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Steal the Shiny Metal Box!


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The entire world implodes into a black hole in the center of the earth, *Meanwhile, on Namek* "I am the eternal dragon porunga! state your 3 wishes" "ONE! I WISH TO BE IMMORTAL!" "Your wish shall be granted, state your second wish!" "Alright, I WISH TO HAVE THE SHINY METAL BOX!" "Very well, your wish shall be granted!" "Save my third wish for 100 days, until I need it" "Understood, FARWELL!" *Dragon balls scater and become stones for a namekian year*

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I take a lighter and shove it up your....... ear and the wax ignites and your brain sets on fire and you die and talking spinch who eat brains eat yours and say it ttastes like chicken (WHY DOES EVERYTHING TASTE LIKE CHICKEN!!!!!!!!!) I take the shiny metal box from your dead hands.

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