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Pokemon - Lunar Tyrants [Not Started/Accepting]


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[spoiler='Plot']"With the discovery of Isshu, it proves that there are more regions besides our comfortable little clusters of land." - Professor William J. Rowan

Isshu is a recently discovered region that is increasing in popularity. While it lacks the nostalgic technology of Sinnoh, Hoenn, Kanto and Johto, it is a fresh breath of air for those who want a new start. The region hosts its own Pokemon Gym Challenge, along with hosting many new Pokemon to the residents of the other regions. Giving a chance for a new aspiring Trainers to race to the top without the pressure of Advanced Trainers. Another interesting feature is that Isshu has yet to get a Elite Four Champion, so rush your little son or daughter to there and give them a chance for victory, fame and fortune!

At least that's what it said on the brochure...

Now don't get me wrong, Isshu is a great place, good weather, new Pokemon, and not a bad Pokemon League if I say so myself.

But there has been a lot more violence lately... people have been disappearing at night...

And those people with the weird get-up.

You might wanna think twice before bringing your little boy here for a while.

But don't worry, this won't take long, I'll get to the bottom of this.

I hope.[/spoiler]
I. All YCM Rules, including the Advanced Clause, apply here.
II. You may NOT Switch out Pokemon during battle, unless your first one fainted. If the other Trainer agrees, however, you may switch out.
III. Do not always dodge. Do not.
IV. Do not magically find Pokemon on your own to catch. Chances will be provided.
V. Make your posts in the Third Person
VI. Do not make your Pokemon know moves like Hyper Beam off the bat. They will learn them later.
VII. Make 1 word in your bio green.
VIII. Do not have an infinite amount of items, or items that do not exist, are too powerful, are unavailable at that point, or anything similar.
IX. Listen to the Leader(s), and do not argue senselessly.
X. You have [b]1[/b] chance to edit your app if it is rejected. If it is rejected again, you are out.
XI: Remove ALL Parentheses from the app.
XII: You may use Pokemon from Black and White HOWEVER you also must follow the proper leaked movesets.
* - Only fill out if trainer.
** - Only fill out if Lunar Child

Name(Should be relatively simple):
Age(If Lunar make sure it is above the age of eighteen unless you have a justified reason, I doubt a child's parents would allow a 10 year old to join a cult):
Appearance(What does your character look like? Pics are allowed but show laziness, at least four lines):
Affiliation(Trainer, Lunar):
**Team(The Pokemon you currently have on you, remember Lunars specialize in Psychic and Moon-related Pokemon.):
*Planned Team(The team you plan to possess at the end of the roleplay):
*Starter(The Pokemon you plan to start out with, can be any Basic Pokemon with a evolution.):
Personality(How does your character act? Four Lines Minimum):
Bio(What was your characters history before going to Isshu? Four Lines Minimum):
[spoiler=Lunar Children]
[spoiler=Alex Lynk/Ice]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Name: Alex Lynk
Age: 19
Appearance: Alex has long blonde hair and green eyes, which always seem sad/hiding a secret that he doesn't want anyone to know, yet at the same time wants to scream it out loud. He usually wears his Lunar outfit, which consists of a black jacket. On the back of the jacket is a white moon with an odd heart-shaped object in the center of it. He wears matching black pants and black sneakers. The oddest part about this outfit is the mask. Alex wears a black mask with red, green and purple tribal "face paintings" on it. The mask's eyes and mouth seem look like they're in [color="#008000"]agonizing [/color]pain, instead of the common ferocious, intimidating masks that the Lunar Children wear. Alex is around 5'7 and is physically fit.
Affiliation: Lunar
**Team: Dokkora, Dageki, Zuruzukin, Zoroark, Machamp, Blaziken.
Personality: Alex is extremely quiet, only talking if he has to. He is usually seen as shy. Alex is rational and intelligent, which is why most of the Lunar Grunts want to be assigned under his command. Alex had a strong sense of justice and dislikes show offs. He was also known to be very kind, helping anybody in need. He loves music, and loves to play it on his [s]ocarina[/s] flute when he gets bored, which is most of the time. Alex always seems that he is in pain, and, if you ask people that used to know him, he's a shell of his old personality. Alex seems to just be dead, only doing what he's told and not what he wants to do anymore. He's just not was he used to be anymore.
Bio: Alex used to be a cheery, happy-go-lucky person who would do anything to make somebody smile. Then, he was dragged into the Lunar Children's cult. His friend from school told him about this group. Alex, being worried for his obsessive friend, went to check this group out. That's where it all went downhill. He saw his friend being "ascended", and immediately regretted everything. He always thinks he could have saved his friend, and that he missed his chance, and he blames everything on himself. He ran away from school, disappearing from everybody's lives. He joined the cult in memory of his friend, rising through the ranks until he hit Admin. He was known as the Cult's greatest warrior, known for his merciless battling. He uses fighting-types to reflect that title. Although, after each battle, it seems as if the mask's face gets sadder, and sadder.[/font]
[spoiler=Iran Rift/Saint Dane]
Name: Iran Rift
He is about a normal height, and is very low-weight for it. Iran has short hair, not army length short, but still, very short. When he is in the base, away from prying eyes, he wears a robe colored a dark brown, with a giant moon on the back of it. On his arms a single golden band decorated with two dark red circles. When he is out in public, he usually tries to blend in, and wears a suit. It, like his robe, is a deep brown, but doesn't have the moon on the back of it.
Affiliation: Lunar
**Team: Alakazam, Espeon, Xatu, Hypno, Kirlia, Desukaan
*Planned Team:
Iran is very capable of manipulating people, but avoids doing it. He has a constant feeling of disappointment. If he had the time, and a place to do it, he would probably kill himself. He is often considered emotionally unstable, but that doesn't stop him from wanting to help his team. When someone is hurting, he'll help them, especially if it means widening his lot. He now has a sense of paranoia and is always looking over his shoulder.

Iran started out with the Lunars from the beginning, always doing what he could to help them. Many missions would he go on, always returning, but not always successful. In one of his missions, he was wondering in a deep ruin, and came across what they were looking for. It was snatched away from him at the last few minutes of escape, and he felt terrible. The mission wasn't a complete loss though, as he caught a [color="#2E8B57"]Desukaan[/color], which he keeps as a reminder of his failure in that mission. He rarely uses it, but occasionally does. Over time, he started to feel as if he doesn't do well enough a job. He would always return more and more depressed after each failed mission, always thinking ending it. The more often he would leave the base, the more often he would fail a mission, and the more depressed he would become. He comes into contact with relatively few people, as in talking, and only talks to people in the base.

I hate writing out personalities. I honestly do.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Ralis Jacques/Tainted Black]Name: Ralis Jacques
Age: 17
[spoiler=Appearance (Fits perfectly)]
Affiliation: Trainer
[spoiler=Planned Team]
Tyranitar (Nicknamed Sic; Female) [Starter, Per se]
Urugamosu (Nicknamed Enfant; Female)
Barujiina (Nicknamed Trigger; Male)
Shandera (Nicknamed Chand (Shond); Male)
Pendoraa (Nicknamed Ollie; Male)(Knows Fast Feet ability)
Sazan... sazan.... I FORGET. Big Monozu (Nicknamed Hydra; Male)
Starter: Sic, the Female Larvitar
Personality: A very flamboyant person, Jacque is given to flaunting about like a proud peacock. He has that air of superiority, and he is a show-off, but he does mean well. When someone is down and out, he is the first to hop to helping someone who is down. He feels that he has led an easy life, and others deserve the same. When it comes to his Pokemon, he can be seen acting more like their parent than their trainer, taking special time to care for each one, especially Hydra. When it comes to human companions, he can get along just fine with them, but is likely seen as a bit needy.
Bio: Ralis was born in Solaceon Town, in Sinnoh, after his parents moved there to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. The move had occured just weeks before he was born, but he still grew up with a slight accent and a love for the cultures of both Sinnoh and his homeland. He was also raised in privilege, as his parents got him everything he wanted, because Hearthome was just close enough for weekly day-trips, via Pokemon. As a young boy, he would go to the Day Care couple's center, and play with the Pokemon there. The elderly people did not protest, as he did not seem to harm the Pokemon in any way. The news of Team Galactic's initial fall had come as a shock to the young boy, not knowing such people existed. It hardened his resolve to be like he was as a little boy, kind and caring to those he met, [color=green]especially[/color] his Pokemon friends. When he turned 14, he sought employment with the couple, and took care of Pokemon for a piddling amount, but he was happy with it. He was doing what he loved. One time in particular, a trainer left a baby Larvitar with the group, and she was nicknamed Sic. Ralis took special care of the baby, to keep it out of trouble, and the little Larvitar began to see him as her mother, and would literally cling to his leg all day. A few weeks after the baby arrived, the couple got news of the owner's death in a sea accident. Ralis took the Pokemon for his own, at the urging of the couple, and worked for about 2 more years. Recently, he has headed on a journey across the continents, with Sic and others at his side, looking for companions, and is now in Isshu. Little does he know that a fell wind is blowing.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Scarlet Glacies/Ice]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Name: Scarlet Glacies
Age: 16
Appearance: Scarlet has blue eyes and long, light blue hair. She usually wears a blue and white jacket with a snowflake on the back. She wears matching white shorts and blue and white sneakers. She around 5'3 and is physically fit. She usually wears a blue watch on her right arm. The watch resembles a Poketech, but it's just a watch. However, she's able to set a certain time and, when that time is reached, the watch starts to glow and ring. Kind of like a portable Alarm Clock. Scarlet, also carries around a small MP3 Player and usually listens to music when she's bored/when she has nothing good to do. The MP3 Player is the common white color and matches her jacket. The headphones are, once again, white.
Affiliation: Trainer
*Planned Team: Weavile, Glaceon, Tsunbear, Furiijio, Kenhorou and Leopardas
*Starter: Eevee.
Personality: Scarlet is a kind, light-hearted girl. She can be a bit sarcastic at times, and becomes really pessimistic when thrown under pressure. However, she usually tries her best to be kind to others. When somebody pisses her off, however, she either starts to go crazy and yell at the person who pissed her off, or she starts to cry for no apparent reason. She can be considered a little "emotionally unstable" because of this. However, is she does end up yelling at somebody, she usually apologizes afterwards, even if the victim deserved it. Whenever she sees a person mistreating Pokemon, she usually gets pretty pissed at them as well, but, once again, will usually apologize.
Bio: Scarlet's father was one of the few chosen to be a part of the Isshu Gym Challenge. Her father was chosen to be the 7th Gym Leader/the Ice Gym Leader. As a result of this she has a love for Ice-Type Pokemon. Scarlet really doesn't want to join the Gym Challenge, seeing that she doesn't want to battle her father. She usually runs around and does errands for him, which include going to other [color="#008000"]Gyms [/color]and delivering them messages or packages and such. She met up with her Eevee after she saw it injured back when she lived in Kanto, and has been with it since. Although, it's not really strong because she rarely trains it, and is kind of opposed to using it in battle. [/spoiler][/font][/spoiler]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"][/spoiler][/font]

[b]The Co-Leaders are Ice and Tainted Black. They have the same amount of power as me, they can accept and deny applications as well. Have Fun![/b]
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  • Replies 84
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Name: Ralis Jacques
Age: 17
[spoiler=Appearance (Fits perfectly)]
Affiliation: Trainer
[spoiler=Planned Team]
Tyranitar (Nicknamed Sic; Female) [Starter, Per se]
Urugamosu (Nicknamed Enfant; Female)
Barujiina (Nicknamed Trigger; Male)
Shandera (Nicknamed Chand (Shond); Male)
Pendoraa (Nicknamed Ollie; Male)(Knows Fast Feet ability)
Sazan... sazan.... I FORGET. Big Monozu (Nicknamed Hydra; Male)
Starter: Sic, the Female Larvitar
Personality: A very flamboyant person, Jacque is given to flaunting about like a proud peacock. He has that air of superiority, and he is a show-off, but he does mean well. When someone is down and out, he is the first to hop to helping someone who is down. He feels that he has led an easy life, and others deserve the same. When it comes to his Pokemon, he can be seen acting more like their parent than their trainer, taking special time to care for each one, especially Hydra. When it comes to human companions, he can get along just fine with them, but is likely seen as a bit needy.
Bio: Ralis was born in Solaceon Town, in Sinnoh, after his parents moved there to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. The move had occured just weeks before he was born, but he still grew up with a slight accent and a love for the cultures of both Sinnoh and his homeland. He was also raised in privilege, as his parents got him everything he wanted, because Hearthome was just close enough for weekly day-trips, via Pokemon. As a young boy, he would go to the Day Care couple's center, and play with the Pokemon there. The elderly people did not protest, as he did not seem to harm the Pokemon in any way. The news of Team Galactic's initial fall had come as a shock to the young boy, not knowing such people existed. It hardened his resolve to be like he was as a little boy, kind and caring to those he met, [color=green]especially[/color] his Pokemon friends. When he turned 14, he sought employment with the couple, and took care of Pokemon for a piddling amount, but he was happy with it. He was doing what he loved. One time in particular, a trainer left a baby Larvitar with the group, and she was nicknamed Sic. Ralis took special care of the baby, to keep it out of trouble, and the little Larvitar began to see him as her mother, and would literally cling to his leg all day. A few weeks after the baby arrived, the couple got news of the owner's death in a sea accident. Ralis took the Pokemon for his own, at the urging of the couple, and worked for about 2 more years. Recently, he has headed on a journey across the continents, with Sic and others at his side, looking for companions, and is now in Isshu. Little does he know that a fell wind is blowing.
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I have a few questions before applying.

Why is the group called "Lunar Children", particularly if they have to be age 18 or more? There's not information on the group for me to work off. The app then presumes we knew their "specialization" when that's the first we've heard of it.

If I applied as a Lunar, how many Pokemon can I have?
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[quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1285476800' post='4655991']
I have a few questions before applying.

Why is the group called "Lunar Children", particularly if they have to be age 18 or more? There's not information on the group for me to work off. The app then presumes we knew their "specialization" when that's the first we've heard of it.

If I applied as a Lunar, how many Pokemon can I have?

... They are Descendants of the moon, or so they believe. They are not Children. I made the app before seeing the plot, which others wrote.

6. Just make them the moon/space themed Pokemon.
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Name: Iran Rift
He is about a normal height, and is very low-weight for it. Iran has short hair, not army length short, but still, very short. When he is in the base, away from prying eyes, he wears a robe colored a dark brown, with a giant moon on the back of it. On his arms a single golden band decorated with two dark red circles. When he is out in public, he usually tries to blend in, and wears a suit. It, like his robe, is a deep brown, but doesn't have the moon on the back of it.
Affiliation: Lunar
**Team: Alakazam, Espeon, Xatu, Hypno, Kirlia, Desukaan
*Planned Team:
Iran is very capable of manipulating people, but avoids doing it. He has a constant feeling of disappointment. If he had the time, and a place to do it, he would probably kill himself. He is often considered emotionally unstable, but that doesn't stop him from wanting to help his team. When someone is hurting, he'll help them, especially if it means widening his lot. He now has a sense of paranoia and is always looking over his shoulder.

Iran started out with the Lunars from the beginning, always doing what he could to help them. Many missions would he go on, always returning, but not always successful. In one of his missions, he was wondering in a deep ruin, and came across what they were looking for. It was snatched away from him at the last few minutes of escape, and he felt terrible. The mission wasn't a complete loss though, as he caught a [color="#2E8B57"]Desukaan[/color], which he keeps as a reminder of his failure in that mission. He rarely uses it, but occasionally does. Over time, he started to feel as if he doesn't do well enough a job. He would always return more and more depressed after each failed mission, always thinking ending it. The more often he would leave the base, the more often he would fail a mission, and the more depressed he would become. He comes into contact with relatively few people, as in talking, and only talks to people in the base.

I hate writing out personalities. I honestly do.[/spoiler]
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[spoiler=Finished app]
Name: Nesol (Nay Soul) Pas (Pa)
Age: 19
Appearance: Standing at 5'11, Nesol is about average height and stature for his age. Along with piercing green eyes, he has very untidy black hair, which he covers up with a bandana in a typical biker fashion. On top of the bandana, he wears a wider brimmed black hat. For clothes, he wears a plain white T-shirt, with jeans, and a black longcoat. He wears black Tennis shoes or black boots, depending on which he needs. Finally, he wears two rings. A white gold ring on his right middle finger, and a black silver ring on his left middle finger. When in public, on a mission, he switches into a trenchcoat with a crescent moon on the back, symbolizing his allegiance while having his own goals, and a mask bearing a disturbing smile. He also trades out his T-shirt and jeans for a suit.
Affiliation: Lunar
Team: Gardevoir, Nidoking, Clefable, Musharna(Telepathy), Shinpora, Zoroark
Personality: Nesol is a very sadistic person, out to inflict pain on any- and every - one he can within his order and/or his own personal plans. He can always be found terrorizing someone, other than his first three Pokemon, and anyone that terrorizes those three will meet with a violent, torturous, and harsh end at his hands. He misses the past on occasion, but he never lets it out, only wearing his belittling grin and insane looking nature ever be seen. If one were to analyze him, he would be clinically insane, but he truly is not, for he still has part of himself left.
Bio: Born in his home country, Nesol was moved to Solaceon at about 1 year old. A year later, his baby brother was born, but he has no memory of the time without him. Growing up, he watched as his brother was babied and got everything he wanted, whereas he had stopped being babied when he was younger than his brother was then. He grew a bit of a hatred for his family, and at the age of 14, ran away from home, stealing a Munna the family owned, and heading towards Isshu. As he traveled to the port city of Sinnoh, he came across a rarity; a Zorua. He chased after the playful fox, wanting it for his own, but the fox led him to a young Ralts. When Nesol arrived in the area, he saw not a fox and a humanoid, but a Ralts and a Ralts. Deciding he wanted that Zorua, he ended up catching hte Ralts first, and then Zorua, and made them his 2nd and 3rd Pokemon respectively. Nothing eventful happened, behind until he got to Sinnoh. A random man at the docks pulled him aside as he saw Nesol's Musharna floating around him, and knocked him out. He awoke later somewhere he did not know, and was brainwashed for weeks, before emerging a Lunar Child. His personality went from what it was, to plain sadistic. Still, he had acted through quite a bit of the brainwashing, and he knows that he will put his plan's in motion, and not let the Lunar Freaks completely have him.

Also, Proto, completely edited my old team. Mind checkin' it and tellin' me if it's fine?
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[spoiler=App 1]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Name: Scarlet Glacies
Age: 16
Appearance: Scarlet has blue eyes and long, light blue hair. She usually wears a blue and white jacket with a snowflake on the back. She wears matching white shorts and blue and white sneakers. She around 5'3 and is physically fit. She usually wears a blue watch on her right arm. The watch resembles a Poketech, but it's just a watch. However, she's able to set a certain time and, when that time is reached, the watch starts to glow and ring. Kind of like a portable Alarm Clock. Scarlet, also carries around a small MP3 Player and usually listens to music when she's bored/when she has nothing good to do. The MP3 Player is the common white color and matches her jacket. The headphones are, once again, white.
Affiliation: Trainer
*Planned Team: Weavile, Glaceon, Tsunbear, Furiijio, Kenhorou and Leopardas
*Starter: Eevee.
Personality: Scarlet is a kind, light-hearted girl. She can be a bit sarcastic at times, and becomes really pessimistic when thrown under pressure. However, she usually tries her best to be kind to others. When somebody pisses her off, however, she either starts to go crazy and yell at the person who pissed her off, or she starts to cry for no apparent reason. She can be considered a little "emotionally unstable" because of this. However, is she does end up yelling at somebody, she usually apologizes afterwards, even if the victim deserved it. Whenever she sees a person mistreating Pokemon, she usually gets pretty pissed at them as well, but, once again, will usually apologize.
Bio: Scarlet's father was one of the few chosen to be a part of the Isshu Gym Challenge. Her father was chosen to be the 7th Gym Leader/the Ice Gym Leader. As a result of this she has a love for Ice-Type Pokemon. Scarlet really doesn't want to join the Gym Challenge, seeing that she doesn't want to battle her father. She usually runs around and does errands for him, which include going to other [color="#008000"]Gyms [/color]and delivering them messages or packages and such. She met up with her Eevee after she saw it injured back when she lived in Kanto, and has been with it since. Although, it's not really strong because she rarely trains it, and is kind of opposed to using it in battle. [/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"][/spoiler][/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"][spoiler=App 2][/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]Name: Alex Lynk
Age: 19
Appearance: Alex has long blonde hair and green eyes, which always seem sad/hiding a secret that he doesn't want anyone to know, yet at the same time wants to scream it out loud. He usually wears his Lunar outfit, which consists of a black jacket. On the back of the jacket is a white moon with an odd heart-shaped object in the center of it. He wears matching black pants and black sneakers. The oddest part about this outfit is the mask. Alex wears a black mask with red, green and purple tribal "face paintings" on it. The mask's eyes and mouth seem look like they're in [color="#008000"]agonizing [/color]pain, instead of the common ferocious, intimidating masks that the Lunar Children wear. Alex is around 5'9 and is physically fit.
Affiliation: Lunar
**Team: Dokkora, Dageki, Zuruzukin, Zoroark, Machamp, Blaziken.
Personality: Alex is extremely quiet, only talking if he has to. He is usually seen as shy. Alex is rational and intelligent, which is why most of the Lunar Grunts want to be assigned under his command. Alex had a strong sense of justice and dislikes show offs. He was also known to be very kind, helping anybody in need. He loves music, and loves to play it on his [s]ocarina[/s] flute when he gets bored, which is most of the time. Alex always seems that he is in pain, and, if you ask people that used to know him, he's a shell of his old personality. Alex seems to just be dead, only doing what he's told and not what he wants to do anymore. He's just not was he used to be anymore.
Bio: Alex used to be a cheery, happy-go-lucky person who would do anything to make somebody smile. Then, he was dragged into the Lunar Children's cult. His friend from school told him about this group. Alex, being worried for his obsessive friend, went to check this group out. That's where it all went downhill. He saw his friend being "ascended", and immediately regretted everything. He always thinks he could have saved his friend, and that he missed his chance, and he blames everything on himself. He ran away from school, disappearing from everybody's lives. He joined the cult in memory of his friend, rising through the ranks until he hit Admin. He was known as the Cult's greatest warrior, known for his merciless battling. He uses fighting-types to reflect that title. Although, after each battle, it seems as if the mask's face gets sadder, and sadder.[/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"][/spoiler][/font]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"]I love my Alex app. <3[/font]
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[quote name='Tainted Black' timestamp='1285516186' post='4657098']
[spoiler=Finished app]
Name: Nesol (Nay Soul) Pas (Pa)
Age: 19
Appearance: Standing at 5'11, Nesol is about average height and stature for his age. Along with piercing green eyes, he has very untidy black hair, which he covers up with a bandana in a typical biker fashion. On top of the bandana, he wears a wider brimmed black hat. For clothes, he wears a plain white T-shirt, with jeans, and a black longcoat. He wears black Tennis shoes or black boots, depending on which he needs. Finally, he wears two rings. A white gold ring on his right middle finger, and a black silver ring on his left middle finger. When in public, on a mission, he switches into a trenchcoat with a crescent moon on the back, symbolizing his allegiance while having his own goals, and a mask bearing a disturbing smile. He also trades out his T-shirt and jeans for a suit.
Affiliation: Lunar
Team: Gardevoir, Nidoking, Clefable, Musharna(Telepathy), Shinpora, Zoroark
Personality: Nesol is a very sadistic person, out to inflict pain on any- and every - one he can within his order and/or his own personal plans. He can always be found terrorizing someone, other than his first three Pokemon, and anyone that terrorizes those three will meet with a violent, torturous, and harsh end at his hands. He misses the past on occasion, but he never lets it out, only wearing his belittling grin and insane looking nature ever be seen. If one were to analyze him, he would be clinically insane, but he truly is not, for he still has part of himself left.
Bio: Born in his home country, Nesol was moved to Solaceon at about 1 year old. A year later, his baby brother was born, but he has no memory of the time without him. Growing up, he [color=green]watched[/color] as his brother was babied and got everything he wanted, whereas he had stopped being babied when he was younger than his brother was then. He grew a bit of a hatred for his family, and at the age of 14, ran away from home, stealing a Munna the family owned, and heading towards Isshu. As he traveled to the port city of Sinnoh, he came across a rarity; a Zorua. He chased after the playful fox, wanting it for his own, but the fox led him to a young Ralts. When Nesol arrived in the area, he saw not a fox and a humanoid, but a Ralts and a Ralts. Deciding he wanted that Zorua, he ended up catching hte Ralts first, and then Zorua, and made them his 2nd and 3rd Pokemon respectively. Nothing eventful happened, behind until he got to Sinnoh. A random man at the docks pulled him aside as he saw Nesol's Musharna floating around him, and knocked him out. He awoke later somewhere he did not know, and was brainwashed for weeks, before emerging a Lunar Child. His personality went from what it was, to plain sadistic. Still, he had acted through quite a bit of the brainwashing, and he knows that he will put his plan's in motion, and not let the Lunar Freaks completely have him.

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