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P/D/P/... Club.


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Anyone who has Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, etc...can join(even if you dont own a pokemon game you can join). Here you can battle other people via Wi-Fi, trade pokemon, or just hang out. Also....post any suggestions that may improve this club, I'm no good with that kind of stuff............
Pokemon Games owned:
Favorite Pokemon:
Friend Code(if you have one):

[spoiler=trade requests]
If your looking for a specific pokemon, I'll post it here in case another member has it.

Leader: Deathghost101
Friend Code: 2236-2350-4207

Co-Leader: Ĉatman
Friend Code: N/A

1) FTW (For The Wynn)
Friend Code: N/A

Friend Code: 3911-3221-4548

Friend Code: Not sure

4)Username: Shiny azelf fan 333
Friend Code(if you have one): heart gold: 0647 0663 9545. platinum: 0002 9787 7657

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FTW (For The Wynn), your accepted......and I know, raising a Dragonite is awsome.

Ĉatman, if you have a router just google "how to change your router settings" the first link should have directions on how to do so.......thats what I did.
Also make sure to include the specific router you have in the google search......since there are different directions depending on which one you use.
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