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What is your antidrug? If you have one.


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[quote name='Revolver Amethyst' timestamp='1284796709' post='4636316']
[b]Iced Tea[/b], Sushi,[b] Kingdom Hearts[/b].

Oh, and Nyquil. Oh so much Nyquil.....

Yes and Yes.

Ace Attorney, ARGs and a few other things as well.

Oh, and Debate. Beautiful, joyful debates.

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So many. I like drawing, guitar, listening to music, playing video games, and petting my dog or cats.

Of course, if I'm stressed, then about 96% of the time it's because of school. So I do homework and get less stressed out.

Also, thinking. I'll look out a window at the street and just start thinking about all kinds of random s*** that nobody would ever care/think about. Sometimes about thinking itself.
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