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Steal the Shiny Metal Box!


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[You can't do that.. First, you had to find the outer box. Then you have to destroy the outer casing. Again. And again. And again. etc. Accio would find it too heavy.]

Too late, when you used the spell the box landed on you and crushed you. I use Kamen Rider J to pick it up and throw it into the sun.
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Hey! Whats that in the sky?
Its a bird!
Its a plane!
Its... a nuke!


That was a special nuke that can defy time as well, so now all of you have disintegrated, except for the fat free spit covered shiny metal box (cuz its invincible), so I clean it, add some fat, and steal it. >:3

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You unreasonably lock yourself in your own Superjail.
The box is outside and I put it in a cardboard box and put that into my super secret cardboard box storage facility with 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 boxes in it, and I know which box it is
Sadly you people don't know where it is, and it would take you 2 eternities to find out which one it is
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