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A Pop Culture 1 on 1 - Spoon vs. Mako109 (2-3) *LOCK*


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Heya, it's me, searching for another challenge :)



- First one to post and accept the challenge is my opponent... I would prefer a 3 Star or higher for this one, but if you're confident enough, I won't turn you down

- For the Voters only: This is a Pop Culture Contest. If you vote, please try to consider how well the card fits the character it is based on. If you cannot, that's fine, but please at least try

- First to 4 votes wins

- Prize: 1 Rep


Card Requirements:

Make a Pop Culture Effect Monster (card based on an anime, video game, film, band, cookie recipe, whatever). If necessary, give links, videos, etc. to clarify what the card is based on. That is all.


[spoiler=Mako109's card (3 Votes)]258841.jpg


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Summoned by Tributing 2 Warrior-Type Monsters. Once Summoned, place 3 Shield Counters on this card. Every time this is card is chosen as an attack target, remove 1 counter and negate the attack. Once the counters are gone, send this card to the Graveyard. Every 2 turns, place another counter on this card.



[spoiler=Spoon's card (2 Votes)]234848t.jpg


When this card is Summoned, place 5 Light Counters and 5 Shadow Counters on it. If this card would be destroyed by a card effect, you can remove 1 Light Counter and 1 Shadow Counter from it instead. Once per turn, you can remove 1 Light Counter from this card to gain 1200 Life Points OR remove 1 Shadow Counter to destroy 1 DARK monster your opponent controls. If there are no Light Counters and no Shadow Counters on this card, place 2 Dream Counter on it and it gains the following effect: Each time you gain Life Points or a monster is destroyed by battle, place 1 Dream Counters on this card (max. 10). Once per turn, you can remove 3 Dream Counters from this card to add 1 Spell Card from your Deck to your hand OR return 1 Spell Card from your Graveyard to your hand. Each time a Spell Card is activated, remove 1 Dream Counter from this card. If there are no OR 10 Dream Counters on this card, remove it from play and destroy all cards on the field. As long as this card remains in your Removed from Play Zone after it's own effect was activated, neither player can activate Spell Cards. During your 3rd Standby Phase, while this card is removed from play, send it to the Graveyard.



So long,



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Lore: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Summoned by Tributing 2 Warrior-Type Monsters. Once Summoned, place 3 Shield Counters on this card. Every time this is card is chosen as an attack target, remove 1 counter and negate the attack. Once the counters are gone, send this card to the Graveyard. Every 2 turns, place another counter on this card.


Here ya go!

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I vote Spoon, because his effect is very creative, utilizing many different counters. Mako's card, though useful, does not have an original effect. It's just a copy of Big Core's effect. Though Spoon's seems OP'ed, but creativity and originality beats balance.


On another note, I love Chopin (the actual composer). I'm a pianist and a cellist so I enjoy seeing cards based on composers (even animated ones :))

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Alright, now officially 1-1. We need more votes!




(Mine is a copy? I didn't know. I know little to nothing about any Yu-Gi-Oh cards that exist...That effect was very fitting to Master Chief, so I used it.)

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