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Working at the Mill


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Ok! So, like, two days ago, when my D.Hero Dogma, and Destiny End Dragoon came in the mail, I had to shift my deck around a bit, and then I thought: "Huh, I need better fodder for summoning/fighting than D.Hero Blademaster..." So my mind rembered me a D.Hero Defender!

When its in defense, my opponent can draw more cards, though, putting me at a card disadvantage....and then I picked up and Iron Chain...thingy (Forgot what)

"GENIUS!" I thought.

I remember when I was still rooming with Collage buddies, over happy plant person would try to draw cards so they'd be forced to discard Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis so they could then summon it from the graveyard by its effect. Iron Chain + Memory = ...

"The Reverse-Milling Deck!"

For those who don't understand what Milling is (I dont know if its a universal term), its a term I learned from Magic: The gathering. Basically its this: You try and discard your opponent's deck to their graveyard. Usually this is done with spells and effects that make them discard cards from their hands or decks. Pretty straight forward. The Key to this idea is that you need to be able to stay safe while zapping their cards away until they cannot draw, and therefore loose.

The Intention with the REVERSE milling deck, however, is to overload your opponent's hand with so many cards they must discard them all, blah blah. The dangers are obvious: Game-Changing Spells/Traps, Special-summoned monster from the Graveyard, Exodia, ect. ect. I dont think this is a tournament worthy idea, but I feel it would be fun to blast some of my friends with such a thing. The only problem is: I'm only a year into this game, starting October. I dont know all the great, fun, and useful(For this idea) cards to build this deck with. So I am calling on you, The YCM Forum! Let us build a super fun (Reverse)Milling Deck of Doom!

Cards I'm thinking of are the previously mentioned D.Hero - Defender, and Chainsaw Insect, to force your opponent to draw as many cards as possible. Also, "The Dark Door" to keep them from beating the ever-loving crap out of you with all the monsters you give them. The Ultimate kicked would be "Card Destruction", forcing them to discard those 13 cards they're holding during your Main Phase 2, and draw 13 more. So lets get to work team. What do we think would be the best way to go bout this idea?
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