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Sunset Tag


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Thanks Raiza!I like to think im getting to the point where I produce decent quality work. :)

Thanks Kaisu, I do have a problem with the shadows on the renders’s left. They are a bit chunkey. :/
and yeah, the transparent text says Mythcaptor, and it is just a stamp im putting on all my tags now. Just tolerate it. Its easy to ignore, and some of my as of yet unposted tags have it blended much better.

edit: Too simple? I didnt think too be good, a tag HAS to be busy/c4d spammed/action packed. Most of my tags are, but I made this one, which is calm and peaceful, and low and be told, it turns out to be my best one. I dont think its too simple at all. I think its just peaceful, and more mellow than the average tag. It actually has a lot of effects, they are just more blended and subtle than most of my tags.

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