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Vongola Headquarters [A KHR Organization] "Ready for a Mafia Summer!"

Super Chaos Sonic

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[quote name='Chaos Sonic' timestamp='1331827201' post='5871671']
Still as club leader I have to make sure the club doesn't die LOL

But Fon and Yuni are out...so the tourney is progressing slowly.

My predictions for the next teams being eliminated:
Mammon being done in by Vindice, Verde by either Colonello or Reborn.
[b]Hard to say as far as I'm concerned. I'll probably have a better idea in a chapter or two.[/b]

EDIT: I told DL this...but I'm going to draw some Vongola Gear and Weapons for you guys....not having internet is driving me to do it. I've drawn mine...so what would you want your VG and Weapon to be?
[b]Weapon's a hammer for sure.[/b]
[b]VG is a medallion necklace. Something like this.[/b]
[quote name='Kujo Kazuya' timestamp='1331863230' post='5872565']
[color=#0000cd]No, I know what you mean. I actually wanted to pick up a game a few months ago even though it was shippuden based and i obviously don't care for shippuden. The games are just so freaking awesome though.[/color]
[b]Bro, get Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations. It's got a great fighting cast, easy, yet integrating gameplay, a simple enough story mode so even someone like you (not a fan that is) can understand while not bogging you down with details and a pretty smooth online experience. It's worth it.[/b]

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[color=#0000cd]The new one you mean? It does look pretty f*cking awesome from what I've seen. If I can scrape the money together somehow I'll think about it.[/color]

[quote name='Chaos Sonic' timestamp='1331865125' post='5872619']
Gunbat? You got originality there XD

[color=#0000cd]Remember to make it more revolver based. Screw pistol whip. I'll have a pistol smack.[/color]

And a keychain...okie dokie I'll draw it tomorrow.

[color=#0000cd]Yeah, if you have va better idea for me you can roll with that. It was just something off the top of my head.[/color]

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Decided to start existing again.
I read the new chapter, and now all my plot predictions became jumbled up with the new variable they just introduced.
Shameless avoidance of spoilers.
So yeah, spring break. Speaking of shameless, I may be advertising shamelessly soon if I become active again. Damn you life stuff, why must you steal me away from YCM.

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[quote name='Chaos Sonic' timestamp='1331890440' post='5872936']
@Fuse: well....I already took a necklace as a VG...^^;

@Aggro: well I want to have the guardians stuff done first. Then I'll see about everyone else.

@Chase: welcome back bro!

@Desu: kk. Was planning to do revolver based anyway. If I need inspiration, I'll take a look at Squall's gunblade.
[/quote]You bastard. You'll pay for this treachery. D:<

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[quote name='Enma Kozato' timestamp='1331880851' post='5872895']
Decided to start existing again.
I read the new chapter, and now all my plot predictions became jumbled up with the new variable they just introduced.
Shameless avoidance of spoilers.
So yeah, spring break. Speaking of shameless, I may be advertising shamelessly soon if I become active again. Damn you life stuff, why must you steal me away from YCM.

Hey man, how've you been? You're lucky...my spring break isn't until mid-April ;__;
I stopped being able to guess what would happen after Hibari broke his own watch v__v
Advertising what?
[quote name='Chaos Sonic' timestamp='1331890440' post='5872936']
@Fuse: well....I already took a necklace as a VG...^^;

Then uh
Arm band or something. If that's taken too, do whatever.

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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1331912769' post='5873215']

Hey man, how've you been? You're lucky...my spring break isn't until mid-April ;__;
I stopped being able to guess what would happen after Hibari broke his own watch v__v
[b]Advertising what?[/b]

Then uh
Arm band or something. If that's taken too, do whatever.
Ever heard of a MOBA game.
Well basically there's this one in beta phase that needs more people playing it.
THIS is what I'm advertising http://www.uberent.com/
/shameless advertising
Also, my spring break means I have to stay at my dads house with no computer, so there's that.
Now, can somebody catch me up to the topic at hand, seeing as I have no clue what you are all talking about.

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[quote name='Enma Kozato' timestamp='1331919551' post='5873351']
Ever heard of a MOBA game.
Well basically there's this one in beta phase that needs more people playing it.
THIS is what I'm advertising [url="http://www.uberent.com/"]http://www.uberent.com/[/url]
/shameless advertising
Also, my spring break means I have to stay at my dads house with no computer, so there's that.
Now, can somebody catch me up to the topic at hand, seeing as I have no clue what you are all talking about.
[/quote]Predicting poorly as to what will happen next.

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[quote name='Enma Kozato' timestamp='1331919551' post='5873351']
Ever heard of a MOBA game.
Well basically there's this one in beta phase that needs more people playing it.
THIS is what I'm advertising [url="http://www.uberent.com/"]http://www.uberent.com/[/url]
/shameless advertising
[b]Looks kinda fun, kinda like TFS2 too I think.[/b]
[b]As soon as school winds down, I might have time for more gaming.[/b]
Also, my spring break means I have to stay at my dads house with no computer, so there's that.
Now, can somebody catch me up to the topic at hand, seeing as I have no clue what you are all talking about.
[b]Sonic wants to draw us and we're all trying to think of what will happen next.[/b]
[b]Trying being the key word v_v[/b]

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[quote name='Chaos Sonic' timestamp='1331922172' post='5873428']
Yeah that's true Aggro LOL

Workin on Fuse's items now. Desu's Gunbat basically looks like a kendostick with agun at the base...not cool XD

Its the best I could come up with.
[/quote]So I don't want to be an arcobaleno, and apparently I can't be a Guardian... hm... what to do...?

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