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[XB360] Halo Reach / XBox Live


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Hello guys. Well, this thread is basically to discuss Halo Reach and XBox Live.
I am aware there is another thread, but hat was made to discuss he game BEFORE it came out, so yeah.
Anyway, to start the thread off, here are some questions.

1) What rank are you? I'm Sergeant Grade 2, but really, REALLY close to Warrant Officer.
2) What is your XBox Live Gamer Tag? Mine is Evoco Nite.
3) What is your favorite weapon? I have a few. I love the melee weapons, but I also enjoy the pistol and the DMR. If Plasma Grenades count, then those too.
4) Are you in a clan? If not, go to the Clubs section and join mine! ;)

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1) Currently a Captain, almost grade 1.
2) Jay iz Tactical
3) No favorite weapon, I jump back and forth between them all. I prefer vehicles, in which case I love the Warthog and the Falcon.
4) I'm an Add-On Specialist, part of a group of mercenaries that provide help with other clans by replacing missing members or by going against your clan in an exhibition match. Our group is small right now (as it is fairly new), but we are growing and our leader is setting up a website and all that other stuff I don't bother with.
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I miss the Fuel Rod ;-;

The Saber 1-6 level was epic! I've been playing campaign at my friend's and...

It was awesome. We would strafe with the two of us together. He'd use the missiles to take out the shield and I'd finish them with my missiles.

We got to do that twice. We both nuked a Phantom(Boost, Machine Gun, switch to Cannon and ram)

So we had to start again ;3
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