a motivation for this business?" The Interviewer asks.
"Money, they get the most advanced medical insurance, and they get to be celebrities, now who doesn't like that?" The Chairman answered.
"Well if I wouldn't ever want to risk killing myself for being populary and for-" The Interviewer was interrupted.
"I'm sorry but I wouldn't hire you anyways, you're a shrimp, now get the hell out of here!" The Chairman was furious.
The Interviewer sprints out of the room gettin things thrown at him.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Schedule]"4 weeks a month on Wednesday are normal events, but on a Sunday of the 4th weekend will be a Special Event that will be posted in the News Section." The Chairman informed.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=News]Special Events:
1st. Rising Star(An event all about making a name for yourself)
2nd. Caged(The Main fight consists of 4 fighters fighting in a 20 foot cage)
3rd. Car Show(Every fight is in a arena full of cars)
4th. Humiliation(All fights are tapout/submission only)
5th. Lock Up(The whole show is one fight but all fighters try to eliminate the others until they are the only one; fighters will be locked in a giant cage)
6th. The Backyard(This event will leave the Coliseum and enter the Backyard)
7th. Hardcore Judgement(All fights will allow weapons, only blunt weapons)
8th. Grudge Match(All rivalries will implode tonight)
9th. Anti-Gravity(Fighters will be set in an arena that has no gravity)
10th. Gold Rush(The Champion will be named tonight)
11th. King Challenge(Who will hold the title of The King?)
12th. Night of Death(Death will be here tonight for tonight singles fights will only end in Death)[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Fighter Application]Name:
Alias/Fight Name(Optional):
Appearance(Pics or Description):
Specialty(Charisma, Strength, Speed, etc.):
Finishing Move(1-2):
Weapon of Choice(Optional):[/spoiler]
I might add an app if I see ppl start joining, but so far I am the Boss/Chairman.
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I love this, i was waiting for a wrestling rp and this is pretty much that, but really.....this is just pure genius!!!! Also, for rule number 1, is that what we shouldn't do?

Name: Adrian Stevenson
Alias/Fight Name: TeaT Finals (Pronounced Tate)
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Age: 25
Weight: 245 Lbs
Height: 6'4
Specialty: Strength
Finishing Move: Final Tornado (Spinning Side Slam) T-House Drop (grabs the opponent in a belly to belly position, lifts him to the side, while doing that he spins 90 degrees, and slams down his opponent.)
[spoiler='Bio']Growing up Adrian was always stronger than his friends due to the need Adrian has of feeling superior. So he worked out, and lifted weights. In high school, Adrian became a very successful running back. He got a sports scholarship to UCLA but he felt something was missing from his life. Football didn't show off his strength to much, so he ended up quitting and competing in professional wrestling circuits. Although he wasn't actually fighting, at least viewers thought he was, so he was okay with it. He ended up coming to watch The coliseum to see what it would be like, since it was real he thought he would enjoy the show. When the chairmen said he wanted warriors, Adrian's eyes brightened and he rose up. "I will fight, and I will prove that I deserve to fight in The Coliseum.[/spoiler]
Weapon of Choice: Sledgehammer and Chair.
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