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Avatar Arena V.2 Farewell my friends

Admiral Tim

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As the flare attacks me as I repel back, it shoot me through my shoulder.

"CURSES.........." My arm slowly regenerates.

"Well, I might die sooner, but, the fun, has just begun. Cause...do you want to see something cool?"

I start transforming....

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"HOLY S***, that is ugly!" I commented, obviously disgusted.

I take out my Plasma Repeater and Needler and open up on you with both.

(NOTE: The needler will do the same thing the the Needle Rifle does, except it takes about 10 needles into an unshielded target. Specifically, you.)
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As of my true form, I repel away as I land in a big quake while repelled.

[font="Impact"][color="#FF0000"][size="5"]"Oh, so you think simple guns and weapons are good enough? Well keep trying!"[/size][/color][/font]

I swift my tail to attack you violently as you fly along the stage.
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I get swacked all the way across the arena. I crash into a wall, but emerge still standing.

I Cough. But afterward, I take out a small communicator. I speak a few words into it that you don't know. I then take out my Plasma Grenade Launcher and begin charging, aiming at you from all the way across the arena.

1 post before charging is complete and something happens.
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[font="Impact"][size="5"][color="#FF0000"]"What kind of crazy technique are you using now?...."[/color][/size][/font]

I rush behind you and stick my tongue at you and coil you up.

[font="Impact"][color="#FF0000"][size="5"]"HAHHA! When I swallow you up, it's over"[/size][/color][/font]
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I stop charging the GL and get out my Energy Sword, slicing at the tongue, letting me go free. I evaded twice away from you.

Suddenly, a soft hum could be heard, except it was getting louder. And Louder. And Louder.

A Phantom Drop-Ship came over the Horizon. Once in range, it open fired on you with Heavy Plasma Cannons and 2 Light Cannons. In the Mean time, I go beneath it and wait.

2 Bulky, Armor Clad figures came down. A pair of Hunters. Several Grunts and another Elite (not as good as me) also dropped down. I began to talk to the Elite, while the Drop ship kept firing. 1 Hunter Charged and Fired a stream of Green energy, while the other fired Fuel Rod shots. The Grunts began to fire with the Plasma Pistols.
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Hey, if you can turn into a (size not stated, so Iz guessing) Large, Killer, Ultimately Impossible to defeat Alone creature...thing.....- -"......*Ahem* I should be able to at least call in some back up. Do you know how hard it is to kill a Grunt? Thats right. WAY to easy. Hunters are strong, but really slow, and my Elite friend carries a Concussion Rifle, but thats it. The Phantom stays for 1 more post.
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[quote name='serus' timestamp='1286626291' post='4690456']
Power:Hypnotic,healing,hitting people with leek/spring onion,Yoshi powers
Class:mixed(Whatever a leek/spring onion and a yoshi can do)


[quote name='Phantom M.C.' timestamp='1286646150' post='4691134']
new power: [list][*]insane speed, able to rival shinigami's shunpo.[*][b]blades and armor are made up of a special steel that's as hard as diamond.[/b] any elemental attacks such as fire/acid/wind are negated, but the force generated from the attack will still be effective. requires many attacks before the armor will break. [b]the armor does not cover my neck and is slightly weaker at my joints.[/b][*]insane strength, the 2 blades are able to cut even through diamond without much effort.[*]the blades can be slashed through the air to create a pressure wave that can disintegrate walls and hills[*]2 blades slashed simultaneously in 1 direction to create a concentrated pressure wave (the area of effect is smaller than a normal pressure wave) that can punch holes through mountains.[/list]^^changes in bold

ok, now sum it all up so I can post it on the first page.

[quote name='Ātman' timestamp='1286665291' post='4691941']
is the tourney still on or no?


[quote name='Loki Scudo' timestamp='1286662550' post='4691774']
I wonder when the F*** Tim will get here and aprove our powers..<_<

Hey M.C. wanna battle?

I took a day of YCM and you start swearing at me!!!!!! Fine then leave, i'm really pissed now.

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[quote name='~Articuno~' timestamp='1286673505' post='4692269']
I fly over to the stands next to M.C with a bag of popcorn in my beak. "Popcorn?"

Loki: Quitting the tournament? Or the arena?
the tournament. I would never have the guts to quit the arena. So Tim...? Are my new powers accepted?

[quote name='Commander Tim' timestamp='1286711823' post='4693253']
I took a day of YCM and you start swearing at me!!!!!! Fine then leave, i'm really pissed now.
Well sorry. I thought you were on several times. At least I blocked most of it out right...?
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