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The War of The Three[Advanced/PG-13/Not Started/Accepting]


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[center][u]Ten Years Ago[/u][/center]
There was a land called Azerion, controlled by Three Close Kings, Zutherian, Aertherius, and Galtherion. But one day they were in an argument of how their kingdom should be ruled, Zutherian who was power hungry, said they should ruled under an iron fist. Aertherius who was wise and noble, said that they should be ruled under order, strict policies, and justice. Galtherion who was kind but strong, insisted that they should allow the people to be under the control of themselves but still remember that it is the Kings land. They argued and argued about it until they began a war. They divided the kingdom into three parts. The Northern Kingdom was called Zerionus controlled by Zutherian. The Southern Kingdom was called Justeria controlled by Aertherius. The Western Kingdom was called Monterious controlled by Galtherion. Zutherian had massive armies of angry soldiers that fought ruthlessly and berserk like. The Flag of Zerionus was a red skull covered in blood to symbolize power, anger, and hate. Aertherius controlled small armies of trained soldiers that fought with strategy and intellect. The Flag of Justeria was a blue hammer symbolizing Justice, Law, and Order. Galtherion commanded armies of brute strength and will power. The Flag of Monterious a green fist symbolizing strength, will power, and kindness. The kings do not know what they have started.....

It is present day, now you must pick a side to end this war.

No Flamming
No God Modding or Power Modding
No taking control of other characters unless allowed by myself and the controller of the character
No Spam of any sort
No OOC only posts
4 Lines of post Minimum
Have Fun.
I will control the Three.

[spoiler= Application]
Name: (Be Original)
Age: (Over 17 and under 45)
Alignment: (Zutherian, Aertherius, or Galtherion)
Soldier Type: (Paladin, Mage, Warrior, Priest, Archer, or Assassin)
Weapon: ( Medieval Time Weapons, No Guns, No Kunais, Originality and it has to relate to your Soldier Type)
Personality: (At least 2 Sentences please)
Appearance: (Height, Hairstyle, Skin Color, etc.)
Armor: (Head, Chest, Feet, Boots, Shield Etc)

[spoiler= My App]
Name: Alexandr Galathais
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Alignment: Aertherius
Soldier Type: Warrior
Weapon: A Giant Two-Handed Sword with a golden handle
Personality: Very charismatic, kind and gentle. A glorious type of man
Appearance: 5"12, Blonde medium hair, a very handsome looking face
Armor: Golden Helmet, Golden Plate, Leather boots, Golden Plate Gloves
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Bios shouldn't be optional. I'm just saying. But anyway, here's my app.

Name: Tiberius(Last name unknown)
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Alignment: Galtherion
Soldier Type: Paladin
Weapon: A Dragon longsword with a legend about unleashing an ancient power of Light.[spoiler=Main Appearance][img]http://eagleswords.com/library/42InchAuthenticCelticDragonLongsword.jpg[/img][/spoiler]Personality: Very selfless, caring, and noble. Would never give up in a fight until his last breath.[/spoiler][spoiler=Appearance]
Height: 6"6'
Hairstyle: Shoulder Length, black flowing hair.
Skin Color: Caucasian
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eye Color: He has one red eye, and one white eye.
Muscle Tone: Large.
Any Tattoos/Scars?: A giant scar across his chest that goes down to the waist. He also has a visible dragon tattoo on his left arm.[/spoiler][spoiler=Armor]
Head: White Dragon helmet
Chest: Platinum Dragon Head plate
Feet: Chain Mail socks
Boots: Dragon Grieves.
Hands: Silver Dragon Gauntlets.
Shield: Platinum Dragon Shield. Used with the sword.[/spoiler][spoiler=Bio]Tiberius had lost his memory merely months before the argument of the Three Kings had began. How it happened is unknown. All he knew was he was a Dragon Paladin and that his sword and shield, and possibly his tattoo, are intertwined into a legend. He had forgot about the legend, but he will understand at the time to come. As the war begun, he had been near Galtherion's Kingdom already. After going through the excessive training. he is now prepared to enter the battlefield and bring an end to this war.[/spoiler]
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