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Trio of DEF

Guest Fusion X. Denver

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What about me and most of the Vongola ah?



Main vongola people got like 1 chapter featuring them fighting pichu, and then they majorly split apart and Sonic the "Leader" was never mentioned since

I say leader as in never does any leaderly things...well because he has no prescence

I may be wrong about this though, memory of this is a bit spotty


Indeed, you must wipe the spots away blotting your memory.

Sonic was in the last chapter, seeking revenge on Hito.

He is not doing leaderly things because he's not with the Vongola, but a bunch of other Banned members in Japan :T

And I said I forgot NO ONE =___=

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Yes, but when you say things will happen, crazy events happen to whereas they do not happen

such as the release of the thirtieth chapter.

Upon your CPU's knowing of this, it committed suicide on it's hard drive.

now your computer will explode and the monitor will fly at you head causing you to forget certain things you were thinking about before this event transpired


(Fusion was found brain damaged at 4:20PM CT, when a message predicting the exact event was posted. officials are looking into the possibility of a online death note.)

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Oh shush Chase. I had one cameo and in it I got my ass kicked. Just like YCManga. I was also using machine guns instead of my prefered badass revolvers...and a wooden bat. Hisssss... No complaining from me. >: )


Not a cameo.

Sh*t, I've said too much o___o

That's not the first time I've heard of YCManga, what was it anyway?

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It's a YCM Fanfic.


Also, I like how I'm in everyone's head.


Deustodo is going to get kicked out, because I said so. HE WILL NOT BE THERE IN THE END!


And you honestly think a short talk with Emma would stop me from pushing my HIDDEN SECOND BUTTON?

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I'm just fooling around. I hardly keep up with this stuff...yet somehow I always end up checking the day it's updated.

I just enjoy the story...any of my citque either is jusst me being sarcastic or actual input which you can tell apart.

Nothing that isn't serious that I type is not meant to be taken seriously.

The only thing I don't like about the fic (talking to fusion/everyone now) is the forever it takes to get new chapters. There's no certain date at which they come out, so I don't know when to look


@Creator...you do have like the knowledge of a person with, like, 7 masters degrees or something. It is likely that you would know something about psychology in the fic

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You won't have to worry soon enough.


Deustodo always struck me as an interesting guy and his character's fun to write with, though a little difficult.

I forgot to say, the fake chapter 30 is in the gallery for now, when I know for sure where the one-shots will go, I'll relocate it there.

Maybe a whole other spoiler? But for now, keep fake 30 there until you write another one-shot.

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"So... When am I getting more screen time again?"


Oh be patient Thomas there are plenty of other characters who didn't get screen time this chapter so quit being a little b*tch.


"Why don't you make me stop being a little b*tch?"


I could ask Fusion to write you out of the fan fiction altogether.


"... I'll be good."


But yeah I'm not too happy about lack of a mention this chapter. But it was a good chapter nonetheless.


"What are you talking about? You just skimmed through it to see if I made an appearance." =.=


Thomas, do you want to go back in the box?


"Please don't make me go back in there!"


That's right, you don't. So shut up!

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The only thing I don't like about the fic (talking to fusion/everyone now) is the forever it takes to get new chapters. There's no certain date at which they come out, so I don't know when to look


... there's a beautiful thing about this website that I call "notifications".

Combined with the quality known as "patience", you'll get used to the long time it takes for the release of chapters.

I like how useless my statement a while ago was...


EDIT: Oh, I get it now.

People mostly seem to care about the screen time or they complain about waiting for chapters or both.

That's just... awful.

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I typically read the entire chapter, then from that chapter, i try to guess what happens next, Either PMing my guess to Fusion or posting it here (Ironically, i guessed Creator had bugged everyone last chapter, and it did happen XD)


EDIT: I don't mind a lack of Screentime(As i am typically not allowed to be seen by anyone other than Deus or Creator, except in battle, in the fic), but if i do get some screentime, it's very pleasing to me because when i appear, it's a sign that there will be a lot of fighting soon, and i typically love the fights...

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Fusion, that is the source of the problem.

"I'm planning on ending this in about... I don't know, 10 chapters?"

10 chapters later...

"Sorry, but I got sidetracked and have to add a new arc."

OR, "Okay, so I planned on ending it now, except I kept on getting new ideas from people, so that made this arc at least double its length..."

I mean, that's a big exaggeration, but you get what I mean.

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