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Vongola Headquarters [A KHR Organization] "Ready for a Mafia Summer!"

Super Chaos Sonic

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Username: Daisuke28

Reason Why you want to Join: Well, Its my favorite manga, also I cosplay KHR o.o. And I love talking about KHR :3.

Favorite Character in the series: It would be 25 year old lambo or lussuria

Here is a picture of me being lussuria :3... Dont be scared xD

[spoiler=10yr later Lussuria] [img]http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/37191_441816053004_613083004_5442889_4974978_n.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
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An anime convention would be to much for me. I'm a pretty big anime nerd but some of the people there have me beat. And cosplaying isn't my thing.

An KHR abridged sounds cool. I've always kind of wanted to make one. Unfortunatyely I have no idea how to get the video from the animes, a microphone, or a good video editing program. DX
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I just want Green Day Rock Band....;_;

Also,Fusion, it's not really all that complicated. Just don't focus on teh stuff that looks weird, and focus on things that are self explanatory, like pitch changes and echos.

Fr srs, mess around with it to get a feel for it.
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