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Club Creepypasta: Your turn, BEN


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[quote name=''raiN' timestamp='1286654745' post='4691527']
Name: 'raiN/Tyler
Number of Stars: IDK
Do you have good grammar? No.
Favorite Creepypasta: Majora. Most def. :PP

Rain. <3

I've been wanting to tell you this for a while, but I thought to leave you alone.

Welcome aboard, broski.
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I know there will be skepticism, I know there will be a lot of mistrust among all of you. Ben has done an amazing job at keeping you fighting over just who and what is real.

That's not going to stop.

But also know that his lies will only reach so far. He wants you all to keep playing. He wants you in the game, but only just enough that he can keep mocking you.

The file that led you to me, it contained a larger secret than you knew.


All of the answers are right there. Think.

By now you might have noticed a pattern. I wont tell you if that pattern is useful or not. Just keep watching. Today you will get all the answers I have.
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My 'lil archive, so we can all keep it in 1 place :P


This is the first.

These messages will not last long. I have set up a failsafe so that you all will get this information before Ben can tamper with it, and it will be quickly removed so that he cannot infect it. I hope you are all watching this account.

By now, I'm either long gone, or it's caught up to me. Either way, these uploads will be my last messages to you.

Wait for them.


Now that I realize what he kept saying.. that it was in front of us the whole time, I am surprised that nobody got it but me.

All of the clues were there.. haha.. a few of you even came really close.

I told you all that if things got really bad-- that I would contact everyone I could and give them what I have. Now that it can no longer protect me, I will be doing just that.

These files going up here, they're on a timer. The timer is taking them down, too. Everything will be automated, so don't worry. Despite not knowing you did, I have a feeling you all provided me protection in my more harrowing hours. Maybe it's just wishful thinking.

I can't tell you how I'll be letting it out. If Ben doesn't know, when it goes, he'll have less time to try and stop it. Just keep an eye out. I hope this reaches at least one of you, and you will spread the word


I know there will be skepticism, I know there will be a lot of mistrust among all of you. Ben has done an amazing job at keeping you fighting over just who and what is real.

That's not going to stop.

But also know that his lies will only reach so far. He wants you all to keep playing. He wants you in the game, but only just enough that he can keep mocking you.

The file that led you to me, it contained a larger secret than you knew.


All of the answers are right there. Think.

By now you might have noticed a pattern. I wont tell you if that pattern is useful or not. Just keep watching. Today you will get all the answers I have.

That's only the first part of things, though.

There's more to it. You have all been following this as though it were a game.

Ben, he was a part of that game, so he sees things in hues that reflect it, but it's real now. It's beyond a game.

I know it is natural for everyone to want to look deeper. To make connections where they don't exist.

The Truth has always been right there. Like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, the answers were given to you.

Few things have been recurring, but if you look, if you really look, they're there. The salvation comes in noticing what has emerged in the pattern.

There will be something more than these notes, soon. Again, I will not tell you when, just keep watching.

If you can get to it before him, it will contain all of the parts of the puzzle, but it will be up to you to put them together before he does.

Byg gzy'o jznkio omi vih.


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[font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2]
[20:12] astartus: theyre all up on our mediafire account[/size][/font]
[20:12] ice: link to it broski?
[20:12] astartus: couple of trolls in there right now, and i came up with this frightening theory
[20:12] astartus: of no hiatus happenin
[20:12] ice: ? So, BEN just stole money from us?
[20:13] astartus: maybe.
[20:13] ice: Interesting. But, still, not to be annoying, link to the Mediafire account?
[20:14] astartus: http://www.mediafire.com/?tb2ad1i1r9m
[20:14] astartus: http://www.mediafire.com/?s4mddtdcmkz1afl
[20:14] astartus: or if you want to log in
[20:14] astartus: [email protected], PW: lensoftruth
[20:15] astartus: about the theory... think about it
[20:15] astartus: all of the clues directed us towards thetruth.txt about the hiatus
[20:15] astartus: saying its not a game anymore
[20:15] astartus: if its not a game, it cant be paused
[20:15] astartus: and even on thetruth.txt it says ben just fakes the hiatus!
[20:15] astartus: jadusable has been under bens full control at the time being.
[20:15] ice: Sounds interesting, tbh. It's plausable. But why would BEN want money?
[20:16] astartus: that explains why songs and videos dont work anymore
[20:16] astartus: and why alex is gone for good.
[20:16] astartus: and why everyones confused about the three-day-cycle...
[20:16] astartus: we're weeks out of it
[20:17] ice: True. He just wanted to stall.
[20:17] ice: Btw, did anybody decode the phrase at the bottom>
[20:18] astartus: at the bottom of what?
[20:18] astartus: the txt?
[20:18] astartus: it says "don't forget the key"
[20:18] astartus: i figure the key is the website
[20:18] astartus: because alex said we need it and ryu said its the only way so see the truth
[20:19] astartus: and thetruth.txt is right on the front page.
[20:20] ice: There's something in i...
[20:20] ice: "Don't believe anything I say."
[20:20] ice: He said the game was on hiatus.
[20:20] ice: ...
[20:20] ice: We fell for it.
[20:20] astartus: yeah.
[20:20] astartus: we've been f***ed big time.
[20:21] astartus: thats what he meant when he told us to wake up.
[20:21] ice: ...
[20:21] astartus: we have to stop thinking about it as a game.
[20:21] astartus: its real
[20:21] astartus: and if we dont treat it as real, we cannot win
[20:21] ice: Crap.
[20:21] astartus: dont worry.
[20:21] ice: We really need to step this crap up.
[20:21] astartus: we woke up an we saw through his bigges lie so far.
[20:22] astartus: i've spread the word about the theory, and people are picking up on it.
[20:22] astartus: people are waking up all over the world.
[20:22] astartus: and that weakens ben grip on us.
[20:22] ice: I'll post this on the forum I'm on that's kind of into this.

This kid is brilliant.
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This song is great for the moment....


...or this, because it starts sad, but then it goes good (like we're fighting past the bad s*** that just happened.)

But yeah, Kayd's sacrifice won't go in vain.

We WILL stop that sadistic a******!


THE. uhh...err...no wait.

TEAM IFR...no...errm...

The New York Giants.
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[quote name='Ice' timestamp='1286671656' post='4692190']


There we are. The Giants that shall stop BEN.

We WILL succeed. Now, time to get working on that code.
Isn't there supposed to be four of you...

And you still forgot me?

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Didn't we decipher the File 59 thing?

[quote name='ProtoMachineKing' timestamp='1286672746' post='4692241']
Isn't there supposed to be four of you...

And you still forgot me?


Yeah, the NYG are a football team with WAAAAY more then 4 of them.

Besides, you aren't as active. Get active and I'll make a new image.
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