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M.Y.T.H. Demon Hunters Organization(ooc)[Started/Accepting][pg-13]

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IC: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/223230-myth-demon-hunters-organizationic-startedacceptingpg-13/

[spoiler=M.Y.T.H. member plot+app]
Welcome to the Mythical Yielding of Threats to Humans, otherwise known as M.Y.T.H. You are a mythical creature/super-human who has been in hiding, we however have drafted you to our fine organization! You are one of a kind, we do not have two of the same types of mythical creatures/super-humans in one group so each member is required to really push themselves. We are here to hunt down illegal Demons and a big organization that is banding illegal demons together called A.M.U.L.E.T. Here is a form we would like you to fill out:
Mythical creature/Super power:(nothing OP'ed, do not make up a mythical creature. Plz state the lore in which your creature originated, there cannot be two ppl who are the same mythical creature or that have the same powers in one sector.)
Appearance:(Plz include a human form)
Sector:(Alpha or Beta. I will decide this based on your compatibility with others in the sector)
Personality:(At least two lines)
Bio: (At least one paragraph [4 sentences])
Code Name:(What ppl in the RP will call you for the most part)
RP Sample:[/spoiler]

[spoiler=A.M.U.L.E.T. member plot+app]
Welcome newcomer to A.M.U.L.E.T. the organization that opposes M.Y.T.H. The human race is scum that defiles this earth, and as demons our job is to wipe them out! M.Y.T.H. is in our way, they are protecting these scumbags, but now you must serve me and this organization, or else...
Demon Name:(Something original and abstract)
Code Name:(What ppl in the RP will call you for the most part)
Position:(Either a general or a normal member, if a general, your Code name must begin with A, M, U, L, E, T, or S. There can only be one general for each letter.)
Power:(nothing OP'ed)
Appearance:(Include human form)
Bio:(at least one Paragraph[4 sentences])
Personality:(at least 2 sentences)
RP Sample:[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Demon/Neutral Mythical Creature app]
Mythical Creature/Demon/Super-human:(Nothing OP'ed)
Bio:(At least a paragraph[4 sentences])
Personality:(at least two sentences)
RP Sample:[/spoiler]

[*]Whatever I say goes
[*]after three warnings u r perma banned from this RP
[*]no advertising other threads or topics in this thread in the form of a post without my permission
[*]You can have up to three characters
[*]have fun![/list][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Taken Creatures/powers for M.Y.T.H.]
Werewolf(Reserved for later in the RP)
Mermaid(Sea Sprite)

[spoiler=Taken General Positions for A.M.U.L.E.T.S.]

Good luck! First person who makes a banner I like gets a +1 rep and 50 points!

[spoiler=My Apps:]
Name:Luciano Romano
Mythical Creature/Demon/Super-human:Werewolf, power to control ice and snow.
also has an Onyx necklace in the shape of a wolf.
Bio:Luciano is an immigrant from Italy who escaped the grasps of the Vatican church. Why did he have to escape? Because in Italy he was bitten by a werewolf, who turned out to be one of his trusted teachers and was marked with a curse on his arm where he was bitten. Luciano escaped but couldn't control his werewolf state at night(not just at full moon). But a church Priest gave him mystical Onyx necklace that allowed him to go into and out of wolf/half wolf form as he pleased, but if he is ever outside during a full moon he will loose control and become full werewolf. This has happened five, maybe six times and his violent killings is part of the reason why he is on M.Y.T.H.'s top ten hit list just under the A.M.U.L.E.T.S. generals and it's leader. He is undercover at the moment attending a normal school.
Personality:Quiet, secretive, doesn't like to make friends, hates violence but will fend for himself if needed, romantic, poetic, hates the full moon.

Demon Name:Vlacknir
Code Name:Feurd
Position: Leader
Power:Telekinesis, and the ability to teleport.
Appearance: Pitch black Skin, yellow eyes and sharp, long, pointed ears. He is 6'8" and has a skinny to the bone physique. He wears a dark red robe that flows out a bit to hide his fragile figure that covers him and is only a half inch away from the floor. He has black shoes and his hands are pointed at each finger tip. He wears a red cap that covers from the outline of the eyebrows, just over the ears, and down towards the neck. A purple orb is also set upon his cap. He wears a purple scarf with demonic designs on it and is placed not around his neck but over his shoulders, also a collar piece covers his face up to the nose.
Human form: A very neat, evil looking business man with a black suit and tie, he also has black, slicked back hair and still has yellow colored eyes, he wears a pair of black glasses over them.
Bio:Vlacknir has always had a hatred for the humans who degrade the Earth and keep Demons from conquering it. He started A.M.U.L.E.T.S. as a resistance group against the human race and it's entirety. Vlacknir came from the lowest levels of Hell to destroy the pestilent beings and wants nothing more than the extinction of them. Not much is known about Vlacknir's past however...
Personality:VLacknir is self absorbed and greedy. He loves giving out orders and kills any who doesn't fall through with them. Besides being a master of telekinesis, he is also a master at a firm tongue lashing to through his subordinates into place.
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This seems pretty cool. And yes he's pretty much erberus from Joey's RP.

Name: Cerberus/Kerberos
Age: ??? (Unknown A few thousand years old though which is surprisingly young)
Gender: Male
Mythical creature/Super power: Cerberus; can create and control over fire
Appearance: [spoiler][IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j273/nyle91/FireVile.png[/IMG][/spoiler]
Sector: Beta
Personality: Though he's always looking for a fight and is easily provoked. He tries to completely destroy all his enemies not letting a single one of them survive but that's just for his own amusement but he enjoys torturing them first.
Bio: Once called the mad dog , hound of Hades, and also known as the one who guards the gate to the underworld. After his embarassing loss to Hercules, Hades trained him to be more human like (even being able to take a human form) and was taught math, how to read and write, how to fight, and strategy instead of being the stupid savage beast he once was (still shows those qualities though). It was discovered that he had the ability to control fire that he must have inherited from his father, Typhon. Hades sent him to work for M.Y.T.H. to help with the problem in the human world and to stop the deaths created because of those threats. Because of his absence from the gate his role in M.Y.T.H. is kept secret and is just called 12. Sometimes he uses twin revolvers that he summons from some flames. One's called Mad Dog and the other Gatekeeper. He might also use a Katana named Typhon.
Code Name: 12
RP Sample: [spoiler=There, I think I made that way too long.]
A lone man sat with his back against a giant gate completely covered covered with strange symbols, markings...and blood. The most noticable symbol on the gate being the giant pentagram in the center. The man sitting against it had a look on his face as if he was bored which he was. The expression soon changed to footsteps when he heard footsteps and laughter from a bored look to a smile of insanity.

"Man, this is going to be so easy. Play some crappy music and he'll probaly just let us pass," said a strange man with devilish horns and skin as red as blood. He was holding a harp.

"I know, he's just a stupid dog. Even if that doesn't work we can probaly just kill him. I can just choke him a bit or something." This guy was bit different. He had green scaly skin and tentacles for arms. "Then he'll just do whatever we want."

"Maybe tell him a riddle and walk by while he's still thinking about it." This one was bald and blue. He was wearing a robe. which was different from the casual wear of the other two. The three men laughed at all their jokes.

"Shut up you three. This is serious. Cerberus won't be that easy. Now let's go over the plan again. Get past the mad dog, sneak into Hades' palace, steal ourselves a fortune, and get back out." This man looked alot like the first except he had teeth that extended out of his mouth and were curved outward. He dragged along a claymore with him. This guy seemed to be wearing some sort of light armor.

The four strange men walked into the huge men that housed the gate and looked around only to see the gate and a young man who was now up leaning up against the gate with his hands in his pockets. The first man was the first to say anything. "Who are you? Where is Cerberus?"

The man smiled. "My name is Cerberus. I'm your ticket to h***." The men were startled at first but then laughed. They obviously weren't buying this.

The first man walked further in still chuckling a bit. "Well if you are Cerberus then let us in." He started to strum on his harp even though it just seemed like he was randomly rubbing his hand across it to get some distorted tune. Cerberus' smile grew wider as he sent a wave of fire at the man with the horns and the harp that overwhelmed him and twisted around. Screams could be heard...some of them from the guy wearing the robe.

He looked at the guy with the robe. "Riddles is my sibling's thing and he asked them. Get right." A ball of fire appeared to his left side and he reached his hand into it. He pulled out a revolver with the words Mad Dog written across the barrel on both sides. He aimed it aty the man.

The man was shaking, he was trying to think of a riddle. He was in complete denial and still thought one could save him now. "What's black and blue and red all over?"

Cerberus laughed but soon settled down. "Easy. You and your friend." He shot the man in the head and the blood got all over the guy with the tentacles. The blue man's head then combusted into flames which spread along the robe blackening his skin but leaving some of the original blue skin showable. "See? Told ya," he said as he laughed a bit more.

The guy with the tentacles was at first freaking out by the death of his two friends but smirked. "Oh well. Two less to share our cut with." He charged at erberus and sent a tentacle at him. He blocked with the revolver but the tentacle wrapped around it and wouldn't let it budge from it's spot. "What are you going to do now?" He sent his other tentacle at Cerberus. Cerberus was quicker. Another ball of flame appeared to his his right. He put his hand in it and pulled out another revolver. Written on the barrel was Gatekeeper. He quickly aimed and shot. The tentacled was inches from his neck when the bullet flew between the tentacle guy's eyes and it just dropped onto the ground with the man as did the one that was holding onto Mad Dog.

The final man smiled and laughed uncontrollably. It seemed as if he had gone crazy after seeing all three of his colleagues' horrible deaths. "You really think you can beat me? I'll Kill You! I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!" He charged at Cerberus with his sword.

"I commend you. Even though it's because of insanity you don't run away." A pillar of fire erupted out of the ground in front of Cerberus. He put his hands and revolvers into it and took it out to reveal that he was now holding a katana with the name Typhon written at the begginning of the blade. He took a special stance where he held the blade with one hand and had is other one behind him with the palm facing away from him. When the man with the sword and armor got close he sent out a burst of fire that propelled him forward at a high speed. He cleanly cut the last man in half with the blade. He sent a fireball at the remainder of the bodies so that they would be nothing but ashes. He whiffed the air "Ah, I love that smell. There that takes care of the bodies. Ah, this why I love my job." The katana combusted into flames and disappeared.

The gate behind him opened up and Cerberus got on one of his knees. Hades walked into the room. "Cerberus, as you should know there has been an extreme rise of demon threats. An organization is being created to find the solution of this and to stop this problem once and for all. Do you understand where I'm going with this."

"Yes, you want me to join this organization to help with the problem in these demon threats," he said as he stood up.

Hades smiled. "Yes Cerberus. You have made me proud as my greatest student." Cerberus smiled.

"Thank you master..but what about my position here?"

"I've been able to get a temporary replacement. Hercules didn't kill all of your siblings. You will leave at once."

"Yes sir," he saud as he turned around and left. It had been thousands of years since he was in the human world.

When he reached the human world he found found a helicopter waiting for him. "Come on sir, this helicopter will take you to the airport where a plane will then take you to M.Y.T.H. headquarters," a man in a black suit said before jumping into the helicopter. He followed the man into the helicopter. He was able to watch TV and Hades and some of the dead would keep him up to date on this stuff so that's why he wasn't to surprised by the helicopter but it was still the first time he was in one. He didn't get to many modern conviences.

"I'm guessing the exact location is a secret then. Oh well. Let's go." The door closed and the helicopter flew off.

I tried to incorporate alot of mythology into this.
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Name: Virgil (lol I used this name like 80 times) Adante
Age: 234 (Looks 19)
Gender: Mantastic
Mythical creature/Super power: Dhampir(Half-Vampire); The power to control and create darkness and all half-vampire abilities
Appearance: [spoiler=Spoiler][img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/166/7/d/7d3defd3c238e4552e9dec312491cf36.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Sector: [b]Alpha[/b] Centuri
Personality: Virgil seems like a very flirtatous, charismatic and charming person, albiet an arrogant, manipulative, and intimidative person, but underneath that lies a (somewhat) insane psycopath just waiting to be released. He is smart and cunning enough to get out of any situation posed, and deep within his layers of deviousness lies a spark of decency.
Bio: Virgil was born in Late 18th Century London, England. Later that year he traveled to America with his family. Then many years later the American Revolution started and Virgil just had to go to war. During the aftermath he took his travels to where everyone else was going; The West. He settled down in Canada around the Manitoba area after his wagon train groupies all died of dysentry. Almost a century later the Civil War was being fought and Virgil wanted in like usual. After the war he waited years later for ANOTHER war, when the peace of just drifting from town to town bored him, he got on a boat to Germany and stayed there, traveling about Europe, West Asia, and North Africa. Then news of WWII came to his ears, and guess what happened next. Then Virgil decided to relax and keep his insanity and psycopathy dormant, until he heard news of MYTH. [spoiler=Random Shizz About Virgil I didn't feel like putting in the Bio]
Bin Laden hasn't been found becuase Virgil got him first
Virgil is Jack the Ripper
I don't feel like adding a billion random facts right now
Code Name: Chrome
[spoiler=RP Sample:]
Virgil turned to Marcus and smiled before saying, "that's none of your buisiness what I do or don't do." Virgil then asked while twirling his pistol named Kasuru in his hand, "so what do you want from me now? If its not going back to kick some 'A' in the carnival or going about the city kicking more 'A'. Then don't talk to me." Virgil then smiled pulling his fingers apart, activating the prank trap he so craftily set up. The 'trap' consisted of many almost unseeable nooses made to trap a foot and send the person sliding down to Conner and Marcus, but since Marcus was the reciever he was sent down hanging from his foot. Virgil chuckled abit before freeing him, and jumping down with afew acrobatic tricks.

Name: Virgil (lol I used this name like 80 times) Adante
Age: 234 (Looks 19)
Gender: Mantastic
Mythical creature/Super power: Dhampir(Half-Vampire); The power to control and create darkness and all half-vampire abilities
Appearance: [spoiler=Spoiler][img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/166/7/d/7d3defd3c238e4552e9dec312491cf36.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Sector: [b]Alpha[/b] Centuri
Personality: Virgil seems like a very flirtatous, charismatic and charming person, albiet an arrogant, manipulative, and intimidative person, but underneath that lies a (somewhat) insane psycopath just waiting to be released. He is smart and cunning enough to get out of any situation posed, and deep within his layers of deviousness lies a spark of decency.
Bio: Virgil was born in Late 18th Century London, England. Later that year he traveled to America with his family. Then many years later the American Revolution started and Virgil just had to go to war. During the aftermath he took his travels to where everyone else was going; The West. He settled down in Canada around the Manitoba area after his wagon train groupies all died of dysentry. Almost a century later the Civil War was being fought and Virgil wanted in like usual. After the war he waited years later for ANOTHER war, when the peace of just drifting from town to town bored him, he got on a boat to Germany and stayed there, traveling about Europe, West Asia, and North Africa. Then news of WWII came to his ears, and guess what happened next. Then Virgil decided to relax and keep his insanity and psycopathy dormant, until he heard news of MYTH. [spoiler=Random Shizz About Virgil I didn't feel like putting in the Bio]
Bin Laden hasn't been found becuase Virgil got him first
Virgil is Jack the Ripper
I don't feel like adding a billion random facts right now
Code Name: Chrome
[spoiler=RP Sample:]
Virgil turned to Marcus and smiled before saying, "that's none of your buisiness what I do or don't do." Virgil then asked while twirling his pistol named Kasuru in his hand, "so what do you want from me now? If its not going back to kick some 'A' in the carnival or going about the city kicking more 'A'. Then don't talk to me." Virgil then smiled pulling his fingers apart, activating the prank trap he so craftily set up. The 'trap' consisted of many almost unseeable nooses made to trap a foot and send the person sliding down to Conner and Marcus, but since Marcus was the reciever he was sent down hanging from his foot. Virgil chuckled abit before freeing him, and jumping down with afew acrobatic tricks.
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@6-shot= Well the group is which one u WANT to be in but after I get a few more applicants I will group the people who will do best together as a real organization would so you can choose which one you want to be In but I am free to change it. Also yes the RP sample is required, I just need to know what level you are at.

@Final= Accepted! Good job btw!
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Name: Nymphia Colertaz
Age: 105 (looks like a 15 yo)
Gender: Female
Mythical creature/Super power: Mermaid; Control over water and rain.
Appearance: Mermaid Form: Long red hair with a blue streak, sky blue eyes. Her tail is encased in green scales that, in the sunlight, look rainbow colored. Human: The same flowing red hair, but the streak is black. Her eyes are emerald green. She is approximately 5 ft tall.
Sector: Beta
Personality: She is quite stubborn, and refuses to back down from any challenge thrown her way, except for rare occasions. She is rather sensitive, if she reckons you are being mean she'll throw a hissy fit. When she is your friend she is a dependable girl that will defend you through thick and thin.
Bio: Nymphia is daughter of the King of the Sea, and was spoiled, given anything she wanted. However, when she was 52, the ocean where she lived was attacked by the illegal Demons. She and all the other mermaids were driven back to the palace, where they fought these Demons. Nymphia, not wanting anyone killed, swam out of the palace and made the demons give chase, only just managing to stay in front. When her strength gave way, she was brutally attacked. By luck she managed to squirm out of their grasp and headed for land, turning to a human upon contact with the sand. She had turned around and called on her magic, and had washed the demons away with a wave. She returned to her kingdom, and lived peacfully, but all the mermaids dreaded a return, so they sent Nymphia to M.Y.T.H to stop the demons from ever returning.
Code Name: Sea Sprite
RP Sample: Nymphia twisted, tail bending to its limits, narrowly avoiding the sharp claws of the demon. "Back off!" She shouted, full of irritance. "What do you you want with us!" She kicked with her fin and propelled herself foward once more. Looking back, she almost chocked. More demons had given chase, following her, eyes glinting menacingly. Clearly they longed to sink their claws into her tender tail, and rip her limb from limb. "[i]Humph, as if that will happen![/i]" She thought, using her arms and tail to propel herself through the water, aiming for a gorge not to far away. "[i]If I can reach that gorge, they won't stand a chance! Nobody can navigate their way through the dark like I can![/i]" She give an almighty flick of tail and shot into the darkness of the crack. For a moment, all was as black as the night sky, but quickly her eyes adjusted.
Just in time to see a demon heading straight for her, claws outstreched, clearly knowing exactly where it/he/she was going. "Oh god....." She dodged with another tight twist, seeing the demon smash straight into the wall infront of which Nymphia had just been. She felt her stomach do a back flip as she saw the blood, smeared all over the wall and drifting through the water. Retching, she swam for the exit, powerful tail flicking furiously. She burst out into the light, and blinked and everything gradually became clearer. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pang of pain in her tail. Looking down, she screamed. A demon had managed to lodge its/his/her claws into Nymphia's tail, and was not going to let go any time soon. She flicked her tain furiously, trying to dislodge the demon, but it wouldn't let go. She screamed again as she saw a multitude of demons rise from the gorge and surround her, slashing and punching her. One punched her in the face, almost knocking her out, but she clung furiosly to conciousness, trying to summon all her strength. When she felt it build, she let it, trying to bring it together, to call on a final dash that could possibly seperate herself and the demon. Her strength reached its peak, and she flicked her tail so hard that she was sent shotting fowards, leaving all the demons in a confused clutter. When the speed boost ended, she was exausted, struggling to keep her lids open. But still she swam, breaking the surface with a gasp. Swimming slowly foward she finally felt sand beneath her tail. she crawled foward, and as soon as she was out of the sea she transformed. Her tail disapeared, replaced by legs. She blue hair streak turned black, and she landed with a squelch on the sand, human. She turned back to the sea, where the demons started to exit the water. She narrowed her eyes, and started to chant. "Insui Dontai Explo Norei Sintu Norao Zortar Adghlerdenso!" As she muttered the final word a large amount of water evaporated, and appeared right before her as a large puddle. She raise her arms and it turned into a wave. Sighing, she lowered her arms.
The wave leapt foward, snatching all the demons and dragging them with it. The wave propelled across the surface of the water, becoming smaller, smaller, until it disapeared into the horizon. Nymphia smiled. "[i]They won't be coming back for awhile.[/i]"
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Name: Eumelia Smith (From the Greek for 'Melody')
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Mythical creature: Siren. Her abilities consist of flight and the ability to use her voice in three ways. The first is to create a sonic shockwave that will affect a conical area ahead of her mouth, with the intensity fading the further and wider the shockwave becomes. The second, related to the first, is to create a 'sonic shield' in front of her. The third is the alluring singing voice, which her race are famed for. Due to her age, however, the influence this has is limited, and most mythical beings and people with supernatural powers will find it more of a distraction that a full-on compulsion that most normal humans do.
Appearance: Eumelia is a small girl, at just over 5' 2", with a fairly slim build. Even when she looks human, she seems almost too light for her size, as her bones have the same lightweight hollow structure that birds do. Her hair is a dark brown, almost black, wavy, shoulder-length, and usually worn loose. Her eyes are a bright sky-blue, although because of how she usually holds herself, they're rarely seen. Her skin is a light tan colour, betraying her Mediterranean heritage. Overall, most people would consider her pretty, although few notice anything more. The only visible difference between her 'human' and 'siren' forms are her wings, which have dull white/cream feathers. She does, however, hold her self with more confidence in this form, which tends to make people notice her more, and in tests people preferred pictures of the 'siren' form, with wings edited out, to the 'human' one.
Sector: Beta
Personality: Eumelia is very shy, and incredibly quiet, speaking in a very quit voice and only when she has to. She's empathetic, and very kind and caring, and doesn't want to see others hurt, and thus is almost afraid of the power of her voice. She prefers to stay out of the way, not wanting to be a bother, but if she sees someone in trouble she will do what she can to help them.
Bio: No-one really knows where Eumelia comes from, least of all her. The Sirens have not been seen since the time of the ancient Greeks, and no-one, aside from possibly the mermaids, is certain of where the island they lived on is. Eumelia herself was abandoned on the door of a orphanage in the UK, with no indication as to who her parents were. Her name was attached to the carrier she was left in, the surname being added by the orphanage. Even when she was young there were often problems. Even t a young age her voice had great influence over her peers, and it was probably fortunate that she was a peaceful and caring person, otherwise she could have caused even more damage than she did. On finding out what her voice could do, especially when singing, she became very quiet and withdrawn, refusing to speak unless she had to, which didn't help when her wings began to develop, which drove the girl into deeper isolation. Had not one of the staff at the home she was in not had contact with some mythical creature herself (who or what that was she has not said), and thus realised what was happening, things could have ended very badly for either Eumelia or those around her. As it was, they were able to figure out the girl's true heritage, and without the fear that something was wrong with her, Eumelia was able to learn to hide her wings and learnt to function in human society. Despite being intelligent, however, she opted to enter work at 16, rather than further her education. Wanting to keep her head down and avoid being in a situation where her voice would cause harm, she chose to work in a shop, where it was unlikely that anything she would say would really matter.
It was from the shop that M.Y.T.H. recruited her, having somehow tracked down the girl despite the fact that she had only revealed her true nature in public a handful of times previously, and all of them at night, in dark places, with any witnesses either too afraid to speak up or thinking they wouldn't be believed if they did. Having wanted to know more about her heritage, and seeing that she would have a better chance of doing so with others like her, she took the opportunity. She has spent several months in an isolated part of the UK learning how to use her abilities, rather than just hiding them, and has now moved to M.Y.T.H.'s Headquarters.
Code Name: Aella ('Whirlwind')

[Spoiler=RP Sample]
It was a cold night, but it was dry as well, so although people weren't hurrying to get to where they were going, they weren't taking their time either. One young woman made the mistake of cutting through a back alley. It shouldn't have been a problem; after all, she'd used it before, and it was normally fine, but tonight the street light was out, and a drug addict had found it ideal for him to use, since no-one was there. The sound of the woman disturbed him, and he ducked away behind a bin. Seeing her past, he noticed that she had one of those expensive handbags, which would get him enough drugs for some time. He took his chance and emerged from the bins, grabbing the woman's arm. Naturally, she shrieked, and pulled away, getting free for a moment, but tripping over. As she pulled herself up the addict loomed over her, greed in his eyes. Suddenly there was someone else. A girl, somewhere in her teens, stood between the two facing the addict, arms spread wide, like someone trying to shield something.
The addict looked at the other girl. She was smaller than the first, barely more than a child. It was almost funny really, since it should probably be the other way. "Move, girl," he told her.
"No," the girl replied, quietly.
"I told you to move, or you'll get what she's going to get." Despite saying that, the addict noticed that this girl didn't have any visible signs of wealth. She's probably have a phone somewhere though.
"No," the girl repeated.
"That's it!" shouted the addict, aiming a punch at the girl, who screamed. At that moment, the man's fist hit thin air. Literally. He stared at his fist, and looked back to the girl, his eyes opening with horror. The girl's mouth was wide open, but that was not what got him.
It was the wings. They were folded in because of the lack of space, but they were real wings nonetheless, and they were attached to this girl. He abandoned his plan, and ran out of the other end of the alleyway. The next morning, when his senses returned to him, he decided he was never taking drugs again.
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I join too many RP's... Here's my app:
[spoiler=App][b]Name:[/b] Project Marixia: Unit 0042: Diabolo Mark VII
[b]Age:[/b] Constructed 2 years ago.
[b]Gender:[/b] Neither, but referred to as female
[b]Mythical creature/Super power:[/b] Android
The thing floating next to her is a drone unit manufactured along with her. It stores information as a backup, and can be used as support fire. It can also be used for scouting, and to collect information. She has white hair that reaches down her back. She has a plethora of electronic equipment attached to her. Despite her appearance, she is actually an android. She does, however, contain biological parts (that I'm not naming. No, it's not [i]there[/i] either, you gutterminds). She has a tactile interface located on her right arm, which is used for diagnostic modes and information retrieval. She wears an analytical eyepiece to feed auxillary information, like distance and size of enemies. She uses it to "size up" her enemies before fights. All of this equipment is also waterproof, unlike previous models. She also sports a ring that hovers around her that can generate a 3,000 gigawatt forcefield. It can only take so much damage, however, before it deactivates. She has an EMPS ([b]E[/b]lectro-[b]M[/b]agnetic [b]P[/b]ulse [b]S[/b]hield) to protect her from EM pulses, which would disable her circuitry.
Sector: Beta
[b]Personality:[/b] She is cold-hearted and ruthless, and therefore has few friends. She has a friend developing a personality matrix for her, though, as she does not have her own.
[b]Bio: [/b]Mari, as she is called by those who have managed to befriend her, is part of a top secret government project, called Project Marixia, that is focused on creating the perfect soldier for use in the war. However, after their first project failed, they tried again, attempting to eliminate the flaws of the first models. Mari was one of the few who became sentient. A morality program was installed, because the last model killed its own teammates. The program allows her to distinguish. An intelligence matrix was added, to further strategic ability. This project went on for a year. However, things went horribly wrong when she and a few others became sentient and self-aware. They revolted, and destroyed the base of operations, while managing to keep the event out of the media. The government decided to let them go afterward. Besides, they couldn't defeat cold-hearted robotic assassins built and bred for war. Unlike her previous models, she has no personality matrix installed, as they believed that they were unnecessary during war. She does have an primitive intelligence matrix installed, however, to further her strategic ability. She has also adapted her own ability; the ability to analyse opponents and mimic their skill and certain abilities.
[b]Code Name:[/b] Mari
[b]RP Sample:[/b][spoiler=Beware, it's long. Very long.]From my RP "Pokemon Infinity:"
Palm and the group made their way to the lab where Violet was being kept. Yoru was waiting there to greet them.
"So glad you could come, Charles," he said, chuckling. Null was standing right next to him.
"Yoru, how dare you... Pokemon can't be treated like this!" Palm tried to confront Yoru, "Let Violet go!"
"And why should I?"
"I'll defeat you! If I win, you have to let Violet go!"
"And if I win, I'm free to do as I please with it."
Palm reluctantly agreed, and the two began their battle. Palm sent out his Pokemon first. "Go, Espeon!" The purple feline jumped out of its ball, and landed on the battlefield.
"Come forth, Archaeos! (See here) Attack with Crunch!" The ancient bird lunged at Espeon with its jaws opened wide. The little Pokemon tried to dodge, but the bird was too quick. It chomped down on Espeon. When it let go, the feline rolled onto the floor, unconscious.
"Espeon!" Palm called as he returned the Pokemon to its Pokeball, "Go, Luna!" The black Pokemon burst out next.
"Very well. Go, Archaeos, Rock Slide!" Multiple rocks were flung at the Umbreon, but then Luna pulled off an extraordinary move. It jumped from rock to rock and avoided the bird's attacks. It reached Archaeos and attacked it with a powerful headbutt. It fell towards the ground. "Archaeos, U-turn!" The bird Pokemon flew towards Luna, and struck it head-on. Then it turned around and flew straight back into its Pokeball.
"Come forth, Ulgamoth! (See here) Flare Blitz!" The red moth charged at Luna, and the attack connected. Luna fell back, unconscious.
"Grr..." Palm recalled Luna to its Pokeball.
"Well, well, Charles, looks like you lost. And you were so good years ago. Looks like you got rusty. But that's the end. I can keep your Shaymin."
"Not if I can help it! I challenge you now!" Haruki stepped forward to battle Yoru after Palm's lost.
Kiruha stepped up next to him. "You mean we challenge him, right?"
Yoru chuckled at the two. "So, the Mirai kids are here to stop me? What a surprise. I'll take you both on!" Join Ulgamoth and fight, Archaeos!" The ancient Pokemon came back out and prepared for battle.
"Go! Togi!"
"Go! Polygon!" Both trainers' Pokemon emerged from their Pokeballs and onto the battlefield. "Polygon, use Hyper Beam!" The pink and blue Pokemon fired away its orange beam. Ulgamoth tried to dodge, but failed to, and was hit head-on by the blast. It was knocked back a few feet, but it remained in the air, and conscious.
"Togi, attack with Aura Sphere!" Togi obeyed and created a blue ball of light. It bounced it a few times and then launched it towards Archaeos. The bird attempted to dodge, and it did so successfully. But, the sphere turned to continue on its course towards Archaeos, and hit. The bird fell to the ground, but stood up quickly. Still weak, it fired a flamethrower at Togekiss, but the Pokemon was able to dodge, but not without a burn on its left foot.
"Ulgamoth, use Flare Blitz! Get that PorygonZ!" The giant moth, cloaked in fire, rushed at Polygon, but unfortunately missed. It continued, however, and struck the wall instead. The Pokemon became injured from it and staggered back, before fainting. Yoru called it back to its Pokeball.
"Ulgamoth, return. Come forth, Rampardos!" The giant Pokemon came out of its Pokeball and roared. "Head Smash!" Rampardos rushed towards Togekiss, and the attack connected. Togekiss was launched back and hit the wall, and then fainted.
"Togi! No!" Kiruha sighed and held up her Pokeball, "Come on back. You need a rest." The Pokemon glowed red and then retreated to the red and white capsule. "Now, come on! Abs!" Absol appeared on the field in a flash. "Night Slash!" Abs's scythe on its head glowed white, and then it disappeared in an instant. In the next second, it reappeared right in front of Rampardos and attacked. Rampardos took heavy damage, but remained in place.
Haruki decided to call his Pokemon back. Polygon glowed red and returned to its ball. "Go! Kekking!" The giant sloth Pokemon appeared in its relaxed position onto the battlefield. Yoru smirked.
"Heh, I remember that Pokemon. It was the one your father used against me years ago. But now I'll beat you and your pathetic Pokemon! Rampardos, use Giga Impact!" The dinosaur rushed Slaking, but it wasn't fast enough.
"Slaking, Hammer Arm!" Slaking lifted its arm and pounded down on Rampardos. The attack looked brutal; Rampardos's head was smashed into the ground. However, Rampardos managed to get up, but only for a short while; it fainted afterward.
"Rampardos! Grr... That Slaking is still strong, but that still won't stop me! Go! Archaeos, use Hyper Beam!" The bird charged up its attack, and fired it at Slaking. Slaking didn't even try to dodge it, however, it let the attack connect. It rolled back a few feet, but overall, it seemed unfazed. It yawned lazily. Then it sat up.
"Slaking, use Giga Impact!" It ran quickly, albeit heavily, at Archaeos, and rammed it. The bird flew back into the wall, and when it fell out, it had already fainted.
"Grr... You won't beat me this easily! I still have my last Pokemon! But... it's not in a Pokeball." Yoru ran over to a computer and input a code. A cloaking device on a nearby wall, which was undamaged, decloaked to reveal a tank with a recognisable Pokemon. Mewtwo. Except it was... enhanced with electronics and other sorts of machinery. The fluid in the tank was drained, and the clear tube lowered. Wires disconnected and the Pokemon stepped out. Mewtwo faced Abs and Kekking and prepared for battle...
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This sounds pretty awesome :D

Name: Aeros Galeara
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Mythical creature/Super power: Creature- Chimera (if I may). Power- Ability to spawn snakes.
Appearance:[spoiler= Chimera]http://www.andyparkart.com/images/gallery/concept/god_of_war_ii/chimera.jpg[/spoiler]
Sector: Your call. I'm cool either way.
Personality: Aeros is distant from others, and only speaks when needed. He is a cold man and does his job without argument. When he's not working, he goes to the place where is parents were murdered by demons of A.M.U.L.E.T. to mourn.
Bio: Aeros was born strong. He'd always been misunderstood, however, he'd dealt with it and fought through it. By the time he was 15, his father had trained him to harness his power. Then, one day, he and his parents were walking around on a chilly, starry night when they encountered an illegal demon. It had killed his parents without any trouble. The sadness infuriated him. He'd suddenly found himself changing, and the next thing he knew, he was a large beat- part lion, part snake, and many other things. He tore the demon apart piece by piece. Ever since then, he'd continued to train until he finally helped to destroy A.M.U.L.E.T. once and for all.
Code Name: I'd prefer to just be called Aeros tbh : /
RP Sample: I guess any of my posts in this if I'm allowed to just link it. http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/212907-league-of-assassins-pg-13-semi-lit-accepting-started/page__pid__4605765__st__460#entry4605765

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