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you wantt a battle? u got 1


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do yuo want a one on one my friend


sure ! start in about 30 min


just post it now


Gale dragon sorry you need to open this link to see it thanks for competing man


Here's my card:




You can flip this card into face-down Defense Position once per turn during your Main Phase. When this card is Flip Summoned, you can change the Battle Positions of all face-up monsters on your opponent's side of the field. If this card successfully destroys a WATER Monster as a result of battle, increase the ATK of this card by half the original ATK of the destroyed monster and increase the DEF of this card by half the original DEF of the destroyed monster.


Good luck

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im having trouble posting can u help

its easy.




look at the top right hand side of the screen there should be an option that says CARD MAKER.

-click card maker and that will take you to your personal card maker.

-Then open up the card that you made before so you can see it

-click on the actuakl card itself and below it an image link will appear

-copy the image link

-paste it in this thread

-everyone can then see it

-done, easy :)

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Well, to be honest Ultima: Before you start a contest, you should learn the basics of creating cards. Look around the forums, post your first cards and let the community rate them so you know where you can improve. In this case, the grammar (I'm not talking about the (Un-)official card grammar) is horrible, the effect is boring and the picture needs some work as well (though I've seen more horrible attempts).

Cheds card is solid, I especially like it because it uses a theme that's not seen very often these days, Flip Summoning. The last effect might result in some ridiculously high ATK and DEF, but in this case, determining the winner was rather easy anyways:


Vote goes to chedbonlahor.

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I vote for Chedbonlahor, his card is solid and has a good effect, and OCG.

Ultima: you need to practice your grammar (the OCG, and the non-OCG), and look for better pics.


ultima because i like his pic.


ched, i just hate him


That's not a valid reason to vote, you cannot vote based only on the pic, or if you don't

like one of the contestants.

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