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Roleplaying Club- Come and Improve Your Skills

Jake the Sage

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My powers vary depending on the splits if I actually decide to go through with the mask thing.

However ATM the mask doesn't exist so all I have is a ax, a flamethrower, and nigh immortality.

Kinda like a zombie immortality. I can be stopped and such, just not really killed in traditional methods.

I am not super strong, not super fast, I have no laser beams or time travel or crossover powers, my life bar is just ridiculously large.

Cause the thing about juggalos is, we never die.

Unfortunatly for me I can still get knocked out just fine.

The power is pretty irrelevant for the most part because no battles are to the death anyway.

Oh and he never tires.

Yeah he is totally a undead.
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Alright so, first things first Jake didn't bring anything up. I brought it up because I'm tired of the random popping up crap associated with the comments of 'stupidity' and 'Godmodding' when things haven't even gone down yet. I can handle criticism like "Hey your attack seems to be able to do a little to much damage, maybe you should alter it a bit." Or "You Auto-hit, don't do that again."

None of this s*** where skills get bashed because you don't like the way they are used or because you think the entire situation is stupid.
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News flash 'Enzax', I was commenting, if you want me talking s*** I'll talk s***. But if you can't handle such comments then don't go whining to another club. Stand up for yourself and show some god damn balls.

And in case you forgot, this is the motherflipping Internet Starchild, any opinion given means s***. But, that also goes for your ideas as well.
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Ya know what? I'm not even going into this. I'll be ditching this entire fourm soon enough so I'll let you all have your fun and all that s***.

So go ahead, have your transgressions. Have you gangster talk, have your videos, have whatever you want. I mean it's the internet.

Be my guest, I could care less. I'd just prefer that if you have beef over something or you find something wrong you present it in a more polite way or privately.

I mean you both just randomly jump in and do this s*** where you go off like you are now, and it gets old. There are better ways than jumping in, acting like idiots and then trying to sound intelligent at the same time.
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I was trying to sound intelligent? Creator, just face it, you're outmatched in this. You are acting like we just killed your puppy that your grandmother left for you in her will. Stop acting like you're an extra special godchild with an infinite bud of creation and admit you're wrong. You are fighting a losing battle here, we can keep going, and trust me, we will.
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Look I can explain this in very simple terms and not even try to insult you and still the flaw is so glaring that you probbaly will still be insulted.

YOU took the master keys backstory and altered it without Jakes permission, while you guys are sorting this out currently the fact of the matter is that the reasonable and intelligent thing is to discuss this over pm ahead of time.

Because by bringing these twists into play without permission of those affected by it, you are altering their characters history in ways that they didn't intend to happen. Thus you ARE controlling them and thus you ARE godmodding.

This is akin to Aqua's bio saying she knew you that you rejected in Andx's rp, except more of a drastic change, and Aqua didn't do this while the rp was going. It's illegal no matter how you try to look at it.
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[quote name='Pinkie Pie' timestamp='1303486898' post='5159336']
Look I can explain this in very simple terms and not even try to insult you and still the flaw is so glaring that you probbaly will still be insulted.

YOU took the master keys backstory and altered it without Jakes permission, while you guys are sorting this out currently the fact of the matter is that the reasonable and intelligent thing is to discuss this over pm ahead of time.

Because by bringing these twists into play without permission of those affected by it, you are altering their characters history in ways that they didn't intend to happen. Thus you ARE controlling them and thus you ARE godmodding.

This is akin to Aqua's bio saying she knew you that you rejected in Andx's rp, except more of a drastic change, and Aqua didn't do this while the rp was going. It's illegal no matter how you try to look at it.

See, had you just started with saying things like this, all this crap could've been avoided.

Yes, I see what is wrong. Which is why we have halted the RP until everything is sorted out. I had no intention of Godmodding, even if its premise is very vague. I mean seriously its like saying that by attacking someone you are godmodding by limiting their choices. I even stated that we could be talking about two different Keys. But that isn't the point here so I won't go any further than that.

Also, it was very hard to discuss things when it was happening spontaneously.

Thank you, the problem is now in the process of being resolved. I'll be sure not to do so again.

I'm not trying to say I didn't do something wrong. I'm annoyed by how you tend to present the issues you see.

I'll openly admit that sometimes I have trouble seeing the line between Rping and Godmodding, and I'm always willing to fix the issue, as long as it is presented to me respectfully.
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Dane when I used Andrew as an example for the barrier within MY hotel, so of course I would have control over it.
That is not to say that anybody else who creates said barriers couldn't stop me. Hell if YOU threw up a barrier and I couldn't break it . . . I'd be unable to escape.

Alright I will admit that HERE I am capable of pulling out more moves than I normally can, if not all if I desire too. However just pulling off big flashy-ass moves does not guarentee victory in any sense and you should know that Dane.
Every move still puts a drain on my stamina/ki/magic/whatever you will so despite having a more ranged set to use, which in itself is not very terribly long, it doens't mean I can keep it up forever or cannot be beaten. In fact Creator has beaten me by using illusions and wearing me out.

As I stated I HAVE a set moveset which, actually, hardly changes. I cannot learn every technique in existance nor have I ever planned on attempting something like that. In fact ask Fusion, I have given him my moves for Trio of DEF usage and he can tell you I don't have that many or that they are specifically focused on a group of things.


Wait?! Nexev you're a Juggalo!? DUDE BRO! ME TOO
in the fan sense . . . I like Insane Clown Posse 83

*reads more complaining and what not*

Alright alright that is enough, no need to start getting in each others faces and insulting everyone- which has never lead to anything good. I'll just clear everything up here right now and, hopefully, be done with it- Dane and everyone else however is still able to comment on my Master Key abilities.

Creator Broken, for the most part, is right thatr you shouldn't have gone to another thread to complain. I view you as a good friend and, dude, that is honestly something I would expect Zero to do when he doesn't get a cookie . . . an imaginary cookie for that matter. If you had a problem with them popping in and starting to comment on everything you should have simply and calmly stated so- like I think I did, can't really remember now.

Broken it is okay for you to defend yourself and in fact for the most part . . . actually probably for the ENTIRE part you've been the least offensive of the entire group. I have nothing more to say *pats Broken on back* That'll do pig . . . that'll do *gets shot*
Sorry I just watched Zombieland XDDD

Nexev quite honestly YOU'VE been the entire source of this arguement weither you are going to man up to it or not. I've stated before that I don't mind constructive critisism or coming in and saying "hey that doesn't make sense" or pointing out when someone is breaking a rule. For f*cking christs sake I ENCOURAGE it! If I [i]am[/i] mnaking a mistake and don't notice it I'd like to be informed.
But what YOU are doing is more pointing out flaws by insulting them- I've already stated how much I can't stand this. If you had been more sensable and stopped insulting people we could've gotten over this already . . . but YOU JUST KEPT F*CKING DOING IT!
I'll be insulting right now, are you the kind of person who puts his hand in a lightsocket over and over again and still wonders why he gets electrocuted every single time? Because that is just about what you are doing right here, feeding fuel to the fire.
You where in the right, shouldn't have even FELT the need to be insulting at any point in writing that post.


Now . . . it has been too long of an argument which is no longer to be brought up. Anybody is still willing to respond to the first half of my post because quite honestly I am enjoying explaining what a Master Key is capable of so others can understand it without complications in the future.

So if anyone is willing to roleplay a fight or what not I am willing, in fact a fight might prove benifitial here for everyone to blow off some steam- I just want to have a bit of fun myself ^^
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Oh am I?

I doubt it, I am pointing out what is wrong, insulting it may sound but it's not like I'm WRONG.

I am perfectly allowed to voice any criticism in any way I want, especially if you consider the fact that is that all criticism contains a insult by the nature of it implying I know the subject more then you.

As thus while all criticism is rude mine is simply unsubtle, Broken has detention, I call people idiots to their face. It's insulting yes but it's negative reinforcement.

I would have positive reinforcement but no one seems to rp really well yet.

Probably because we just fight in this club so no storyline stuff happens.

Actually I have a question, when I think Ascended I think Nirvana.

Jesse however is just a douchebag.

So what entitles ascension?
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Nexev nothing comes out of negative comments, be they meant for good or not. You yourself said it was 'unsutable" so do not criticize that way anymore, understand?
You want to be a teacher? Then do not insult people when you critisize them anymore, as it is not very teacherly.

Now again if anyone is willing to have a match with me I am capable for a few more hours before I must shove off to sleep


Yes Jesse is a douchebag . . . it is a wonder I am still friends with him or have ever been friends with him- I suppose it is we're just stuck together by some twisted fate or something B |

The dictionary defines it as "movement upward from a lower to a higher state, degree, grade, or status; advancement"
For most keys it a general realization of self or attaining a peak of power or possibly conciousness. A key is created in various many ways.

I'll use Negi Springfield, as he is the only one I can recall easily, as an example. He is by my definition a House Key, a Key within his own dimension, because he has done these things:
1.) Attained a certain power level
2.) Has gone beyond the boundaries of humanity to become something "more"

So is it possible for anybody to become a key in shome shape or form? Yes
Is it possibly for anybody to become a Master Key, like myself? While there HAVE been people it is generally a VERY rare occurrance
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I find myself lacking the drive to become one anyway. I feel my character has already dabbled enough in this Key business.


Time to pretend Ibaz got beat up by Jesse.


"That is enough Ibaz, you fought well. Jesse is clearly no pushover." Ken said picking his friend up and carrying him to the infirmary. At the same time he sent a text from his 'phone' to Jake.

You best bring my student back, otherwise I'll give him 2000 laps and tell Lora what you've been up to.[/quote]
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Jake, I'm willing to take you up on that fight offer.

Now, it may not seem like it to you, but everything I did I was doing for fun. You did better with the examination then I thought you would, and I could keep going, but I really need to learn how to make the best use of the Minecraft guy. If you want to, I could use a bit of practice.

AAAAAAnd now I find out I have to go to sleep early. Not gonna have time.
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Dane I understand, since you in no way seemed to be asking me these questions out of a sense of malic or hatred. Every one of your questions seemed to be legitametly curious and that is why I was happy to answer them. And thank you for the compliment, I will take you up on the practice offer.


Out of the calling area, obviously, Jake walked through the streets of Mahora with Fusion as the entire campus city was getting ready for Mahora Fest and bustling with activity. Vendors dotted the streets, some professional and some created by students attempting to strike it rich, and he merely chuckled at his memories of first observing the chaos that was to come. Turning around he looked around and thought he had lost Fusion already, possibly having been distracted by a pretty female student or some vendor, he really didn't know, but spotted him a bit farther back in the crowd, "Hey Fusion hurry up or we'll miss our chance to meet up with who I want you to meet!"


Jesse cracked his knuckles as he watched Ibaz walking away, nearly limping, with a large hole in his shoudler here he had been shot. Pulling out a cigar he felt cold harsh eyes on him and looked behind to see Lora seething with anger, so much so her aura was visable and her hair was standing on end. Looking down at the cigar he returned his gaze to hers, "I can't smoke here or something?"

"You shouldn't have gone that far!" Lora yelled stomping her foot and standing up, "You could have [i]killed[/i] him you know! What do you think dad would have done if you had done that?!"

"Probably whined and b*tched like he always does before bringing the f*cker I slaughtered back to life. We've done this before Lora, weren't you th-"

Jesse never got to finish before Lora slugged him in the gut, his cigar popping out as he coughed, and roundhouse kicked him through the bench she had been sitting on. Huffing she pulled her hair back, displaying her beauty once more, and turned around to leave. Standing back up, coughing a bit from the wood chips he had inhaled, Jesse just laughed he had gotten his niece so rilled up, "Well she hasn't changed, ready to fly off the handle at any moment."

"So," he said addressing the entire toom this time, "Who else thinks they can best me?"

[quote name='Pinkie Pie' timestamp='1303526461' post='5160763']
You know this sounds rather suspicously like Planeswalkers?

Just saying, they are like identical.


That sounds familiar but I have no clue what it is. Explain please
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Okay. Atleast I know it's a concidence.

There are many dimensions in the universe, these are called planes, a planeswalker can walk among these.

They require a spark to achieve this. While nigh anyone can potentially have one, only one in a billion have a spark and one in that billion achieves it. There are however many planeswalkers because there is infinte life in the universe.

What causes a spark is unknown.

Planeswalkers used to be godlike beings, people who can change the world cause f*** it, f*** they MADE worlds. However after too much interference almost destroyed the entire multiverse their powers got sealed mysteriously, now people can just planeswalk. Though a planeswalker is still one of the most powerful people in the universe. Simply the ability to planeswalk is such an amazing gift.

They are in magic.
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[quote name='Pinkie Pie' timestamp='1303529365' post='5160859']
Okay. Atleast I know it's a concidence.

There are many dimensions in the universe, these are called planes, a planeswalker can walk among these.

They require a spark to achieve this. While nigh anyone can potentially have one, only one in a billion have a spark and one in that billion achieves it. There are however many planeswalkers because there is infinte life in the universe.

What causes a spark is unknown.

Planeswalkers used to be godlike beings, people who can change the world cause f*** it, f*** they MADE worlds. However after too much interference almost destroyed the entire multiverse their powers got sealed mysteriously, now people can just planeswalk. Though a planeswalker is still one of the most powerful people in the universe. Simply the ability to planeswalk is such an amazing gift.

They are in magic.

Ah that explains why it sounds familiar.

There is a coincidence but besides a few things they're nothing alike.
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