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Vongola Headquarters [A KHR Organization] "Ready for a Mafia Summer!"

Super Chaos Sonic

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*puts trank gun away* Sorry boss, but you know how you get when you're excited. Don't worry though, it's a light dose, just enough to calm you down.

At any rate, going to make my cloud guardian card now, which is oddly fitting since I WAS the Hibari of the thread for a while there.

Edit: The card is finished, and likely broken as hell. I tried balancing it out with the costs but...well, you be the judge.

This card cannot be Normal Summoned. This card can only be Special Summoned when one or more cards with Guardian or Vongola Boss in its name has been destroyed by battle with an opponents attacking monster(s) during the Battle Phase of their turn. This cards ATK and DEF are both equal to the ATK and DEF of the destroyed monster(s) used to fulfill this cards summoning conditions. Once per turn, you can discard a card from your hand to the Graveyard to Special Summon one Cloud Guardian Token with an ATK, DEF, and level equal to the ATK, DEF and level of the discarded card. If the card discarded as a cost for this effect has Vongola Boss or Guardian in its name, it is Special Summoned during the End Phase. If all monster zones are full during the End Phase of a turn that this effect would resolve, you take damage equal to the ATK of the discarded card.
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Perhaps because I asked and you are a nice guy? :3 But yeah, I meat to say By Battle. Thanks for the input.

Edit: Wait a second. Just read the effect again, and I think you may have misread part of it. The during battle bit is after the by battle bit.

This card can only be Special Summoned when one or more cards with Guardian or Vongola Boss in its name has been destroyed by battle with an opponents attacking monster(s) during the Battle Phase of their turn.

that's what that part says.
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Nice guy? I've never been more insulted in my life. I don't think by battle will save it. I don't I'm correct but maybe something more like, "This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card can only be special summoned during the battle phase by removing from play one or more monsters with Guardian or Vongola Boss in their card name have been destroyed by battle and sent to the graveyard the turn this effect is activated. This card's ATK is equal to the sum of of the monsters sent to the graveyard by this card's effect divided by two." <------We can't have you being THAT powerful. I understand that Hibari is extremely strong and all but your effect is also extremely strong.
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I said I see what you're going with a maximum of 4800 ATK and minimum of 3100 special summoned. With the divided by 2 you have a maximum of 2400 and minimum of 1550. Then there's the rest of your effect. Ahem. You can discard a monster from your hand an get a token with attack equal to the discarded monster. If the monster is one of ours (or technically this does include any monster with Guardian in its name) you can special summon it. Kind of breaks the lone cloud thing there but whatever.
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Still a maximum of 4800 when just using two is pretty high and even then it's not asking much for the prequisites to summon. Just have one of your Guardian or Vongola Boss monsters destroyed. A maximum of 2400 for the higher attack point one isn't bad though...*Ding.* What if you just take the monster with the highest attack points and add 500? Make it so it just requires one to be destroyed and still get a pretty good attack bonus. Your minimum would be 2000 and maximum 2900. There's still the good token ability too that allows you to summon other Vongola members if used correctly. Before you get mad or anything I'm just trying to keep things a tab bit more balanced.
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By not bothering to check the cards, I have shown I am not worried.

For I am still a veteran guardian, and feel I am more powerful than you two.

For now.

So huzzah.

Welcome, new guardians.

And I swear, this is Vongola's time to shine.

We already got 4-5 votes guaranteed for each of us, almost.
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Unless we face off against eachother. Hopefully that doesn't that doesn't happen until much later though. But I feel like Jake will be rooting for me which will get me more credit. I'm generally pretty well-liked but not that well known. Getting to round 3 will be difficult. With Fusion's Trio of DEF and the fact that he's one of the two running things he's pretty much guaranteed to get pretty high up there. I may gain some more points from status but most people there hate me for my general a**holishness. Long story short, you guys have much better luck than me due to the sheer fact that you guys are so much more well known and active in the forums. I'm not even as active in RP as I used to be. I have my reasons though. sigh...

Striker seems like a bit of an idiot so I can see some reasons why but he seems to also not like 888 so he's pretty much on neutral for me.
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Uhhh...didn't I vote on that match? *Looks away whistling.* Clair is an extremely popular member. It does say alot. But DL you can't forget the boost of popularity that trio of DEF probably gives you. It is probably YCM's most popular fanfic. Whether you're in a lot of things or not somebody that may not touch clubs knows you because of it. It probably gives some sort of boost to say the least even if just one vote or two. And 12 votes is pretty good. It probably already doubles what I will get.
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