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Ritual Card/Monster contest RESULTS UP


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As this is my First Contest I want to make it a good one so only enter if you are serious about winning. Now, down to business, I will only accept the first 6 members to post their interest so it's basically first come first served:




Entry Rules: All members are welcome/Entry is FREE/Max 6 members


Contest Rules: This is a 1 round contest/All standard YCM rules apply (flaming, spamming, trolling, etc)/All cards posted must have their LORE posted as well


Judging: There will be only one judge.....me/I will begin judging after all cards have been posted


Prizes: 1st place: 2 reps

2nd place: 1 rep



1. Newfie1 (posted)

2. AxManBoy

3.Matt Bahmut (posted)

4.iRiolu (posted)

5.Hades Ruler1 (posted)

6.Sephiroth_The_Legend (posted)



when all cards have been posted judging will begin.


Good luck to all involved!!!!

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I will join. Made a Ritual monster for another contest but it seems to have ended without completion so would like another oppurtunity to try it.




This card can only be Ritual Summoned by the effect of 'Cursed Treasure'. When this card is summoned successfully, draw 2 cards. When this card is destroyed in battle, discard 3 cards from your hand to the Graveyard.




This card is used to Ritual Summon 'Dark Mimic - Cursed Toybox'. You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 5 or above as a Tribute from the field or your hand. When you summon 'Dark Mimic - Cursed Toybox' successfully, equip it with this card. During your Draw Phase, if this card is on the field and you have no cards in your hand, you can draw 2 cards instead of 1.

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ill join...




This card can only be Ritual Summoned by the Ritual Spell Card "Beckon to Darkness". When this card is Ritual Summoned, select 2 Fairy-Type monsters in your Deck and send them to the Graveyard. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 Fairy-Type monster from your Graveyard to negate the effect of a Spell, Trap or Effect Monster's effect and destroy it.




This card is used to Ritual Summon "Galadriel, The Fallen Fairy". You must Tribute monsters whose total Levels equal 7 or more. If "Galadriel, The Fallen Fairy" is Ritual Summoned with this card, you can select 2 Fairy-Type monsters in your Deck and send them to the Graveyard.



Another Ritual card usuable in Perfect Herald or Happy Heralds.


Using Ritual can help prep easily for a Kristya drop or Dark Factory of Mass Production recovery.

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Here Are Mine

[spoiler=Roar Of The Dragos]


[spoiler=Lore]This card is used to Ritual Summon "Havoc Drago". You must also Tribute monsters whose total Levels equal exactly 8 from your hand or field. When "Havoc Drago" is Ritual Summoned by this card's effect you can select 1 of the monsters Tributed for that Ritual Summon and add it to your hand.


[spoiler=Havoc Drago]


[spoiler=Lore]This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card "Roar Of The Dragos". When this card destroys a monster by battle and inflicts damage to your opponent, you can Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower "Drago" monster from your hand. Once per turn, you can discard 1 card to Tribute 1 monster on your side of the field to gain Life Points equal to half the Tributed monster's ATK. Your opponent takes damage equal to the Tributed monster's DEF.


Hope They Are Good

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Here are my cards:


[spoiler=Cosmic Burning Demon, Zorn]282735.jpg


This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Cosmic Ritual of Demons". When this card is Ritual Summoned, you can remove from play up to 3 face-up monsters your opponent controls and inflict 400 points of damage to your opponent's life points for each removed from play monsters. Once per turn, during your Main Phase you can destroy a face-down Spell or Trap card on your side of the field to halve the ATK of an opponent's monster.



[spoiler=Cosmic Ritual of Demons]282735.jpg


This card is used to Ritual Summon "Cosmic Burning Demon, Zorn". You must also Tribute monsters whose total Levels equal 8 or more from the field or your hand. The turn ''Cosmic Burning Demon, Zorn'' is Ritual Summoned, it cannot be affected by the effects of Trap cards.


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Here are my cards:


[spoiler=Cosmic Burning Demon, Zorn]282735.jpg


This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Cosmic Ritual of Demons". When this card is Ritual Summoned, you can remove from play up to 3 face-up monsters your opponent controls and inflict 400 points of damage to your opponent's life points for each removed from play monsters. Once per turn, during your Main Phase you can destroy a face-down Spell or Trap card on your side of the field to halve the ATK of an opponent's monster.



[spoiler=Cosmic Ritual of Demons]282735.jpg


This card is used to Ritual Summon "Cosmic Burning Demon, Zorn". You must also Tribute monsters whose total Levels equal 8 or more from the field or your hand. The turn ''Cosmic Burning Demon, Zorn'' is Ritual Summoned, it cannot be affected by the effects of Trap cards.



You have posted the same card twice

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My entry:



This card is used to Ritual Summon "Great Undead Dragon". "You must also Tribute monsters whose total Levels equal exactly 9 from your hand or field.



This card can only be Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card "Dark Corpsehill Ritual". You must also Tribute monsters whose total Levels equal exactly 9 from your hand or field. This card gains ATK equal to the total Level of the monsters used to Ritual Summon this card x 300. When this card attacks, your opponent cannot activate Spell, Trap and monster cards effects. This card is unaffected by monster cards effects.


Sorry I have not post before

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And here are the results, I really enjoyed doing this I hope in the future I may do another one:


Dark Mimic-Cursed Toybox/Cursed Treasure: Matt Bahamut


I would describe these cards as diamonds in the rough, the raw materials were there but you lacked the final degree of class that would push you into a top candidate. The effect is excuisit and well ballanced so well done there. You let yourself down slightly on the OCG front and your pictures could have been much better, (especially "cursed treasure") however they were solid nice cards though I liked them.


Name: 13/20

Image: 12/20

Creativity: 17/20

OCG: 15/20

Playability: 17/20




Galadriel, The Fallen Fairy/Beckon To Darkness: Sephiroth_The_Legend


I liked these cards very much, I have a soft spot for card makers who think outwards and go the extra mile, in this case you added the effect onto the spell which was a nice touch and coupled well with the monster card itself. I enjoyed the mytology behind the card itself you create a picture that this is a dejected fair who spurns the fairys of light and that comes accros well in the effect of the card. You let yourself down a little on the pic of the monster, it's slightly blurred and a little distant and although this card is good unfortunately there was nothing absolutely jaw-dropping about it. However as I say I liked it, it was a great card well done.


Name: 16/20

Image: 14/20

Creativity: 17/20

OCG: 18/20

Playability: 18/20




Havoc Drago/Roar of The Dragos: iRioulu!


These are visually stunning and off the bat create a vivid sense that these are REAL Yu-Gi-Oh cards I am looking at and again I was impressed with the added effect in the spell card similar to "sephiroth's" card. I think though that there is an element of OP here but only a slight trace of it. Overall this was a good card, I was blown away by the imagery here that combined well with the effect.


Name: 17/20

Image: 17/20

Creativity: 16/20

OCG: 19/20

Playability: 18/20




Cosmic Burning Demon, Zorn/Cosmic Ritual of Demons: HadesRuler1


I would say that you were the dark horse of the contest with 2 nice cards, however the cards let themselves down slightly with the images you used as they were a little blurred. Secondly, I think that the effect of the monster was slightly overpowered and a tad random, there seemed to be no purpose to it, just destruction. However they are still good cards with very few errors or flaws, I just thought it was slightly overpowered.


Name: 15/20

Image: 13/20

Creativity: 16/20

OCG: 14/20

Playability: 13/20




Great Undead Dragon/Dark Corpsehill Ritual: ^_^AxManBoy^_^


Great names and great imagery on the Spell card here, I was impressed there ^_^ The monster however was slightly different, I found just having a monter that is unaffected by effects when it declares an attack to be a little bit stale, you should have added a cost or a twist, so ultimately a card unaffected by effects with 2700 ATK is tough to beat and as I said slightly stale, it's just a modified "Jinzo" IMO. However that was the only flaw, has it costed you a rep?


Name: 15/20

Image: 17/20

Creativity: 14/20

OCG: 18/20

Playability: 13/20




galrauch/demon song of fire: newfie1


newfied1, can I ask you a couple of questions? did you even try? Did you look at the cards that everyone else submitted and really think you had a chance? Have you ever laid eyes on a Yu-Gi-Oh card before? This was honestly very poor indeed so much has gone wrong I'm not even going to begin to disect it. On the plus side the creativity of your card names did earn you some points though.


Name: 18/20

Image: 3/20

Creativity: 2/20

OCG: 0/20

Playability: 0/20




And So.....


Last Place: newfie1 (no surprises there newfie sorry but true)

5th Place: HadesRuler1

4th Place: Matt Bahmut

3rd Place: ^_^AxManBoy^_^

2nd Place: Sephiroth The Legend

1st Place: iRioulu!


Thanks to all who took part and well done to the winners!!!

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