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[s]Ripped off from[/s] Inspired by Phantom Roxas' Aki cards. I know this has been done to death, but why the hell not?

Ancient Fairy Dragon/Assault Mode
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by the effect of "Assault Mode Activate". When this card is Special Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster from your Deck. Once per turn, you can destroy a card on the field, and return a card of the same Card Type (Monster, Spell, or Trap) from your Graveyard to your Deck. When this card is destroyed, Special Summon 1 "Ancient Fairy Dragon" from your Graveyard.

~...Assault Mode. Hell, if DKD can set up OTKs, this thing can be the Transmigration Prophecy with explosion effects.

Savior Fairy Dragon
"Salvation Dragon - Savior Dragon" + "Ancient Fairy Dragon" + 1 non-Tuner monster
When this card is Synchro Summoned, destroy 1 card your opponent controls. Add a card that is the same type of card to your hand. Once per turn, negate the effect(s) of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls until the End Phase. You can Special Summon a monster from your hand or Graveyard with a Level identical to the selected monster. Return this card to the Extra Deck during the End Phase, and Special Summon 1 "Ancient Fairy Dragon" from your Graveyard.

Solar Flare Dragon
2 Tuner Monsters + "Ancient Fairy Dragon"
You can activate each of the following effects once per turn: ~You can Special Summon a Level 4 or lower monster from your hand. ~Gain 500 Life Points for every Tuner monster in your Graveyard. ~When an opponent's monster declares an attack, you can remove from play this card to negate the attack. If you negate an attack this way, Special Summon this card during the End Phase.

Whatever is left will be done at a later time.
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[quote name='Bringeroficecream' timestamp='1285653364' post='4662962']
[s]Ripped off from[/s] Inspired by Phantom Roxas' Aki cards. I know this has been done to death, but why the hell not?

Ancient Fairy Dragon/Assault Mode
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by the effect of "Assault Mode Activate". When this card is Special Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster from your Deck. Once per turn, you can destroy a card on the field, and return a card of the same Card Type (Monster, Spell, or Trap) from your Graveyard to your Deck. When this card is destroyed, Special Summon 1 "Ancient Fairy Dragon" from your Graveyard.

~...Assault Mode. Hell, if DKD can set up OTKs, this thing can be the Transmigration Prophecy with explosion effects.

I'll do the rest tomorrow, but I wanted to make this thread tonight.

I think that ALL of the Signer Dragons should eventually come out with assault mode cards, Accel Synchros, and Majestics. It doesn't make sense that Jack and Yusei get ALL the glory.
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