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The Rise of the superhumans, A super powers RP [Not started/Accepting/PG-13]


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The ability to bring about feelings of bliss and horror in others ?
Clairvoyance-The ability to see distant people and things, basically being able to find anything/anyone in the world
Danger Sensing-The ability to sense danger
Empathy-The ability to feel the emotions, thoughts, hopes, desires, and dreams of others
Enhanced hearing-The ability to hear sounds beyond normal limits
Enhanced memory-The ability to quickly absorb and accurately retain great amounts of information
Enhanced synesthesia-The ability to see sound waves as light and project concussive blasts
Illusion-The ability to alter the perceptions of others
Imprinting-The ability to mentally imprint marks onto surfaces
Intuitive aptitude-The ability to analyze complex systems and intuitively understand how they work without special education or training
Mediumship-The ability to view the spirits of the deceased (that could become fun if someone in the role play dies)
Omnilingualism-The ability to automatically understand all verbal and non-verbal communication
Sedation-The ability to lull victims into a sedated state
Telescopic vision-The ability to see clearly in darkness and magnify vision to various levels

Some of these may not be necessarily useful but some of them could become fun or dangerous if use in the right way and I think that most them work very well with the other ability you'd like.
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Illusion, Sedation, and Enhanced Synthesthesia would all make a character that has to match your first ability more dangerous. Could you imagine just making it seem like someone's parents just died in their arms, or sedating someone so you could kill them or injure them. and Enhanced Synthesthesia can fire concussive blasts.
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Ooo those are VERY evil tactics... I leik (mudkipz too)

Name: Lan Marsh
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Appearance: Lan is about 5 foot 10 with dark purple hair and violet eyes which turn gold and have crosshairs on them when using panvision and telescopic vision.. Lan wears a white blouse, a pair of fingertipless black gloves, and a black suit with matching black tie during school. After school Lan wears a black sweatervest with a matching black tie and the same black fingertipless gloves. His pants are black and his shoes are made of black leather. He sometimes wears circular glassses
Personality: Lan is very polite, sociable, witty, intelligent and VERY proper with his manners. He is the perfect child, but sadly, this is most likely a very well played act. In truth Lan is probably one of the most intelligent and cunning people in the world. He is psychotic, charismatic, and would probably make a good spy. It is unknown even to him if that is his 'real' personality or if he has the Multiple Personality Disorder.
Powers: Panvision, Panhearing, Telescopic Vision, Enhanced Hearing, Omnilingualism, Illusion, and Clairvoyance (as you can see all of his powers have something to do with the 5 senses of the body )

Notes: Lan is a government science project(that means he was born in a lab and was fertilized in a test tube)
Lan is NOT human, he is only 82.913429375% human the rest is unknown, but he claims he is full human

Also I think Lan should be the newest kid(of the other supers) in the school and the one sent by the government as an informant, yeah, that sounds right to me
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Name: Ren Thomas
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Appearance: Ren is about 5 foot 2. She has Silver hair in a pony tail and Yellow eyes. Ren wears a Jeans and a Black T-shirt depicting several Offensive words, and A black hat.
Personality: Ren is not that sociable, but she is incredebly intelligent. If you can ever talk to her, and acknowlodges you as a person, You probably wouldnt understand her with the words the she speaks. In class, she hates teachers, since all they do is talk, talk, TALK.
Powers: Time Manipulation. (Fast forward, Slow down, Even stopping time. Cannot Go back int the past or the future.)
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Serenities 2nd character is accepted under 1 condition, a drawback I came up with. When Ren manipulates time, it puts her out of step with the rest of the current universe. So she or the universe, has to catch up, meaning if she speeds time up for herself for 10 seconds, afterwards the rest of the universe speeds up for 10 seconds to catch up. It would work the other way too, herself slowing down after she slowed everything else down. TFM is accepted.
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basicly what zzux is saying is that when you speed up time or whatever the world itself will catch up after a few seconds or so. Meaning you have a limited amount of time to get what you need done then the world will speed up or slow down to put you back to the time you were when you used the power to change time
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Name: John Smith
Gender: M
Age: 17
Appearance: John wears a black collard shirt, with suspenders. His pants are black and made of cotton. He has a purple frock coat and a fedora with a piece of clothe tied around it. He has purple trainers. He also wears a long face covering purple scarf. John has blue eyes, and long black hair.
Personality: Others often credit him with making them better people. He uses this quality alongside his intelligence and the information he gathers to inspire others. He is gritty, and informal, personality with a jovial, witty, forthright and almost manic exterior. He would often make jokes in the face of danger, but can then become grim and serious at certain moments.
Powers: Adaptivity.The ability to adapt to the situation at hand. ex. If underwater, gills grow. Requires 10 seconds of peace to activate. Power can accidentaly activate when unwanted, and can accidentaly activete in accordance to emotions.
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Name: Jace Paramore
Age: 17
Appearance: [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y208/picmasterex/smoke_by_kaziczek_wolf.jpg[/IMG]
Jace stands tall at 6'2 he wears black shoes, with black pants, a grey shirt and over his shirt he wears a black button shirt worn open. On his hands Jace wears a pair of leather fingerless gloves. Jace has long black hair, and bright yellow eyes because of his powers.
Bio: Jace has always been a trouble maker or as he would like to say an opportunist. Jace has always been a rebel, never aiming towards anything unless it was for his own gain. At the age of 11 Jace ran away from home and never looked back, he tought himself how to survive, and most importantly to look out for number one. Jace usally has a slic smerk on his face, which puts off alot of people. If anyone knows anything about Jace it's the fact that he is always smoking, or he his fliping/ playing with a switchblade which seems to hold some sentimental value to him, and a love foe his bike ( motorcycle }

Super Power: To put it simple Jace can turn his body into smoke.
Jace can do this one of two ways either he could turn his body into a light mist. if he uses his powers in this way he can still maintain his form and shape. ( for ex say if someone throws a punch he can do this so the persons hand passes thru him)

The second way he can use his powers is to disperse to a very thick heavy clound of smoke ( like a smog/smokescreen), but he can not hold this for long.

Jaces weaknees is water, if Jace is soaking wet or if its raining he cant turn into smoke

Also whatever he is holding turns to smoke when he uses his powers ( so his cloths say on and such )
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I hope this is still valid.

Name: Damian Clark (No devil influence)

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Appearance: Damian is 6 feet tall, give or take an inch with relatively pale skin. He has mousey blond hair and sharp blue eyes. He puts a lot of thought into wearing clothes that don't make him stand out, normally black shirts or simply coloured t-shirts and jeans.

Personality: Damian is a socially awkward person, who finds it difficult to interact properly with strangers. As a result he has developed two defences against strangers - sarcasm and ignoring. However, when he does bond with people, he is incredibly loyal and helpful almost to the point of blind faith towards them. He can be normally found in several remote areas around school, just to avoid strangers. He is a whiz with computers and normally spends his free time fiddling with technology.

Powers: Techopathy (control of technology), mentally capable of creating EMP's.
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