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Final Fantasy: War of the Gods [Not Started, Accepting]


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Since the beggining of time the Goddess of harmony, Cosmos, and the God of disorder, Chaos, have been in an eternal war with no end.... until now.

In a war-torn dimesion of Nega, Chaos summond his most powerful servants from across the globe to fight for him and destroy Cosmos.
Cosmos and her followers fought valiantly but were eventually defeated by the overwhelming power of disorder. In a last attempt to stop Chaos from destroying their Goddess, Cosmos's most powerful Warriors sacrificed themselves to destroy the armies of evil and seal Chaos away.
It is said that in gratitude for their sacrifice, Cosmos sealed the spirits of these legendary warriors in their weapons to be used again if Chaos ever returned.

It has been many, many years since that event and it is seen now as more myth then actual truth by the inahibitants of Nega.
Yet little do they know that Cosmos is always watching over them, waiting for the impeding return of Chaos and another war that will destroy the land.


In this RP you will play a character chosen by Cosmos to try to stop the return of Chaos, as several of his followers have resurfaced and are trying to ressurect him.
At the beggining of this RP your character will be transported to Cosmos's Shrine because he/she is in possesion or has found one of the weapons of the Heroes that gave thier life for Cosmos
This is an entirely new dimension and will not have any characters from the previous Final Fantasies.



You may not play as an already existing character!!!!
In other words no-one will be playing as Cloud or a character who has an unusual resemblance to Cloud.

All YCM rules apply to this RP. God-Modding, Power Playing, Meta-Gaming etc.

Tell me if you might be inactive. It's o.k. because I know aboiut the horros of different time zones.

The plot is different then the plot in dissidia. The similarity between it and this is the war between the two gods.



There are many races in the Final Fanatasy Universe and in this RP you can play as a few of them. Depending on your race depends on the Weapons you may use.


The most common race through the lands. They are found nearly everywhere and can do nearly everything from being a warrior to a mage. Yet due to their versatility they are not exceptionaly good at any of their classes.


The second most populate race, moogles are short and frail so are not used to being on the front line of battle. Instead they like to plan out their attacks with their superior intellect.


A rare species, these guys love nothing more then to drink until they can't drink no more and then fight until they can drink again. They live high up in the mountains and spend alot of time mining for rare gems.
Taller then moogles yet shorter then Humes these guys are tough and capable of withstanding nearly any attack.


A strange race of Female-only, rabbit-like, beings who live only in forests and jungles. They can communicate with nature and so live in peace together with the trees and animals. They harbour a hatred towards dwarfs for their brutish nature and disregard for the earth.


[spoiler=Towns, Cities and Places of Interest]

This RP will take place on one large continent with many Town and Cities strewn across it.
Here I will list a few places that the Heroes will be likely to be from or come across, other areas may be added later as they become important.
Feel free to come up with your own towns and cities to be used, actually this would be very helpful and save me time.

[b] Quake Canyon[/b]

This is a huge canyon is the centre of the continent.
Supposedly, this is the area where the Heroes sacrificed their lives for Cosmo, so it is concidered a very holy place.
Throuought the years people have made pilgramiges here from across the world.
A small village is situated on the west side of the canyon that accomodates people making pilgramiges.


Situated in a large jungle in the southern part of the Continent, deep within the vast amount of trees and animals lies the village of Doga. Home to the Viera and the Moogle this town is made up of tree houses created by the moogles. The sky is not visible through the thick foliage and light only gets through small gaps in the trees, because of this the town is light with torches hung on the trees.


A large kingdom which lays on the most eastern part of the world. This is the largest city in the world and is filled with people, many of which are merchants who have traveled there to set up shop. At the top of the city lies a castle, wherein resides the ruler of all the land. From within the castle the King governs all.
This city also boasts a large army which has not been necesary for a long time.


A small village hidden in the mountains in the northern range of the Canyon and home to Dwarfs. The village is built in a large crator formed in an earlier war when Chaos launched a meteor. The village itself is surrounded by mountains which must be traversed if one is to enter of leave the village. There is currently an opperation going one which is building a large tunnel betwenn Krator and Cornelia.


[spoiler=Weapons of the Heroes]

These are the weapons that the Heroes left behind with their souls within them, you may choose any of the weapons for your character to use as long as it is not taken by another person. To take a weapon your character must be similar to the previous holder.
When you take a weapon your character willl gain the abilities of the it's previous holder and the soul inside will be able to speak to the user, but only the user will be able to hear the weapon.
The weapon you take will determine what class you shall play.

[b]Sword and Shield of Radience[/b]

This combonation was wielded by the leader of the Heroes.
He was kind, courageous, compassionate and always willing the help someone in need. His heart was said to be as pure as possible.
Though by some he was seen as a Zealot because of his Fanatical obedience to Cosmos, and would punish those who he deemed "Heretics"

Element: Light
Abilities: Was the most skilled Warrior in combat
Class: Warrior
Sin: Wrath

[b]Hurricane Lance[/b]

This Lance was used by the legendary Dragoon and master of the Skies.
He was determined, cunning and loyal to the other heroes.
Alas he was also filled with Pride and thought greatly of himself.

Element: Wind
Abilities: Could tame Dragons
Class: Dragoon
Sin: Pride

[b]Earthquake Axe[/b]

This huge greataxe found its was created and used by a Dwarven blacksmith, said to be the most skilled blacksmith ever.
He was hardy, friendly and filled with vigour and energy.
Yet despite this he also had an obessesion with drink that nearly proved to be his downfall.

Element: Earth
Abilities: An exceptional Blacksmith
Class: Beserker
Sin: Gluttony

[b]Staff of Flames[/b]

This small staff was used by a great Moogle sage to conjur many a spells to smithe his foes.
He was the most intelligent of the group and was also able to keep the others in a good mood.
Unfortuantly the poor Moogle craved for more power and was nearly driven made by his lust for it.

Element: Fire
Abilities: Along with fire spells he could conjure objects, summon meteors, transform objects and many more
Class: Mage
Sin: Lust

[b]Bow of the Tide[/b]

The Bow of the Tide was wielded by a Viera Archer who was said to know the world like no other.
She was the quite, silent type but her beauty was said to be beyond regonition.
But every rose has its thorns, and she was exremely quick to anger.

Element: Water
Abilities: Had traveled the world many times and knew it very well.
Class: Ranger
Sin: Anger

[b]Dagger of Shadows[/b]

This was wielded by a thief that was so well at hiding that nearly no records of him exist, his, or her, race stilll remains unknow.
The thief was cunning, streetwise and knew how to get anything he/sh wanted.
But being a thief comes with greed, and a love of shiny things.

Element: Shadow
Abilities: Excellent thief, great at breaking and entering and and acrobatic manovouers.
Class: Thief
Sin: Greed

The last weapon has yet to be found.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Hero Character Application]



Race: (Hume, Moogle, Viera whatever)

Town of Origin:

Appearance: (No pictures plz)

Personality: (At least a few sentences an should resemble the previous holer of your chosen weapon)

Biography: (Their life before being summond by Cosmos i.e. where they found their weapon etc.)


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Oh god, The chick who possed the Bow of the Tide, shes like me. Thats scary...
Anyway, I joining this thing.

Name: Ashmin (I like this name a lot after I made it up.....)

Age: 16

Race: Viera

Town of Origin: Doga (I might make up a town for you later)

Appearance: Ashmin has those tell-tale rabbit like long ears that can pick up the smallest sound, and a small white puffy pabbit tail. Her hair is brown and shoulder length. Her eyes are green like emeralds.
Personality: Ashmin is quiet, usually content to lie in the tree staring at the sky (Or where it would be). She never usually talks to anyone except Nature, and the occasional person. She is withdrawn, yet feircly detirmined, and would do anything to protect her world. She also occasionally gets angry, and would usually hurt a couple of people until Nature tells her to stop.

Biography: Ashmin was born in Doga, and has lived there her whole life. One day she was in a tree staring at the sky, when she heard a scream. She had instantly ran towards the sound, and found herself lost near the Quake Canyon, an d she had no idea where she was. Beliving going to those pilgrimages might help her find someone who could help her, she walked down a path on the Canyon and slipped, falling a couple of feet and skidding down rocks, scattering loose ones everywhere. Finally she stopped skidding and had landed at the bottom of the Canyon. Getting up shakily, she had noticed a bow and quiver full of arrows on the ground. She had picked them up, and thats how she came to Posess the Bow of the Tide. After that, after finding her way back, she practiced with said bow until she was one of the finest archers in the land. Also, she sometimes went back to the Canyon from time to time to look at all the pilgrimages, and maybe even make her own, especially to the Vierain Archer (the one who possesed the Bow of the Tide)

Weapon: Bow of the Tide
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Ok, I thought of a town/city/place of interest.
I was thinking ahead, towards near the end, and was thinking of a place where we would have this "glorious final battle" against Chaos. So, I couldn't think of a name (Writers block, I guess) but I thought it would be a sort of underground town, in this huge cavern owned by Chaos's followers. His followers made the town so it surrounded the seal in which Chaos is trapped within, so they can help their God who gives them orders from inside his seal
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