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Vongola Headquarters [A KHR Organization] "Ready for a Mafia Summer!"

Super Chaos Sonic

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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1329342846' post='5818780']
Anime songs have weird/corny lyrics, so adding more isn't that difficult =p

Masaaki Endo would like to disagree


[quote name='Kujo Kazuya' timestamp='1329342833' post='5818779']
[color=#0000CD]No. The varia is screwed and you'll lose your bet.[/color]

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[quote name='Kujo Kazuya' timestamp='1329343481' post='5818806']
[color=#0000CD]Now I don't want to bother to watch more than oe episode of MLP.[/color]

Suit yourself ;3

tho considering you didn't wanna watch an episode regardless...it's an improvement :'D

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[color=#666666][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Username: Sploda/Creator either one works[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#666666][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Reason Why you want to Join: KHR is cool, like a fez or bowtie[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#666666][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Favorite Character in the series: Tie between Mukuro and Squalo[/size][/font][/color]

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[quote name='Chaos Sonic' timestamp='1329350028' post='5819053']

DUDE YOUR IN! Honestly I can't say no entry for someone like you ^^

Welcome to the HQ!

@DL: Seriously? Again with the sandwich?
What did you expect?

You know it's the truth :'p

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[quote name='Sploda' timestamp='1329350759' post='5819094']
I did.

It was good.

I've got voice overs in Chibi Knights for you to see DL.
And I saw >:3

[quote name='Chaos Sonic' timestamp='1329350862' post='5819099']
Oh really now? What's this about?
Creator's tryin out for the KHR abridged

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You'll have to beat Fuse for Hibari, and his Hibari's preeeetty darn good

As for Xanxus....I gotta go check who that is, I THINK it was me, but honestly, I don't mind giving you the role

At all


mostly cuz your voice for him is 20% coole-*shot*

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