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Bleach: Re- History and Birth [Accepting Characters]


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[b]1700 Years ago - Hueco Mundo[/b]

The Vasto Lordes had left the city he had been in for as long as he could remember. The other Vasto Lordes did not take kindly to his ideas of destroying other beings, leaving only themselves. They called him absurd, saying his plan was too ambitious and insane. Still, this Hollow thought they were wrong. He would prove his plan would succeed, with a new power source. The ex-Shinigami, Sosuke Aizen, had been recruiting Hollows to rip off their masks. The others had laughed at the concept, but it had intrigued him. It meant more power, especially in this form. As he had arrived to Aizen, and pledged his allegiance, Aizen had ripped off his mask, and he felt the power coursing through him. Without a word to another sould, he left, although he knew many of the Espada were watching, willing him to be gone. Three in particular had caught his eye. The first had a helmet fragment on his head, and blank green eyes, accompanied by pure white skin and tear marks. He looked feral and calm at the same time. He knew this man, he was one of the only other Vasto Lordes to leave their city. The next was a pink-haired fellow, who seemed to be a bit too... frilly and sexual, yet hopelessly mad. He took note of him for future use. The last one was a tall black man. The only reason that he had even been noticed was the obsession he seemed to have for the leader, and the hatred the man had for him. As he walked out of Las Noches, he made a promise. "You will fall. If not by my hand, by another's. And you will be erased from history." He turned around to leave, and he found a small Arrancar girl in his way. she was staring up at him in awe, but he could have cared less. He kicked the green-haired girl out of his way, and mentally archived the crack on her mask remains. It was presumably a battle scar. [i]"This girl... she seems stronger than she looks, or than her tears let on..."[/i] He kicked her once more, and walked off into the dunes.

From the gate of Hueco Mundo, another Arrancar female watched, poking her head out of the gateway. Her head, except for her face, covered by a 3 faced mask, and it covered part of her waist long blond hair. [i]"Wow...."[/i], she thought, turning away before the scene with the young girl. [i]"What a guy. Handsome, strong, and intelligent to renege on his pledge to Lord Aizen! I wish I was like that..."[/i] She turned around to see him once more, and caught a glimpse of him before he was out of sight. [i]"If only I was not so petite and plain... maybe then I'd have a man like him..."[/i] She wiped away a tear, and was about to turn back when she heard a cold voice. "What are you doing? Staring after a traitor like that could be seen as treason." She turned around to see Ulquiorra looking down at her, and she stammered an answer. "H-hello, s-sir. D-didn't see y-you t-there." She was afraid of punishment, but he just kept staring at her. "Forget about him. He will die. Go to your quarters." was all Ulquiorra said, before he turned, and walked back into the bowels of Las Noches. She stared on, out of breath from being scared. Without a word, she obeyed the Espada, and fell into depression at his words. Then her problems began.


[b]500 Years ago - Hueco Mundo[/b]

He had kept tabs on that girl, the little Arrancar he had kicked. It turned out her name was Nelliel Tu, and she was an ex-Espada. She had also formed a relationship of sorts with an odd being, Half-Shingami, Half-human, and a Hollow, all in one. That child had given the girl more purpose, and had enabled her to shift back to her initial form time and again. The last time, however, she ripped her mask clean off, shocking him. Did she wish to die? But, Nel did not die. Instead, she was very much alive and well, and her Reiatsu exploded when she removed her mask. He had been enraptured by the level she was now at, and had decided to try himself. When he removed his mask, his plan changed, as he now knew what he could truly accomplish. There, his campaign began. His first recruit was a petite girl, who ripped her whole mask off. Se had a lot of potential, he could see, but he did not remember her from the fort. He figured she was not around then, but he was wrong. She was a quick-learner, and became his second-in-command very quickly. A few more came, band many were to come, under the goal of a world to themselves.


[b]100 Years Ago - Soul Society[/b]
"What?!" The pink haired girl on the right shrieked "What do you mean we are hereby banished?! We never did anything wrong!" She screeched at Byakuya, the Captain Commander.

"Taking on the powers of a Hollow... is an offense punishable by death." He shot the loud girl a piercing eye, then turned to the other girl, with a somewhat softer look. "You two have until sunrise to get out of here. By then I will have reported my findings. Go." He waved his hand, and dismissed the duo, the Captain and Lieutenant of Squad 8; Identical Twins.


[b]76 Years ago - Soul Society[/b]

"You... caught him?" The red headed woman asked the man, holding the captain of squad 2 over his shoulder. Her husband stood next to her, black hair all messy. "Did he really... could he possibly..." As his voice trickled out, the man spoke.

"Yes, he did. I have caught him, and will be taking him to the Central 46. I would request you 2 join me. Will you?" He extended his hand. The spouses looked at one another, and, knowing they had nothing left there, shook the man's hand. "Excellent. Please, head off. I'll be having a talk with this man." The man commanded, as he held the captain up against a tree, and moved his hand towards his face.

[b]75 Years ago - The Soul Society[/b]

"Ahahaha! Of course I did it! I killed them all! They were in my way, and I was glad to shed their blood!" The captain of Squad 2 yelled at the Central 46, in reiatsu sealing garb. "I killed the captains and lieutenants of Squads 3 and 13! They were going to stop me from unlocking the Ouin, so I blew them up! AHAHAHA!!!!" The man, Ranma, laughed maniacally. Anyone that had known him before hand would be shocked at the change, but it was not the most surprising in the Soul Society's history. "So, you pompous fools, what are you gonna do?! KILL ME?! I've already done all I can, so go ahead! But you fools, oh you fools... I will be waiting for you in hell!" Before he could continue his tirade, he was sentenced to death, and taken to the rebuilt execution grounds. He was dead before sunrise. The bodies of the dead captains and lieutenants were gone, destroyed by an explosion.
[spoiler=Arc 1: Restart]
[b]Present Day - Hueco Mundo[/b]

As he looked out over the sand dunes of Hueco Mundo, he could but smile. Everything was going according to plan. He spoke to the woman to his right, his second-in-command. "Dear, would you please send the groups out now? I think it is about time for the cogs to move, don't you?" She nodded in agreement, before her clear blue eyes changed appearance. They turned purple, and the normal pupil became vertically elongated and sharp. "Of coursssse. She actuallay ssssent them hoursss ago. We knew the plan wasss planned to ssstart today, ssso we sssssurprisssssed you." The eyes changed again, now turning yellow and horizontally rectangular. Her voice also deepened greatly. "Hmph. You thought we would not initiate your plan of grandeur? How absurd!" the eyes changed once more, just turning grey this time, and her voice became like a young boy's. "Yeah, old man! We can do what we are supposed to!" Her eyes returned to normal, and she addressed her boss directly. "Yes sir, they are right. I did do it." The man just smiled wide, and hugged her, giving her a kiss on the forehead. "And that is what I love about you, darlin'."

As the two spoke, the three groups of three headed out for their respective areas. Groups A and B utilized the Garganta to get to the Soul Society, as well as the forests around it. When they landed, Group A headed towards Rukngai, while Group B split up, and headed into the forests. Group C, however, headed deeper into Huec Mundo, towards the camp of the unwitting Decrassion. The leader of group C spoke as they headed in. "These filth... why have we yet to destroy them?" The question was rhetorical, and his subordinates dared not answer.


Nel stretched as she woke up, as she did every morning, or so it seemed. Without thinking about anything, she hopped up, and walked around her tent a few times, as part of her morning routine. The sand in the circular area she walked was steadily decreasing due to her walking patterns. The Decrassion had not moved in a while, as they had not been disturbed by any of the feral Hollows, or struggling Arrancar that were left over. As she walked in the circle, she reflected on her dream the night before. She had dreamed the moon of Hueco Mundo began to glow red, and it began to destroy everything in sight. After Hueco Mundo was gone, it moved on to the Soul Society, and finally the human world, but she was not about to let that happen. As her daily pacing ended, she put on her dress, a replica of her old Arrancar clothing, but black, and headed out of her large tent. The sight that met her was a large camp, full of tents, made from salvaged real world materials, and a new day for the camp to do what they had to do. Save souls. She began to walk towards the tent next to hers, she was met by two flying figures. She fell to the ground, laughing, as Dondochakka and Pesche had glomped her. She pushed the two off, and told them good morning, as well as telling them to wake up the camp. "You two are a lot louder than I am, so you do it." She had told them, to get them to do their assigned duties. They were still Arrancar, but the group loved them all the same.


Ralis heard Pesche yelling into his tent, and he would not stand for that. He shot out of bed, uncharaceteristically, and fussed at the Arrancar. "I told you to stay away from my tent, Pesche." He drew his Zanpakutou, Sendotou, and held it at Pesche's throat. He heard him crack a joke about how he needed to watch where he poked that thing, and that set Ralis off, chasing the Arrancar around camp, shirtless. He let Pesche get away, after he hit him upside the had, and returned to his tent to put his clothes on. A ew minutes later, Ralis emerged, and headed towards the giant tent Nel used, approaching her without fear. He admired her a lot, almost obsessively. As he arrived at the tent, he knocked, and gave Nel his usual calm 'Good Morning", before moving on to help the Arrancar wake up the others. [i]"Another day, another mission, another fight, possibly."[/i]


[b][u]Soul Society - Present Day[/u][/b]

All of the Gotei 13 had been called together for a very special event. After seventy five years, a shinigami suitable for the position of thirteenth squad captain had been found. Ever since the incident in the past of the second squad captain's assault of two other captains many shinigami had been trying to obtain and master their bankai to fill the three vacant positions. Unfortunately, only one had succeeded and while he was certainly no longer on any lieutenant's level, it could not be said this new captain was comparable to any of the already established captains. Captain Commander Byakuya Kuchiki just had to hope that would change with time. More so than others, the vacant positions were not stressing him. He had fought in Soul Society's greatest crisis and in that time three captains had defected. In the case of having three captains dead but not opposing them, Byakuya felt it was a rather simple matter of waiting for time. The ceremony went rather simply, ending with the new captain releasing his shikai for all to see. It was a rather simple fire based shikai, and it got Byakuya thinking as to when the last time he saw a truly unique zanpakuto was. The ceremony over, the captains, lieutenants, and other seated officers began to congratulate the new captain. However Byakuya didn't want to let it last too long. Before long each captain and lieutenant saw a hell butterfly flutter down near their ears with a simple message from Captain Commander Kuchiki. It said, "All captains and lieutenants are to meet in half an hour as scheduled. No ceremony will make an exception to these meetings." Simple yes, but very much from Byakuya. Byakuya was already inside the meeting room and would await the arrival of the captains and lieutenants over the next half hour. He was already rather sure he'd have to lecture the new thirteenth captain as he was rather sure he'd be late with all the people who would want to speak with him.


[u][b]Hueco Mundo[/b][/u]

Armand had already been up for about an hour when he heard Dondachakka and Pesche begin waking the group. He hadn't been in his tent as he was off thinking on his own.
[i]"This constant darkness and moonlight... it's depressing. Though I can only barely remember the sun. Funny how I never found it depressing but rather invigorating as a hollow."[/i] he thought. He saw Ralis chasing Pesche for a bit and got up from the sand he had been sitting in to head in. As he stood he sort of instinctively placed his left hand on Kumohyou, his zanpakuto, that rested horizontally across his back at about his waist. He walked into the middle of camp where he saw Serket, Dondachakka, and Pesche. Serket seemed to be getting back to sleep and Nel's fraccion were no doubt off to wake the rest of the group. Ralis was off to Nel's tent as Armand had expected him to be.
[i]"We all care a great deal for Ms. Nel, but Ralis without a doubt competes the most for her attention with her fraccion."[/i] Armand thought as he took a seat in the sand not too far away from Serket. He probably should have been off to Nel's tent as well in case he was needed for anything, but it was early and he didn't have too much of a drive to do much at the moment. That and he wasn't one to go out and ask people about what he might be able to do for them.


[u][b]Soul Society[/b][/u]

Junichiro sat on a tree branch, in the forest of the Soul Society. Something in the forest was amiss, and he knew something was coming. He had spent hours communing with his blade's Spirit, and with his Inner Hollow. The two agreed with him... that the forest was truly different that day. Plunging into his soul once more, he fell into a trance, and he would not emerge for a few more hours.


[u][b]Hueco Mundo[/b][/u]

The man's twisted grin could be seen, staring out from atop his tower, into the desert of Hueco Mundo. "Excellent." He breathed, "All is according to my plan. Only oe detail has been altered, thus far, and that was you." He reached down, and picked up a baby out of a crib, made along with the Arrancar's initial motif. He held the boy up by the back of his shirt, and stared at him. "Oh well. No plan is without flaws, natural or otherwise. Right?" He dropped the boy back down, but not in a way that would harm it. [i]"Even he... cnanot ruin these plans."[/i]
[spoiler=Apps(PM to me)]
[spoiler=Shinigami (Soul Reaper)]
Release Phrase:
Shikai description:
Bankai Name:
Bankai Description:
Description of Zanpakuto Spirit (Like Zangetsu or any of the spirits in the Zanpakuto Tales filler arc in the Anime):
Description of Spirit in Bankai:
[Spoiler=Powers & Abilities]
Swordsmanship: (How well your character is with a sword)
Flash Step: (Explain in grave detail how well and to what length your character can use this ability)
Spiritual Pressure: (Explain in great detail your spiritual pressure, especially if you posses a element based Zanpakutō. Include Color)
Strength: (Describe your characters strength level and how it affects his ability to fight.)
Endurance: (Describe your characters endurance level and how it affects his ability to fight)
Durability: (Describe your Characters durability level and how it would affect his battles.)
Kido: (Don't list the kido's you character can do, instead explain how well he can use it, and up to what numbers they can use.)
Hand to Hand: (Explain how well your character can fight in hand to hand combat, also explain how this would help or disable your character in a battle.)
Release Phrase:
Shikai description:
Bankai Name:
Bankai Description:
Description of Hollow Mask:
Abilities granted by Hollow Mask:
Description of Inner Soul (Think of Ichigo's soul, then create your own):
[Spoiler=Powers & Abilities]
Swordsmanship: (How well your character is with a sword)
Flash Step: (Explain in grave detail how well and to what length your character can use this ability)
Spiritual Pressure: (Explain in great detail your spiritual pressure, especially if you posses a element based Zanpakutō. Include Color)
Strength: (Describe your characters strength level and how it affects his ability to fight.)
Endurance: (Describe your characters endurance level and how it affects his ability to fight)
Durability: (Describe your Characters durability level and how it would affect his battles.)
Kido: (Don't list the kido's you character can do, instead explain how well he can use it, and up to what numbers they can use.)
Hand to Hand: (Explain how well your character can fight in hand to hand combat, also explain how this would help or disable your character in a battle.)
Release Phrase:
Shikai description:
Bankai Name:
Bankai Description:
Full Hollow Form Description (Think of Ichigo's form, or any Vizard's full Hollow Form. Go from there):.
[Spoiler=Powers & Abilities]
Swordsmanship: (How well your character is with a sword)
Flash Step: (Explain in grave detail how well and to what length your character can use this ability)
Spiritual Pressure: (Explain in great detail your spiritual pressure, especially if you posses a element based Zanpakutō. Include Color)
Strength: (Describe your characters strength level and how it affects his ability to fight.)
Endurance: (Describe your characters endurance level and how it affects his ability to fight)
Durability: (Describe your Characters durability level and how it would affect his battles.)
Hand to Hand: (Explain how well your character can fight in hand to hand combat, also explain how this would help or disable your character in a battle.)
Appearance(Don't forget where the filled in Hollow Hole is. The Hole is healed except for a circular scar.):
[spoiler=App Examples]
[b]Name:[/b] Byakuya Kuchiki
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Name:[/b] Senbonzakura
[b]Release Phrase:[/b] Scatter, Senbonzakura.
[b]Shikai description:[/b] Byakuya holds his sword straight up in front of his face. Upon his command his sword glows pink and begins breaking into small fragments. These fragments become small blades that Byakuya can control simply with his mind. The way the senbon blades catch the light makes them resemble cherry blossom petals. An opponent can be cut apart before they're even sure what exactly was attacking them.
[b]Bankai Name:[/b] Senbonzakura Kageyoshi
[b]Bankai Description:[/b] Byakuya holds his sword, the blade point to the ground. He drops the sword and declares bankai. The sword disappears into the ground and behind him two rows of large swords come up from the ground. He gives the command to scatter and all the large blades scatter into senbon blades. It's essentially like his shikai but on a much larger level of blades. Senbon Zakura can take on many forms in bankai.

[u]Normal form:[/u] This is where he simply has the mass of blades and moves them around to dash opponents to pieces in the barrage. It can be surprisingly effective. Byakuya often doesn't move while his blades go to work as they can attack and defend him. If Byakuya begins using his hands to direct the flow the blades move at twice their normal speed, and they were already moving pretty fast.

[u]Senkei form:[/u] Byakuya restates his bankai name with Senkei added to the front. All of thousands of blades condense into four rows of swords that surround Byakuya and his opponent in a circle. Byakuya can summon any of the blades to his hands at any given time. This is the form Byakuya uses when he swears to kill an enemy with his own two hands.

[u]Gokei form:[/u] Byakuya restates his bankai name with Gokei added to the front. In this form the number of blades drastically increases. The blades then surround Byakuya's opponent from all sides in a spherical formation. There is no escape from it unless the opponent can survive moving through the sphere and being cut thousands of times. At Byakuya's command the entire sphere collapses inward at high speeds with an explosion of Byakuya's reiatsu to boot.

[u]Shukei form:[/u] Byakuya restates his bankai name with Shukei added to the front. He then gathers all of his bankai's blades into one sword. Doing so greatly increases his power. His sword begins glowing white. Additionally large white wings of reiatsu manifest on his back along with a large white halo that is parallel to his back. Byakuya cannot use this form for long. It is meant to be a one shot attack to end a fight.

[u]Kamikei form:[/u] Byakuya restates his bankai name with Kamikei added to the front. This form of his bankai was one Byakuya took many years to create and master and didn't have a full grasp of it until he became captain commander. In this form Byakuya directly links each individual blade of his bankai to his soul. Each blade then derives massive power and speed from the power of Byakuya's spirit. The blades in this form can do several things. First of all, if they gather around an injured person, that person will begin to heal because the blades have so much reiatsu in them they can't contain it all. Its second function is to form impossibly strong shields out of a few thousand of the millions of blades. These shields can guard physical blows from all but the strongest fighters and they guard any hado up through number 85. It's third function is offensive but also supportive. Byakuya can coat any allies weapon in a few hundred of his blades. This gives their weapon greatly increased cutting strength and it restores some reiatsu to the person. This form allows Byakuya to support all of the Seireitei should the whole of the Gotei 13 be fighting. It's helped the Gotei 13 through several large scale invasions and attacks. When Byakuya is fighting with this form as opposed to supporting others it allows him to rapidly switch between his bankai's other forms and even use multiple forms at once.

[b]Description of Zanpakuto Spirit:[/b] According to the anime and Bleach wiki, Senbonzakura appears as a masked samurai in full-body armor. He has long, dark brown hair tied with a silver ribbon and wears a golden forehead plate that resembles a half-cherry blossom. From what little is seen from when his mask was broken apart, he appears to resemble Byakuya to some degree.
[Spoiler=[b]Powers & Abilities[/b]]
[b]Swordsmanship:[/b] Byakuya had been a master swordsman ever since he became a captain. So obviously by the time he became captain commander he was the best Soul Society had to offer in swordsman. No one can really hope to outmaneuver him with a sword, at least in Soul Society.
[b]Flash Step:[/b] Byakuya had been known as the King of Flash, this due in part to his 'training' with Yoruichi in which he never beat her. He's easily the fastest captain in Soul Society, perhaps only rivaled by the current Second Squad Captain. A single flash step can take him great distances. He can use a great number of them and never tire. He's even made several variations of it. Noticeably one where by adding an extra step he appears behind his opponent and then proceeds to stab them in their chain link and soul sleep. His speed would be overwhelming to most.
[b]Spiritual Pressure:[/b] Being the captain commander, Byakuya is the strongest captain in Soul Society. With this comes a truly oppressive spiritual pressure that can stop anyone weaker than a captain in their tracks. Captains feel some effects but are mostly able to function otherwise. His power usually manifests in a white or pink color and can be felt in great force for great distances when it really gets going.
[b]Strength:[/b] Byakuya has not lost much of his physical strength with his age. Of course he was never outstanding or well known for his physical strength. It's still obviously not human level but there are some captains that can out do him here.
[b]Endurance:[/b] Byakuya has great endurance and this came mostly as a result of his flashstep training and training to prolong the amount of time his bankai can be used. Byakuya's own abilities will never tired him out if they're simply being used. Of course when he's fighting and being injured he'll start to tire eventually but that takes a lot to happen.
[b]Durability:[/b] Byakuya has surprisingly deceptive durability. Though he isn't the most physically imposing he can take several injuries, sometime pretty bad as well, and still function like he wasn't harmed. He's fought and won with multiple injured limbs in the past.
[b]Hand to Hand:[/b] Though he hardly ever uses it, Byakuya has shown that he is proficient in hand to hand combat.
[b]Kido Abilities:[/b] Byakuya has always been known for his Kido abilities. Now he is able to use all hado and bakudo known to Soul Society. Essentially, if the kido wasn't made outside of Soul Society, Byakuya can use it. All but level 90 and higher hado and bakudo can be used without incantation. Byakuya is also capable of advanced kido techniques such as casting two spells at once or using an incantation after casting to increase strength. Byakuya can make even low level kido very dangerous and will prove it very early on in most fights.
[b]Appearance:[/b] Imagine Byakuya. Do you see him? If not go [url=http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m282/XenaGirl_2006/Kuchiki_Byakuya_by_Tru_Colorz.jpg]here.[/url] Now he is much older and has the appearance of an old man. His hair is still all there though it's gray now and a bit shorter. His skin is wrinkled but no where near as much as Yamamoto. Other than that nothing is different with Byakuya.
[spoiler=[b]Personality:[/b]] From Bleach Wiki: Byakuya Kuchiki is the 28th head of the noble Kuchiki clan, one of the four great noble families in Soul Society. As such, Byakuya acts in an aristocratic manner — he seems always serene and apathetic towards other people, even when he is actually deeply conflicted. He is also extremely calm, even in battle, and is very seldom surprised by even the most drastic of actions.

Byakuya strongly believes in law and order. As the head of one of the great noble families and as a captain in the Gotei 13, he always works hard for a peaceful society. He feels that if someone in his position does not follow the rules as a good example, then no one will follow them. He believes that to maintain the order, all law-breakers must be punished, even if that goes against his own wishes. In spite of his icy and regal manner, Byakuya cares for and protects those important to him. After the events of the Aizen incident, he admitted that law isn't perfect and became more lenient, as well as more protective, of his adoptive sister, Rukia.
[spoiler=[b]Bio:[/b]] This link will give you everything for the plot of Bleach itself, I'll describe things for the RP. http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Byakuya
You'll have to forgive the low grad bio here. It's Byakuya... he became captain commander, what else can I say?

After the Aizen incident Soul Society went without a Captain commander for awhile. After a few years Shunsui Kyoraku took over as Captain Commander. Eventually the oldest captains, namely Kyoraku, Ukitake and Unohana, died. Another few years passed without a captain commander. It became more and more apparent that Byakuya was best suited to take the role. He's held the position for awhile now and has seen many of the older shinigami that fought with him against Aizen pass on. Of course he's also seen many new shinigami come into the ranks and is confident in what they can do.

With recent events Byakuya is concerned more and more with the safety of Soul Society as a whole. His top priority is to keep what has been entrusted to him safe. He doesn't intend to let Soul Society fall after it has survived a thread like Aizen. For the moment Byakuya does not know the full threat the new enemies present and for the moment will not allow the Captains or Vice-Captains of Soul Society go on a full offensive to stop it. As the enemy shows more of what they can do he will then begin to increase the vigor with which they attack.

Name: Nelliel Tu Odelschwank
Gender: Female
Name: Reiyoukishi
Release Phrase: Declare, Reiyoukishi!
Shikai description: Reiyoukishi changes from a basic katana into a fencing lance, made for jousting.
Bankai Name*: Kihei Reiyoukishi
Bankai Description*: Nel's legs are covered in a green wool-like clothing, that reaches all the way down to shoes designed to look elongated hooves. Her chest is covered by a green breast plate and chain-mail is underneath the plate, covering her from hips to neck, even her otherwise exposed midriff. On her head a plumed, horned helmet appears, with a visor that can be pulled down over her eyes. The Fencing Lance becomes double sided, with a small area for the handle between the two sides. In this form, Nelliel's speed, strength, and other physical abilities are greatly enhanced, to the point of being the strength she was in her ressurreccion before ripping off her mask. Her signature ability is called Jade Jousting, in which she charges at an enemy while charging green reiatsu on her lance, before she disappears and begins shooting around a Medium sized area, where all that can be seen of her is a green reiatsu cone appearing and disappearing. Her other ability makes her lance glow green, and shoot out bullets made of green reiatsu at wherever one or both of her lance's tips are pointing.
Full Hollow Form Description: Nel can only unveil this form while she is using her Bankai. Nel's lance begins to emit haze around her before it explodes in a flash of green life. When Nel is revealed, her head is encased in an Antelope's skull, with yellow eyes peering out of the eye holes. The skull's horns are pointing forward rather than back. Her legs are replaced by an Ibex's body, complete with a black horse tail. Her hair is much longer, and goes down to just above her new legs. From her hips to her neck, Nel is covered in bony skin with markings on it resembling a knight's armor. Her chest, but not midriff, is covered by a thin green cloth, stopping about 3 inches above where her belly button would be. The Ibex body also has bony sections resembling the armor a medieval knight's horse would be wearing as well. Finally, Nel's lance has a dark green ribbon hanging from the middle. Nel can charge a Dark Pink Cero between her horns, and fire it with a force strong enough to kill any non-captain Shinigami on impact, and seriously incapacitate others. If a Cero, Reiatsu attack, or Reiatsu Kido is fired at Nel, she can inhale it, and shoot back a bright pink cero called Cero Doble which fuses her Cero with the inhaled cero. Finally, she can throw her Lance in a spin, in an attack called Lanzador Verde, which causes reiatsu to swirl around the lance, creating a much stronger throwingforce, similar to a drill with reiatsu added.

*Depending on your RP sample, you may or may not have Bankai from the start.
[Spoiler=Powers & Abilities]
Swordsmanship: Nelliel is a master swordmistress, being able to fight with even the Captain Commander of Soul Society and hold her own ground, eventually gaining the edge. She is also extremely proficient with a fencing lance
Flash Step: Nel uses a mixture of Flash Step and Sonido to increase her speed on the battle field. She can use Flash Step and Sonido as well as any Captain level Shinigami, and can use it for great distances and amounts of time.
Spiritual Pressure: Nel's spiritual pressure is similar to that of a Head Captain, and she is able to subdue any non-captain without lifting a finger. Her Spiritual pressure takes on a pink color.
Strength: Nel is actually very strong for her size. She can lift objects, that many men could not lift, with ease. While she is not the strongest person, she is stronger than the average captain.
Endurance: Nel can endure for long battles, even if she uses her more strenuous abilities. Except when she uses her Hollow form, she can battle for as long as required.
Durability: Nel's Hierro endured from when she was an Arrancar, and it makes her resistant to blades wielded by lower level Shinigami. She does not take damage except from more powerful attacks, such as a Shikai ability and beyond.
Hand to Hand: Nelliel is an expert hand to hand fighter, not really need her Zanpakuto except for the kill. She can keep up with almost anyone in a fist fight.
Appearance: http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Nelliel_Tu_Odelschwanck
Personality: See appearance
Bio: See appearance
(You MUST write out the three above, I did not for time constraint)
RP Sample(Must be at least 6 LINES, not sentences): N/A
[spoiler=Arc 1: Restart][spoiler=Chapter1]
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reserve? Im new to bleach so i dont understand in the apps who the last choice are and i still have to read the plot but reserve anyway, the only thing i really need to know is what you mean by "release Phrase" is that basically like what the aracana (or whatever they're called) use?
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[quote name='~Soulciety~' timestamp='1286366250' post='4683324']
why wasn't my guy in it?

Your character will show up eventually.
Don't ask these questions. They usually irritate the writer.
...Well, it irritates me anyway. >_>

Good chapter is good, Black.
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[quote name='~Cherry~' timestamp='1286367641' post='4683336']
Your character will show up eventually.
Don't ask these questions. They usually irritate the writer.
...Well, it irritates me anyway. >_>

Good chapter is good, Black.

sorry i just thought that because there weren't many apps sent that all the characters would show up in the first chapter, my bad.
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My zanpakathingies were orignal.....

Eh, the chapter kinda was lamish, it introduced a few characters but a Chap 1 is supposed to show the premise and stuff.

We get all these bits and pieces of stuff but nothing happens. We in the end know a few things that are more like side things.
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Black, how come I didn't know you turned it into a FF. I would have all ready regiven you my app for use. I'm kind of dissapointed the rp didn't go anywhere, but from what I've seen from Andx's FF I wasn't dissapointed, and I know that I wont be dissapointed by this one either. Give me a bit to find the app and I'll send it to ya via PM once again.
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