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Trio of DEF

Guest Fusion X. Denver

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No, it's not that I need one. It's that I expected it to ALREADY BE THERE SINCE I MADE AN APPEARANCE IN CHAPTER EIGHT OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT, YOU FORGETFUL LOUT!!! DDDDDD:<<<<< *slams a giant solidly frozen trout into Fusions head, slamming clean through and leaving the head missing from the rest of Fusion*


I call infinite dibs on that, and anything else that is related to death by Excaliborg! >:3 *slams Excaliborg through Fusions middle for good measure*

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Oh, and the appearance was chapter four, if I am the college guy.


My Bio is AWESOME!

I want to change my theme to the following though, as it is for my character and not me personally.


Well alright? Sure.

But glad you like the bio :)

@Nex-That'd be good if it stayed, wouldn't it?

I feel like churning out more bios, think I'll do Ninjew's next.

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You have no real rank Creator, just saying (may sound like a BS excuse, but if you look, I never said whether you'd even get a rank or not). All you're doing is briefing them the mission and borrowing them to do it since it's really dangerous.

It's like...out of the FTK's league. For the present moment.

That and I wanted to do something with the Mods, so that's why I used them for the mission.


I'm just surprised no one commented or went WTF on Xazeon being Crab's son, or the possibility of Gary Oak being her husband (I just threw the name Gary in there, not necessarily the member, but not the opposite either, haven't decided).

I even considered making Clair Flame's cousin when I was thinking of a last name, but I remembered Draco was Flame's first name in this fic and Clair Flame doesn't really fit her, so I went with Brady.

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You have no real rank Creator, just saying (may sound like a BS excuse, but if you look, I never said whether you'd even get a rank or not). All you're doing is briefing them the mission and borrowing them to do it since it's really dangerous.

It's like...out of the FTK's league. For the present moment.

That and I wanted to do something with the Mods, so that's why I used them for the mission.


I'm just surprised no one commented or went WTF on Xazeon being Crab's son, or the possibility of Gary Oak being her husband (I just threw the name Gary in there, not necessarily the member, but not the opposite either, haven't decided).

I even considered making Clair Flame's cousin when I was thinking of a last name, but I remembered Draco was Flame's first name in this fic and Clair Flame doesn't really fit her, so I went with Brady.

Flame Dragon vs Draco Strayben


The Dragons' Pride








Well alright? Sure.

But glad you like the bio :)

@Nex-That'd be good if it stayed, wouldn't it?

I feel like churning out more bios, think I'll do Ninjew's next.

Yeah, I take nothing seriously, which is terrifying in of itself. I'd probbaly just play with your corpse before eating it and using the skin to make leather or something.


If I am actually mad enough to kill out of anger, my desecration will probbaly be a bit more bitter. Like recording your last words while you are bound in a chair electrocuted and impaled and then mailing your last words to your family, along with a body part to burn.


Cool, eventually I'll get one.


I'm trying. It's proving difficult though. <_<


Edit: I call all things related to Jin and Hakumen, and anyone else trying to say they have claims on it will get a stern call of BS from me. <_<

Tempest was the blaz blue person wasn't she?

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Just got finished with chapter nine and the confrontation between Fusion and El. It was awesome, even more so when listening to Scream at the same time as reading.


Also, I know it's late, but my first impression of my character was either some cocky bastard talking like he knows stuff, or the Kamina of DEF. Of course, later chapters seem to debunk the latter, but it's still a nice though, especially since my appearance is that of the older Shimon. lol

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Funnily enough, I just started watching GL after picking that pic for Shadow's bio and after writing chapter 16.

But guys, Kamina can't be replicated into a fan fic.

Any cheap attempt would come off as a mere imitation nowhere near better than the one and only.



@Shadow-I'm really glad you're enjoying the fic, I love pleasing new readers :D

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