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A Divided World [pg-16] [accepting/not started]

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RP http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/223158-a-divided-world-pg-16-acceptingnot-started/

Based on a book I am writing.

[spoiler=Rebellion Plot and App] 20 years ago, a Sathian general named Isaac Beisall was murdered by his second in command, Christopher Treggog. Christopher went on to become the king of Sathia by unforgivable means. Christopher formulated a dastardly plan to utilize a person for his own gain. And that person was Isaac's son, Isaac. What Christopher didn't count on was that Isaac would see through his plan. Isaac teamed up with a former mercenary, Yvain, and a former Sathian general, Frederick. Now, Isaac has started a rebellion against Christopher, hiring soldiers from any Sathian city, whether it be Stonefall, Treadwatter, Uceina, or the capitol itself, Sarcein. And Isaac wants you in his army.
Home City(In Plot):
Weapon of Choice:
Leader(Isaac, Yvain, or Frederick):
RP Sample:

[spoiler=Sathian Army Plot and App] 20 years ago, a Sathian general named Isaac Beisall was murdered by his second in command, Christopher Treggog. Christopher went on to become the king of Sathia by unforgivable means. Christopher formulated a dastardly plan to utilize a person for his own gain. And that person was Isaac's son, Isaac. What Christopher didn't count on was that Isaac would see through his plan. Isaac teamed up with a former mercenary, Yvain, and a former Sathian general, Frederick. Now, Isaac has started a rebellion against Christopher, hiring soldiers from any Sathian city, whether it be Stonefall, Treadwatter, Uceina, or the capitol itself, Sarcein. And Christopher wants nothing more than to kill Isaac.
Home City (In Plot):
Weapon of Choice:
RP Sample:

You CAN NOT control any NPC's such as Christopher, Frederick, Isaac, Yvain, etc.
NO GMing, PPing, or MGing.
All YCM rules.
No magic or supernatural weapons.
This is a medieval RP. Any and all applications involving anything even remotely futuristic will be denied and not allowed to apply again.
To ensure you're read the rules, your post must include the name of this RP.
If you fail to follow any of these rules, you will be immediately denied or booted from the RP.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=My Character]
Name: Zane Kilukia
Age: 25
Home City(In Plot): Stonefall
Weapon of Choice: Broadsword
Leader(Isaac, Yvain, or Frederick): Frederick
Personality: Zane is friendly, but distant. He is easy to get along with and outgoing, but there is some mystery about him.
Bio: Zane was born a poor child in the city of Stonefall. He never had many friends, and his parents died of starvation when he was 10. Zane was forced to raise himself, no friends, no family, until one day, he'd met his brother who'd been at war for the past 8 years. His brother took care of him for the next 15 years, until one day, he was murdered by a Sathian assassin. Ever since then, Zane vowed to get revenge on Sathia and joined the Rebellion.
RP Sample:(Not filling out due to the fact that it's my RP.)
Appearance: [IMG]http://i597.photobucket.com/albums/tt51/bea373/anime_earth_warrior.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]

1. Mecha Pedobear
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