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Short Stories by Broken

The Warden

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Hullo there, welcome to my library. Libraries are great, they're full of stories and ingenuity; although there are some MAJOR flops and aborgtions to the name 'novel'. Ahem, anywho, I need your help. A demon of grand destruction swept through my library, turning all my stories to dust. Now I need to refill it; and you can help me. Just by PMing me a story idea, I may be able to create a new story to replace a destroyed so, how about it? Anyone? Please help, I'm a very desperate man.

Oh yeah, there are some, ahem, guidelines to requesting a story.

No Yaoi
No Yuri
No Naruto
Nothing outwardly disturbed
No stories about members here unless you have their explicit permission

An idea MUST be PMed to me; you can however comment on a story here, though it must be constructive
They will be one-offs, unless by popular demand another chapter be added
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