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Club Creepypasta: Your turn, BEN


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Sorry for the double, but I can't wait.


[quote] Posted by othertruth on Oct 12th, 2010
Breakthrough of my previous theory above!

Jadusable = Skull Kid!


Jadusable obtains a gray "Majora" cartridge from the old man (Jad said he represented the Happy Mask Salesman). Skull Kid steals Majora's Mask from the HMS. The Mask (like the cartridge) is a cursed item, with great malevolent power. Eventually it possesses the Skull Kid (Jadusable has been possessed or something ever since the 12th.)

"Majora" has been speaking to us through (primarily) Jadusable's YT account.

I believe that the significance of the "glitches" Ifrit pointed out was that Jadusable and Majora are struggling for control. So sometimes we get cipher messages from Jad, or threatening messages from Majora.

As for Ben, he may be the Deku Scrub equivalent, if he has any significance at all. Reasons: We know about as much about Ben as we do about the scrub. Majora killed the scrub in-game to curse Link. "Ben" was used to haunt Jadusable. Ben was likely killed previously by the "Majora" entity, perhaps before it was cursed into the cartridge.

Ifrit/Matt equating to Darmani can be explained: Darmani is a prominent member of his Goron Tribe. Matt was a moderator of the Moon Children website (a cult). Neither were the actual leaders, though I'm pretty sure Duskworld23 was the top mod, I could be wrong though. In his interview, Jad also said that Ifrit's death was permanent "like one of the giants". Well, Darmani's and Mikau's 'deaths' are also permanent, even when playing the song of time. Matt is similar to Darmani in that they both are prestigious members of their respective cult/tribe.

Kayd relating to Mikau is similar in a couple factors. Kayd is an artist, much like Mikau. Just not a musical artist. We are given a faux chance to help him, but we fail no matter what we do. He also has Quida for a girlfriend, and (I think) Mikau and Lulu are also a couple. Mikau succumbs to the curse of the sea, Kayd succumbs to "Majora's" curse (or something's curse). He also has friends, but he tries to handle everything on his own, much like Mikau chose to.

This is still a theory, but I think it's the most accurate one. The most important thing is that Jadusable is the skull kid, not Ben. If Ben has any significance now, it's that he's the Deku Scrub mask. Otherwise, his significance may be at an end... [/quote]
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