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Guest Fusion X. Denver

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Get to work on mine Atman! BLAGH! *Random fire breath.*


  On 7/29/2011 at 9:44 PM, =DL= said:

......Are you gay?/Otanashi


I know Brad. <_<


You just think I have every line memorized though? It's my favorite anime, sure, but I don't watch it over and over 9,000 times as to make sure I know every line in the exact order they come in and can name off the episode as well. I don't take my fanboyism that far. Also, if I watch something too much I'll get bored.

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  On 7/29/2011 at 10:56 PM, Desu the Finale said:

Get to work on mine Atman! BLAGH! *Random fire breath.*




I know Brad. <_<


You just think I have every line memorized though? It's my favorite anime, sure, but I don't watch it over and over 9,000 times as to make sure I know every line in the exact order they come in and can name off the episode as well. I don't take my fanboyism that far. Also, if I watch something too much I'll get bored.

wut u did thar. i c it.

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Slash Attack.


It's a Critical hit!


9002 damage.




Evil Eye!


It's a Critical hit!


9999 damage






999,999,999 damage


Desu has been defeated.


Dun da dun da dun dun da dun!

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  On 7/29/2011 at 11:29 PM, Enzax Aito said:




Slash Attack.


It's a Critical hit!


9002 damage.




Evil Eye!


It's a Critical hit!


9999 damage






999,999,999 damage


Desu has been defeated.


Dun da dun da dun dun da dun!


You just reminded me


If this was Pokemon


I'd spam the focus band

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Are you sure you're not just a girl? :/



This is the one Atman made for me. :3


  On 7/30/2011 at 5:13 AM, Åtman said:

Nobuo Beginning

Battle Type: Russian Revolver

  • Description
    • Uses variety of weapons during battle and can cleverly combine certain weapons.

HP Attacks

  • Bombard
    • Fire explosive rounds using a Gatling Gun. Defense Crush.

    [*]Fire Fight

    • Use flamethrower on opponent. Throw grenade while they're in the flames. Wall Rush.

    [*]Inferno (Ground)

    • Light baseball bat on fire and strike opponent with it multiple times. Last hit resembles batter's swing and sends opponent flying. Wall Rush.

    [*]Inferno (Aerial)

    • Light baseball bat on fire and send fireball towards opponent. Average homing.

    [*]Desperado Finale

    • Fires two projectiles at opponent using dual pistols. Rapidly pressing Square fires more rounds. Up to 30 shots (15 per gun). Randomly fires either bullets, missiles, or lasers.

Ex Mode: Desperado Swordsman

  • Bonuses
    • Propulsion
      • Use flamethrower as a jetpack to glide through the air.

      [*]Blade Rush [R1+Square]

      • Charge for eight seconds. Toss tens of blades at opponent. If successful hit, causes instant Bravery Break. Final blade does HP damage.

    [*]Ex Mode: 6-Shot Finale

    • Press certain button seven times to charge up shot. More than seven will fail Ex Burst. Repeat two more times with different buttons. Final shot is most explosive.

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Hint for my one shot, please tell me what you can gleam from it.

Avia Caiba Eccentrick/Horus The Avenger/Horus The Repenter

HP Attacks - Main Weapons: Double Swords (Scimitar and Katana) Coated in poison (he wears gloves), Laser Rifle and Moon Pistols

  • God Rage
    • When he gets to 1/4 HP Horus takes over and deals double damage for 15 sec. Afterwards he is slowed by 1/2 for 15 sec and cannot use anything special.

    [*]Laser Moon Rifle

    • Combines Moon Pistols and Laser Rifle to deal double damage for 7 sec.

    [*]General Call

    • Summons Thot or Anubis. Thoth uses Logic Sphere which deals average damage and scrambles controls. Anubis uses Shadow Keybade or Dark Justice Laser.

    Ex Mode: Equipped Fusing Armor

    • Bonuses
      • Synchronization
        • He and Horus combine and deal 1.5 damage.


        • God's Embrace
        • Coated in a golden aura that heals 1/3 starting health, he can't protect himself.

      [*]Ex Burst: Spada con uso del giavellotto

      • Press Attack button> then < rapidly to throw the swords, has a 65% chance of missing.



      I'll do one for any minor carachters.

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