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M.Y.T.H. Demon Hunters Organization(ooc)[Started/Accepting][pg-13]

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Cool, Pika. Anyway, I've decided to do a Neutral. Just because.

Name: Mark Seiner

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Super-human power: Magnetic Acceleration. In other words, I can take an object and fire it from my hands at extreme speeds. Oxygen for him is optional, although recommended for proper body use. His skin is extremely tough, and is able to expel Radiation blasts from his fingers. He will hold his fingers like a gun to do so.

Appearance: [img]http://ui23.gamespot.com/2038/animeboy1_2.jpg[/img]

Bio: Mark was living a relatively happy life. In an experimental space station orbiting earth. He was born and raised there, a long with many other friends. The space station was experimenting with Magnetic Acceleration for the Military, trying to create an efficient weapon. One day, Mark decided to go explore the Station, and he came upon the testing chamber, where it opens up to space and fires the weapon. Except, he didn’t know it was a testing chamber. And he did not know that it was going to be tested that same day. While looking around, he heard the Cannon charging, and in that same instance, it opened up into space. He grabbed on to the nearby railing, just trying not to get sucked out. Just as he did, the Cannon fired, knocking him out, and sucking him out into the void. Normally, he would be dead. But the radiation from the MAC (Magnetic Accelerator Cannon) gave him special properties. After going through the atmosphere, he woke up in a crater in the middle of Death Valley (CA). He currently resides in the Mountains surrounding the Valley, and does not know why he was not dead, but does know about his powers. He created a sword using that method, because he doesn’t know whether his powers are permanent or not.

Personality: He is open to friends, but won’t reveal any information to someone he doesn’t know. It will be kinda hard to befriend him, due to this fact. He is loyal, skilled with a sword that he has made, and brilliant. Practically a scientist. But he is unsure whether he can control his power to the fullest.

RP Sample: yousa don’t need one. I is already in this arrpee.
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New app Neutral Character

[spoiler=APP]Name:Lernaean Hydra
[b]Mythical Creature[/b]/Demon/Super-human:Hydra
Powers:Regeneration(needs water placed on wounds in order for them to heal),Multy-Head regrowth (every-time a head dies it falls off and is replaced with 2 more, body grows to compensate for new heads), poisonous blood and venom. Venom can be breathed out like a gas. Master swimmer and minor water control. One head is immortal but it can still be damaged, it just wont die.(Weaknesses are all the same as the ones in the myth). Also a very skillful swords man.
[spoiler=True Form] [img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/140/0/7/Hydra_by_MayLamorro.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Human Form][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100605153933/kenichi/images/1/18/Shigurehd.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Bio:[spoiler=Past]http://www.wisegeek.com/in-greek-mythology-what-was-the-hydra.htm [/spoiler]
After Hercules victory over Lernaean her immortal head was trapped underground but slowly she began to surface. It took ten years to surface back up and by this point the rock had long sense fallen. After she resurfaced she wriggled her way back to her swamp and when she finally got there she was finally where she needed to be to regrow her body. It took about a week for her body to fully regrow along with her 8 other heads but in the end they did. After this she went into hiding for a few centuries. During this time she learned how to turn into a human form which aloud her free movement. Along her travels she learned the ways of the sword and became a master. She currently runs her own weapons shop some where in Iowa.
Personality:Lernaean has a split personality disorder. This is caused due to her multiple heads which have minds of there own. However she is the immortal head so she mostly has the most control. "She" prefers to stay low and to not cause attention but there are times when one of her other minds take control.
[spoiler=RP Sample(just for kicks)][quote name='D.A. 666 the Tera Void' timestamp='1285586098' post='4660491']
It was so very clear that the girl with the mult-colored hair was ignoring him and he didn't much like the looks of the kid who had walked up to her so he turned around and walked away. [i]What a waste of time, man that pisses me off[/i] Looking at a locker he created his barrier body right arm and used it to slam into the locker. The resulting clash left the locker and the lockers connected to it to shudder and fall to the floor.

Mary walked to the gym and herd a big clash coming from some where not to far from her but she decided not to investigate. It was a good thing though that it was only the first day so that she wouldn't have to change out of her cloths course she would also have to explain her.. situation with the coach so she could get two gym lockers. One for the boys and one for the girls he'd also make sure to do the same for his sister.
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Guys, I'm considering putting this RP on hold. Just pausing it for a while. I've been a mess lately, not getting a lot of sleep, friends making me feel really low right about now, tons of homework, The high school Drama being stuck as a sophomore and all. Anyway, I also have a ton of other RP's I haven't responded to in forever so I am thinking of Pausing this while I gather my thoughts.
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