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Legend! Zombieslayers (Started/Accepting/OOC)


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I'm going to add two more characters:
[spoiler=One I'll introduce in Egypt...]Name: Aghat Hoddev
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Law you broke: Museum Theft
Weapon: A spear
Appearance: [IMG]http://i51.tinypic.com/2ptdmom.png[/IMG]
Personality: He is very blunt when he says things. If you ask him if a dress makes you look fat, he just might actually answer you.
Bio: Aghat was always interested in the history of Ancient Egypt, and so he studied it thoroughly. He was such a fanatic that he came to steal Egyptian artifacts from the museum. He was arrested, and placed in jail. When the plague ran through egypt, he was uninfected, and easily broke out. He has been defending himself to the past few days.[/spoiler][spoiler=...And one in Japan]Name: Karechi Furokin
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Law you broke: Was unjustly convicted for murder when in fact she was innocent.
Weapon: A naginata that she carries around with her.
Appearance: [IMG]http://i55.tinypic.com/9hpan9.png[/IMG]
Personality: She is always wary. She won't trust a stranger, no matter how disarming he/she seems to be. This pattern comes from the fact that she was arrested, put on trial, and sentenced to death for murder, when she was innocent.
Bio: Karechi comes from a family in Tokyo, Japan. She became interested in Noh Theatre, as well as martial arts, so she took classes for both. Recently, however, she witnessed a brutal murder, but inadvertently interfered with the evidence without the police's knowledge. They arrested her and put her on trial. She pleaded innocent, however, was found guilty by the court. She was sentenced to death. But the plague stormed through her home country. Now she has been fending off geeky anime fans along with others. [/spoiler]Sorry their a bit shorter than I usually do...
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