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Laws of Nature

Kōsuke Ueki

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This is an idea that I had for only a few months now, but I always believed it to be a fan-made TV series. This fic is the first story of the [i]Laws of[/i] series, and brings many questions. It is also a fic that is done in first-person journal entry format. Enjoy!

[spoiler=Prologue]As the cloud-blanketed sky created a vague pattern of red, blue, yellow and purple, the city, that was once in ruins at first, is now being rebuilt, for the world is finally at peace. Outside of the city was a man, around 27 years old, with a scar on his left cheek and wearing a trench coat w/ pants, and a fedora hat. As he looked at the city that he planned to live in a few months, he stepped on a medium-sized box. He picked it up to see both a letter and a journal taped on the outside of both ends. Confused on what he sees, he takes the letter off of the package and begins to read it. It said:

[center][i]"There are many Laws on this Earth that are always obeyed by the residents. But not Laws as in Government Laws, Laws that come from the Earth itself, ever since the very first few species had come to be. The first was the Laws of Nature. I'm pretty sure you know how it works. Kill or be killed, Survival of the Fittest, all of that. Animals always depended on each other for survival. But years ago, all of that changed. Someone or something had corrupted these Laws and now every known carnivorous creature on the planet shall have the entire Human Race as its main and only target. If you are reading this, you should know that I stopped this crisis for good and left the journal on the other side of this package so that you may know how this all happened. As you read on, you will see how my friends and I had survived this crisis and stopped everything. This is the beginning on stopping the Laws."[/i]

Johnathan Mason[/center]

The man, shocked at what seemed to be correct, had turned the package around and took off the taped journal on the opposite of the letter. The title said, [u][i][b]Laws of Nature:[/b] How the Crisis Began[/i][/u]. The man then took the book and the package into a house that is supposedly his home for the time being. As he sat down on his desk, he turned on the desk light and proceeded to read the journal. As he opened the journal, he saw a flash of light. But it was only temporary. At first the pages were blank, but with the flash, the words had appeared. The first had only a few words on it, ones that would lead him into the possible journey that he believed was real. The first page only said:

[center]"This is my story began..."[/center][/spoiler]
It will be in episodes, so it makes things more like a TV series. And yes, there will be lots of gore, violence and TV-MA language. There won't be any romance as of yet, but soon, the other stories will have it, and it will every now and then affect the main plot of said story when it is posted. From here on out, only the first paragraph of every episode will be third-person, while the rest will be the one journal entry per episode. Hope you enjoy it.

[i]~The Swift Assaulter[/i]
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The Prolouge... is such a tease. But its decent. The flash of words was a little unnecessary, imo.

Also, I think you should maybe, for future episodes, tone it down to 'Rated T for Teen', cuz' the way you put it, makes it seem like this is gunna get 'Rated Ao for Adults only'. But its your story, so do with it what you will. Overall, its okay.

>fanfare plays<

[The Swift Assaulter has gained Atman's Seal of Approval!]
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