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Legend! Zombieslayers (Started/Accepting/OOC)


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[spoiler=Plot] You are all criminals of 1 crime or another. When the virus spread through the prison [i]I[/i] broke you out. I trained you, fed you and now we come out of our hiding places to take back our planet. See that aircraft behind me? We travel in that and go through mansions, Graveyards,Tombs,Crypts, and even Pyramids. In the case your attacker is not a zombie, kill it. If you do Kill a zombie try to cut off a limb for my research. Oh and take these.(Hands guns to you) Oh and have fun. [/spoiler]

-All YCM rules
-No Godmodding
-No Powerplaying
-Have fun! [/spoiler]

Law you broke:
Weapon: (1 Shotgun 2 Handguns 1 Rifle and 1 Knife)

[Spoiler=Enemy Types]
Hillbilly(Over alls, straw hat and uses a Pitchfork as a weapon)
Butcher(Uses knife as a weapon)
Chef(Uses Cleaver as weapon)
Mummy(Uses rod as weapon)
Phaoroh(Summons Ancient Gods)
Zombie Airknight
Zombie Shogun
Zombie Samurai
Zombie Royal King/Knight
.... More on page 2

[Spoiler=My app]
Name: Captain Paradox
Age: 28
Law you broke: None I broke you out
Weapon: The sword in the pic
Personality:Like people, hates zombies
Bio: None [/spoiler]
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I was reading this: http://www.cracked.com/article_18683_7-scientific-reasons-zombie-outbreak-would-fail-quickly.html and then I came here and found this. lol, I'm joining.

[spoiler=Thinking of Metroid: Other M][b]Name:[/b] Project Marixia: Unit 0042.7: Diabolo Mark VII (Nicknamed Mari)
[b]Gender:[/b] Neither, but referred to as female
[b]Age:[/b] Constructed 2 years ago.
[b]Law you broke:[/b] Escaped government project. Captured and quarantined to keep the public from finding out.
[b]Weapon:[/b] 1 Arm cannon that can change to certain forms: (sniper rifle, sword, assault cannon, plasma cannon).
[b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i54.tinypic.com/2evrdkw.png[/img]
The thing floating next to her is a drone unit manufactured along with her. It stores information as a backup, and can be used as support fire. It can also be used for scouting, and to collect information. She has an attachment to it, calling it Vulcan at times. It's manufacturing name is Drone Unit #7.255403. She has white hair that reaches down her back. She has a plethora of electronic equipment attached to her, including the signature Arm Cannon on her left arm. Despite her appearance, she is actually an android. She does, however, contain biological parts (that I'm not naming. No, it's not there either, you gutterminds). She has a tactile interface located on her right arm, which is used for diagnostic modes and information retrieval. She wears an analytical eyepiece to feed auxillary information, like distance and size of enemies. She uses it to "size up" her enemies before fights. All of this equipment is also waterproof, unlike previous models. She also sports a ring that hovers around her that can generate a 3,000 gigawatt forcefield. It can only take so much damage, however, before it deactivates. She has an EMPS ([b]E[/b]lectro-[b]M[/b]agnetic [b]P[/b]ulse [b]S[/b]hield) to protect her from EM pulses, which would disable her circuitry.
[b]Personality:[/b] She is cold-hearted and ruthless, and therefore has few friends. She has a friend developing a personality matrix for her, though, as she does not have her own. She cannot make her own, either, as she has no personalities to make a reference. She does, however, have a very primitive emotion program installed, but due to her little understanding of human emotions, it has a risk of going berserk.
[b]Bio:[/b] Mari, as she is called by those who have managed to befriend her, is part of a top secret government project, called Project Marixia, that is focused on creating the perfect soldier for use in the war. However, after their first project failed, they tried again, attempting to eliminate the flaws of the first models. Mari was one of the few who became sentient. A morality program was installed, because the last model killed its own teammates. The program allows her to distinguish. An intelligence matrix was added, to further strategic ability. This project went on for a year. However, things went horribly wrong when she and a few others became sentient and self-aware. They revolted, and destroyed the base of operations, while managing to keep the event out of the media. The government decided to let them go afterward. Besides, they couldn't defeat cold-hearted robotic assassins built and bred for war. Unlike her previous models, she has no personality matrix installed, as they believed that they were unnecessary during war. She does have an primitive intelligence matrix installed, however, to further her strategic ability. She has also adapted her own ability; the ability to analyse opponents and mimic their skill and certain abilities. Despite her increase in power, she was captured and placed in a secret facility. Stayed there for a short time, as soon as Paradox broke her out.[/spoiler]
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Name:Mikey Rotben
Law you broke:Killed people for money when he was young.
Apperance: [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/39822259][img]http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1009/d25/1509/52b0977.png[/img][/url]
Personality:Mikey is easy to get along with but when he makes an enemy he has been know to try and injure or kill them.

I might add a bio if i can be bothered but if that sound ok i wount change anything.
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I tweaked my app

Captain(Axel) Paradox's Wife app

Name: Cecilia Paradox
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Law you broke: None
Weapon: 1 pistorella in the pic
Appearence: [img]http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1009/d25/1706/042b281.png[/img]
Personality: She is very nice and caring but defencive of her husband Cpt. Paradox.
Bio:She was originally a Princess but when her town burst to flames she ran to the only person she Knew. Axel Paradox or Captain Paradox as you may know him. They married and had twins that were killed by Zombies. So therefore She and her husband made an army of Zombieslayers
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Name: Steve Johnson
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Law you broke: Assembly of illegal firearms, (accidental)arson
Weapon: A Handful of Molotov Cocktails, Sig Sauer P220, Glock 18, Desert Eagle, M60, SCAR H, M16, AK47, Remington Auto Shotgun, Pump-Action Shotgun, SPAS 12 Shotgun, Uzi, Hunting Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Chainsaw, Frying Pan, Baseball bat, Fire axe, Crowbar, Grenade Launcher, 2 M1911 pistols, Golf club, guitar
Personality: Steve is an optimist with an upbeat, energetic personality. He has a strong belief that everyone'll make it through this apocalpse, and after watching one-to-many zombie movies he's got all that he needs and he knows what to do in every situation he's posed with.
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How many to start? Oh and I have our gang sheet all set up!

The Team Dad/Mentor: Cap. Paradox
The Chick: Cecilia
The Smart Guy: Cap. Paradox
The Lancer(2nd Command): Cecillia
The Fighter: Steve; may also apply to Mari
The Mysterious One: Mari; may also apply to Mikey
The Tough Guy(the tough dumb person or the tough silent person): Mikey
Tagalong Kid: Steve
The Bumblebee(Child Like): Steve
Medic: Mari; may also apply to Steve and Cecillia
The Heart(Moral Center): Cecillia; may also apply to Steve
The Load(Generally the Weakest or Youngest or Most Annoying): Steve; maybe Cecillia
Team Pet(The Mascot): (No Filler)
The Old Guy: (No Filler)
The Funny Guy: Steve
(Will Add More as More Characters Come)
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