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My Random Card (Im New)

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The written card section is intended for the written text of cards, not cards without pictures.
Attachments are also prohibited.

Having said that, I did look at the card, and it didn't make sense.
Equip traps don't exist. There are several normal traps already that are equipped to a monster upon activation, equip traps are redundant.
The effect makes no sense, especially if you equip the trap. If the effect goes away after one turn, why does the card stick around?

Either way, the card isn't very good. Simply increasing and decreasing ATK is no longer enough, and there are already plenty of cards that do that, several of which provide a larger increase and/or affect more than just Earth monsters. Also, because it's a trap card, it's slower than an equivalent spell card, and more vulnerable to spell/trap destruction.

Your card grammar is also wrong. It should be:
"After activation, equip this card to 1 face-up EARTH monster. The equipped monster gains 1000 ATK."
or, if it doesn't equip:
"Increase the ATK of one EARTH monster by 1000 until the End Phase."
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