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Blood, Lust, and Tears (Vampire, Warewolf, fiction, ooc)(started, Always Accepting)

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In this Rp you can be a human to be turned in to a vampire, an evil vampire, a Good vampire, Or a nutral vampire. You may have up to four characters. There are there types of vampires in each group. there are day walkers witch are able to walk around during the day with no problems, vampires that can go out in the day but only for short periods of time, and normal night life vampires.free roam RPG There are no limits on where you can go but it must be a place on earth. There will be masive battles between the good and evil. The evil Vampire think that vampires should be the rulers of the world, and the good vampires will do anything to keep the vampire world secret. You may join one of three covents on each side. The members of these covents are scatered acrossed the globe.

I've desicded to add a clane of warefolves to the RP.

All YCM rules apply
mainly no spaming,
no god moding,
And keep the cursing to a minumem
No back seat charactering (mean no telling others how their Characters can talk walk or play around)
This is a vampire RP so there will be violince but please try to keep it to a PG 15 level.[/spoiler]

vampier app
User name:
Vampire name:
Age before becoming a vampire:
How long you've been a vampire:
Faction, Covent choise: (faction good, evil, nutral of human undesided yet)[spoiler=covent chosices]
Good covents: Moroi, Clove, Frost, Nomads (Wounderers)
Evil covents: Zimey, Strigoi, Primaria, Nomads (Wounderers)
You join any of the covents if your nutral but you must keep in mind that you are nutral not to let yourslef get drug into the fights.
Appearance: (Detailed Description or Pic)
Special Abilities:

Warewolf App
User name:
Warewolf name:
Age before becoming a warewolf:
How long you've been a warewolf:
Appearance: (Detailed Description or Pic)
warewolf Personality:
Special Abilities:

[spoiler=minuon, compainone, or Cohort app]
Age as a human:
New born powers:[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/223772-blood-lust-and-tears-vampire-fiction-rp-started-always-accepting/"]Blood, Lust, and Tears (Vampire, fiction, rp)[/url]
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User name: King Mew
Vampire name: Dimitry fear
Gender: M
Age before becoming a vampire: 23
How long you've been a vampire: 222
Faction, Covent choise: Nomad Has not choisen a side yet but thinking of fourming a coven later.
Personality: a loud mouth at times but can be nice. do not cross his path once an enemy always an Enemy. He acts like a five year old with his friends or who ever he trust at the time. strong willed and noble.
Bio: He grow up in a family that was high society, with three sisters a mother and a father. during his years as a human he was well thought of then on a night that seemed like anyother he went out with his father to celebrate his 23rd birthday they walked down a dark New York alley when they were attacked by a strong unhuman like man. Dimitry held off the attacker long enough for his father to escape. Dimitry lost shortly after his father was out of sight, he was bitten and left for dead. He woke up the next morning and stagered home to his family.
Special Abilities: Telekinesis and Psychokinesis
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User name: Mew2011
Vampire name: Rori
Gender: female
Age before becoming a vampire: 21
How long you've been a vampire: 202
Faction, Covent choose: Strigoi
[spoiler=Appearance:] [IMG]http://i54.tinypic.com/2m7wyzt.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
Personality: loud mouth but quite at times. She loves to drink can get violent when drunk but other then that nice sweet and strong willed.
Bio: She was born into a high class family and well known. She always loved to play and dance with her little brother. She was to marry a man of another well known family at the age of 18, one day he vanished. She waited for him till her father told her it was time to give up. She unwillingly gave up. She went to a pub only a block away from her family’s home in Sydney Australia. She walked behind the row of houses some what like an alley. A man who was slim and hunched over walked up to her and ask “can you help me young lady?” she was quick to answer yes. She bent down you look into his eyes when he lounged at her biting down into her neck. She woke the next morning and walked home holding her neck. Her mother and father were at the door when she arrived. Her mother and father knew she was hurt so they laid her down on the couch. She whispered “I’m sorry mama and papa.” her father said “Don’t worry sweet heart we’ll make it though……” she didn’t let him finish she bite into his neck letting the blood run down and next was her mother. She only ever let her brother live he was 9 when she left and now he was 18 and vampire following her around waiting to kill her….
Special Abilities: read minds, see the future and change a human’s mood
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Hmm, you need some one who is not a good guy. How about a Physopath?

User name: Lerahk174
Vampire name: Zamore
Gender: Male
Age before becoming a vampire: 18
How long you've been a vampire: 100
Faction, Covent choise: Neutral Compleatly
Appearance: He is a tall teenager. He wears large glasses, and a white shirt with some stains on. He has black trousers that are part of a suit that he got rid of in his early vampire days. He has messy broun hair, and long features on his face. His vampiric teeth are yellow and red with stains. He has long black shoes, and wheres a chain around his neck. He has nearly normal skin. His hands are long and have large nails that have probably never been cut. He also has broun eyes.
Personality: Has a hatred of all things organic, even other vampires. This leads him to be outcast by the others, and he enjoys this. It gives him a certain edge over the others. He also gets into giant battles with other vampiters purely out of hatered. If he could have his way, there would be no life on the planet. But, because he has no side (as he hates all things living, dead or vampiric), he sides with no-one.
Bio: While Zamore (formerly known as Billy Namros) was at Oxford University, he had a crush on a girl called Cyndy. But, unfortunately, this lead him to become a vampire. One night, he went over to her dorm to see her decapitating one of his colegues. She badly wounded him, enough to kill him, but that was not the end of his story. For there was a bite on his neck. As he nearly left the material plane, he came back, full of hatred and vengence. He ran back to the girls dorm, to find her gone. With a roar of anger, he swore to kill all things that were not alread dead, even if it meant sacrifysing his own life. And so, Zamore was born.
Special Abilities: Apart from other vampiric abilities, Day walking and the ability to make people imagine their worst fear.

A await your answer...
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User name: Black Diamond Duelist
Vampire name: Shikoya Marina
Gender: Female
Age before becoming a vampire: 15
How long you've been a vampire: 150
Faction, Covent choise: Moroi
Appearance: [URL=http://img217.imageshack.us/i/shikoya.jpg/][IMG]http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/9295/shikoya.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
Personality: Shy, prefers to wander alone for fear of biting someone, protects humans and friends.
Bio: Shikoya is a rather reluctant vampire. Before she became one, she was an ordinary teenager, hanging out with friends, generally having a good time. One day, on her wy home from school after an after-school class, she walked past the graveyard. She noticed a lost looking man standing in the shade, and, being a kind hearted oul, asked if he needed help. He smiled, showing his vampiric fangs, grabbed poor Shikoya and bit her. Running quickly, she returned home, and tried to act normal, but on several occasions she felt like biting her mother and sucking blood. She saw the man again, in his innocent spot in the shade, and attacked, pushing him into the dim sunlight. Even though Shikoya could stand it for short periods, he could not, and burned and fizzled. After that, Shikoya tried even harder to hide her vampiric side, but it became to strong and she almost bit her father. When her father saw the vampiric fangs, he kicked and screamed, and, to cut the long story short, kicked Shikoya out. After 100 years, she heard about good vampires like herself, but only recently joined the good vampire convent of Moroi. She used to live in Melbourne, Australia until the accident.
Special Abilities: Day Walker, Mind Reader, can become a shadow and blend into others shadows.
EDIT: OK, changed the abbilties slightly so they aren't the usual ones.
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Please all special abilities are not super speed, this is normal for vampires and walking in day light is a form of a day walker this can go in your bio for info on your back ground. Other then that if you would like for the special ability you can put things like ( I know alot of true vampire lovers will hate this but its an exp.) reading minds or any of the twlight powers and or any other vampire books you read just leave info on what the effect of the power is and what cunditions it can be used under.( No adding to the power in the middle of a fight due to the fact that some others can not do the same.)
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Thank you Mew I was just about to post that. Now powers can be inhanced through training and fighting but in fights your powers can inhance after the fight is over. you my also gain power inhancements by killing humans if your an evil vampire. Oh and for all good vampires if you bite a human or you kill another vamiper out of spite or vangents you will be disbanned from your covenet and must join an evil covenet.
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User name: Time Psyduck
Vampire name: Henry York
Gender: Male
Age before becoming a vampire: 21
How long you've been a vampire: Unknown, but at least 750 years.
Faction, Covent choice: Neutral, Nomad
Appearance: Henry is rather tall for the time periods he could have come from, standing over 6 feet tall. He's relatively thin, although not quite bony, and it's usually hidden behind a well-tailored but rather antique-looking black suit, along with matching boots, gloves, wide-brimmed hat and coat. His hair is a dark blond, almost brown, and his eyes are a deep blue, but seem almost tired of looking out at the world. He still looks rather young. Occasionally being out in the sun too long, as well as the time he mos likely grey up in, have aged him slightly, meaning he looks to be closer to 30 than the 20 he actually was upon his conversion, although even he's no longer sure if he was really that young.
Personality: Detached from the world, seeming almost bored with it. He tends to think little of human life, or even that of vampires, unless something is ending them in huge numbers, such as was the case in the World Wars. At that point he will attempt to try and end the conflict, but otherwise he won't involve himself in the affairs of humanity. With no problem with killing or biting, he is far from good, but he considers the aims of the 'evil' vampires short-sighted and futile.
Bio: It's not known where Henry comes from - the earliest memory he has if from the early 1300s, and of a girl he recalls as being descended from his sister. The fact that he had a sister, and that he probably, given his surname, first language and the location of his sister's desendant, lived in England, are the only things he knows about his human life, something which he find somewhat depressing. Since then, he had for the most part been a nomad, and has covered huge areas of the world, learning about various cultures, and then returning after decades or even centuries to find them changed dramatically. He spent some time in some of the convents, but found he couldn't shake the wanderlust he had developed, and so remained nomadic. At one time he probably had relationships; these seem to have had bad endings, since although he can't remember them, he knows that relationships brink pain, and now wants to avoid that pain.
Special Abilities:
- Partial Daywalking: Henry is not capable of full daywalking, however he can survive in the sun for short periods, and due to having adapted if he shades any exposed skin he can remain outdoors for considerable lengths of time.
- Wisdom of Ages: Henry has lived for centuries, and during that time has learnt many fighting styles, as well as how to combine them to best effect. This improves is abilities in all aspects of combat.
- Aura of Authority: Henry gives the impression of someone in a position of power. As a result, he has the capacity to influence humans to do what he wishes them to. This can work on some vampires, but is unreliable.
- Bat Master: Henry has a flock of bats, which are entirely under his control. They are not normally visible, and seem to emerge from his clothing once summoned. They allow him to fly, modify his appearance to a degree, aid in combat and in an emergency protect him from the sun.
- Ethanol Infused: Henry grew up in a time and place when everyone drank alcohol constantly. As a result, his vampiric form is able to process it without side effects. Henry cannot get drunk.
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Second App (to keep my guy's story fresh):

User name: Lerahk174
Vampire name: Cyndy
Gender: Female
Age before becoming a vampire: 18
How long you've been a vampire: 235
Faction, Covent choise: Prima
Personality: She is gental, kind, and manipulative. She is also very fond of he Venus fly trap, as it shows that even the most delicate flower has an evil side. She is also sadistic to the extreme...
Bio: Cyndy was the daughter to the Baron of Buckinghamshire. Even though it was frouned upon, he still practiced tourture in his dungeon. She enjoyed watching and laughing at the poor person who had commited treason. But she was told to never go there without him. This rule was enforced even up to her 18th birthday. But, one night, she heard a call, a plea to be exact, from one person down there. She went down to investigate, and saw heard the call from the iron maiden. She opened it, and a man fell out, holes littering his body. He told her that he was put in there because of practicing vampirism. She dismissed this, but then he showed her by biting her on the neck. She was distroght. How could she tell her father, lest she be pu tin one to. So, she decided to run, and fly away. It became aparent that he was a day-walker, as she could roam freely in the sun. She practiced medicine, but there was a nibling desire to drink blood that persisted to be let out. At first, she held it back. But after 40 years, she went for it and killed a guy called steve. Instead of turning into a vampire, she just dryed him up, making him lose all his blood. It was like this until 1910. After returning, she met a bou called Billy. He fell in love with her, so she decided to turn him. But it had a consiquence. He became a psychopath, and wanted all life dead. So she left, and moved to New York, where some people are still being turned to this day by her.
Special Abilities: Apart from other vampire abilityies (day-walker),she has the ability to do the following:
-Enchantment of mortals (can make most mortals fall in love with her as soon as they see her)
-Option Hunting (She can sense who has the best blood in a group of people)
-Joint Exploit (She can break limbs with ease, as she knows where the weak parts are)
-Blood Lust (She can gain an unsaitable insanity for blood, doubling her streanth and makeing her feel no pain)
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