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M.Y.T.H. Demon Hunters Organization(ooc)[Started/Accepting][pg-13]

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k heres the app
Demon Name:Amashiso
Code Name:Soulless
Power:Able to use souls of the dead in many ways- such as to create silver lightning, become near-invisible like a ghost. Can also fly. Super strong, very strong scales(basically there so strong that it would take 4 armor piercing snipper rounds shot simultaneously and hit one point just to leave a scratch.), claws/nails and hair sharp enough to cut through steel. Hair that seem to be living. Heat/fire resistant.

Full Demon Form-He appears as what a dragon and a wolf would look like if they were perfectly fused into a new kind of creature. He is ruffly 40 feet long from head to tail. 10 feet high and about ten feet wide. He weighs about one ton in this form. Both his fur and scales are silver along with his claws and teeth. Souls up to twenty feet around him appear as glowing sliver orbs.

Demon/Human Hybrid Form-He stands up right at is 7ft. tall. Weighing at 500 pounds. His tail is 20 ft long. His hair his turned to a silver color and has grown longer. His fingernails have grown into claws that are each about a half a foot long. The scales on his wrists, ankles, and chest are bigger and thicker then the rest of his scales. Oh and hes covered in silver scales. His eyes have take on a goldish color. A plate like scale has formed around his mouth and nose hiding them. Has a set of dragon like wings that have a wing span of 15 ft.

Human Form-His eyes are brown and his hair is red. Speaking of his hair it is short and has a bed head look. His nails are silver. He wears a dark purple robe with a black shirt that has gold spiral designs all over it. His jeans are a really dark gray that also has gold spiral designs all around it. He does not wear shoes but does wear socks. He is 6ft 2inch and weighs 150 pounds.

Bio:Amashiso is a soul demon. Which means he manipulates souls to use his powers and then in the process devourers them to fill his own need for a soul just like any soul demon. However he has grown to be the strongest of these soul demons due to the fact that he can indefinitely stay in the human world in a physical form. It is unclear when he joined A.M.U.L.E.T.S. but what is clear is that he gained rank fast and became the S. general. Perhaps this is because he is a soul demon...perhaps not, though we may find out.

Personality:Being a soul demon he hungers for them and so he likes to be around humans. He is fearless loyal and will stop anyone that would attack any of his fellow demons. He has a tendency to lie for no good reason.
RP Sample:[spoiler=RP Sample][quote name='D.A. 666 the Tera Void' timestamp='1285024027' post='4644174']
Selina had walked out of the bathroom and stood near Michael "I don't really fell like going to are last class so i'm going to drive home. Wanna come?'
Michael was a bit surprised, "Really? We have Gym together you know."
Selina knew she would say that, "Yeah i know but i just don't feel like it and just want to go home"
Michael looked at her concerned, 'I know some things wrong so please..." before she could finish Selina put her finger to Michaels lips to silence her.
Selina looked her brother in the eye and said, "Shh we can talk when you get home okay" with that she walked off and left the place.
Michael looked as she walked and away [i]Is she okay? this is not really like her at all.[/i] He wanted to go and follow her but he still needed to do something. [i]Looks like i'll haft to walk unless...[/i]she went and walked up to Yoko"Hey are you going to school cause i could use a ride. My sis is going home. If its to much though its cool"
Selina got to the Van and started it up when she figured Michael wasn't coming she pulled out and drove home to their 3 story house. (Yeah their family is rich...)
I hope its good...
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[quote name='6-Shot Finale' timestamp='1285542445' post='4659218']
Vlad was Jack the Ripper yet he's a good guy? Confusing much?
actually not nessicarily, have you ever heard of Dungeons and Dragons? Well in D&D there are 3 types of the 3 alignments(Chaotic Good, Chao Evil, Chao nuetral, Lawful good, lawful evil, Lawful neutral, then jusr neutral, evil, and good) Virgil is in the chaotic good section
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