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Vongola Headquarters [A KHR Organization] "Ready for a Mafia Summer!"

Super Chaos Sonic

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Jude, it's like this.
It's not that you don't have the voice.
It's that you're not acting.
All you're doing is reading the lines off of wherever you wrote them down, like high school kids reading aloud in English class.
You gotta put PERSONALITY and EMOTION behind it. Make it more exaggerated than normal!
THAT'S what makes an abridged. Notice how Joey has his own Brooklyn voice, Tristan sounds like Barney, and other people have distinction?
Make the distinction! It's not supposed to sound normal.
Instead of monotone, make it a weird voice that's funny to listen to!
Don't be embarrassed, it's the internet >.>
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[quote name='judedudemude' timestamp='1297741868' post='5009780']
cheerleader ?

clearly you do not see my full pontential beside the little computers talents i do have i have proven before that i can be a quick learner
so if some one can take a little time out i can learn some new tricks and become a stand in if that person is out or busy with something else

( but i most likey will not be able to voice the charater he is doing so :( )

nah ive acutauly provide some information and links to websites and [b]other little techenail surrport [/b]but ive help a little

im here to help anything to help for the sake of the seires

the information i was speaking of chaos sonic and i have been messaging and lbeen sharing ideas and such plus if you go though the club here you see i added a little here and there as the time go forward plus like i said before i contrubited a little

i can prove to be more than "Moral Surrport"

Judedudemude's DR. Shamal

The part I don't get is what sort of technical support? We've done nothing technical thus far.

And we didn't use tinyurl, did we? .-.

Also, your voice in the 3rd one is nice, but you have the same problem we had, the puffs of air hit the microphone and cause an unpleasant sound.

I might try Shamal.

Should I give him a Might Guy voice?

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Thinkin about it...Do we really need a theme song for him? :/

I'm fine with it either way.

Then again, Fusion's opinion slightly matters more, since he voices the character, so what do you think, Fusion? :3

I think

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