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Vongola Headquarters [A KHR Organization] "Ready for a Mafia Summer!"

Super Chaos Sonic

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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1324414336' post='5719578']
That should be your new username.
For the lulz.
Or do something corny
Like Vongola P. Remo [i]:[/i]D

ONLY JAX CAN DO THOSE D[i][size=6]:[/size]<[/i]

Aaaanyway, it's like....a buncha apartment buildings

idk what to call that .3.

A condo?

Tho the apartments in it are super luxurious from what I've seen

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[color=#0000cd]My future self kills shadows.[/color]


[color=#0000cd]Yeah, I've been way too into Persona lately.[/color]

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[quote name='Desperado Panda' timestamp='1324417950' post='5719767']
[b][color=#0000CD]My future self kills shadows.[/color][/b]


[color=#0000CD]Yeah, I've been way too into Persona lately.[/color]

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Ulqui is stronger than all the Espada

Due to Segunda Etapa

Barragan sucks aside from his ability

Starrk lost to mr.lazycaptain

And I doubt Mr.Lazycaptain is THAT much stronger than Ichigo in his MASK HOLLOW FORM >>;;

While in contrast Ulqui pwned said form

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If you didn't notice

Starrk fought against 4 captains 2-3 at a time

And Mr.lazycaptain decided to be a total douche in that he was lurking in the shadows and NOT!cheap attacked Starrk

I feel that all Segunda Etapa brought to the table was extreme speed and strength, AND MR.LAZYCAPTAIN'S NOT!CHEAP SURPRISE BUTTSECKS TAKES AWAY THAT POWERS POINT

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but Starrk's

a) speed would allow for him to at least get out of that lanza's blast range

b ) Cero Metralleta would give him enough time transform his soul pieces into wolves and attack Ulqui until one hits

Also, he fought Ukitake, Shunsui and those two former Captain Visord guys

He took on 4 captains and lost due to [i]type[/i] of attack mr. lazycaptain pulled

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Ulqui is also extremely fast while in that form

and Ulqui doesn't only use Lanza

he also launches a super deadly cero that crushed Ichigo's mask

He can also fight hand-to-hand using the Lanza as a close-range weapon

Oh and Ulqui managed to harm Superhax Hollow Ichigo

I doubt Starrk could have, all he does is shoot fast

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[quote name='Itachi V. Remo' timestamp='1324421612' post='5719955']
According to Ulqui all Espada can do Cero Oscuras

And Starrk probably could have with his wolf minions

And all Starrk would have to do is keep ulqui at bay

it shouldn't be that hard seeing as he's one of, if not the fastest (that one Black guy doesn't count xD) Espada
One of the fastest

Actual fastest, if we don't take into account Murcielago/Segunda Etapa

Ulqui is faster, and stronger, and can make a weapon that can literally dissapear from creation anything within like a 500-yard radius

HOW can starrk beat that?



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I'd say Ulqui is only faster in his Segunda Etapa form

And the question of how is doing exactly what superhax Ichigo did



Except he would have to dodge [i]while [/i]his wolves did their thing

And I'd say that a couple of wolf bites = one lanza

And he has about a jillion or so wolfs

Kubo just gave Ulqui more forcuse because of the situation and Ulqui's opponent

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[quote name='~Rarity~' timestamp='1324422449' post='5719986']
hax Ichigo didn't dodge shiz except the Lanza

[b]actually the Lanza missed[/b]

I made an AMV of the fight

haxIchigo fisted it out with Ulqui and CAUGHT the lanza with his BARE HAND

can Starrk do that?
Because when lances miss you still need to dodge to get out of the way >.>

And I never was comparing someone like uberhax ichigo to Starrk

But that is wolves can probably match the power of the lanza along with being able to react and think differently as the situation arises

which means he doesn't "miss"

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