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Here's the list. I know some of these are banned, but I only play with my friends and they are cool with it and do the same. If you suggest a change please post why also, because I can be really dense. :-)


Monsters (20):

Ancient Lamp

Armed Dragon LV5

Blue-Eyes White Dragon (x3)


Darkblaze Dragon

Decoy Dragon

Felgrand Dragon

Magician of Faith


Mask of Darkness

Morphing Jar

Night Assailant

Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

Spear Cretin (x2)

Spear Dragon

The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion

Tyrant Dragon


Fusion Monsters (3):

Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

Dragon Master Knight

Five-Headed Dragon


Spell Cards (13):

Card Trader

Change of Heart

Fiend's Sanctuary

Foolish Burial

Future Fusion

Giant Trunade

Graceful Charity

Magical Stone Excavation

Monster Reborn

Pot of Greed

Premature Burial

Swords of Revealing Light

The Shallow Grave


Trap Cards (7):

Bottomless Trap Hole

Call of the Haunted

Dimensional Prison

Draining Shield

Level Converison Lab

Ring of Destruction

Time Machine

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Here's the list. I know some of these are banned, but I only play with my friends and they are cool with it and do the same. If you suggest a change please post why also, because I can be really dense. :-)


Monsters (20):

Ancient Lamp

Armed Dragon LV5

Blue-Eyes White Dragon (x3)


Darkblaze Dragon

Decoy Dragon

Felgrand Dragon

Magician of Faith


Mask of Darkness

Morphing Jar

Night Assailant

Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

Spear Cretin (x2)

Spear Dragon

The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion

Tyrant Dragon


Fusion Monsters (3):

Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

Dragon Master Knight

Five-Headed Dragon


Spell Cards (13):

Card Trader

Change of Heart

Fiend's Sanctuary

Foolish Burial

Future Fusion

Giant Trunade

Graceful Charity

Magical Stone Excavation

Monster Reborn

Pot of Greed

Premature Burial

Swords of Revealing Light

The Shallow Grave


Trap Cards (7):

Bottomless Trap Hole

Call of the Haunted

Dimensional Prison

Draining Shield

Level Converison Lab

Ring of Destruction

Time Machine

you need red eyes black dragon to summon red eyes darkness metal dragon

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Yeah no need for Red-Eyes. You're thinking of Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon.


I agree that Red-Eyes Wyvern would be great, but I don't have the resources to buy him (I'm kind of short on money). Any specific staples you had in mind? What do you think I should take out for them?

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Wyvern shouldn't be too expensive. Same with Darkness Metal. Trollandtoad.com sells cards fairly cheaply.


As far as traditional staples:



Witch of the Black Forest

Cyber Jar

Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning

Dark Magician of Chaos




Dark Hole (No longer Banned, but still good)

Harpie's Feather Duster

Heavy Storm

Snatch Steal

Delinquent Duo

Brain Control

Painful Choice

Dimension Fusion (If using things like Dragon's Mirror)



Imperial Order


Any/all of those would be really helpful.


I also recommend a better trap line-up. Ring of Destruction, Bottomless Trap Hole and Dimensional Prison are your only decent traps. Try a trap line-up similar to this:


1x Mirror Force

1x Torrential Tribute

2x Bottomless Trap Hole

2x Dimensional Prison

1x Ring of Destruction


Those should be all the traps you need in trad. If you don't have Mirror Force, just wait until it comes out as a common in the next Structure Deck.


Also consider Trade-In. Since you have 3 BEWD, Tyrant, and Felgrand, you have enough targets for 3 Trade-In. And since you should be reviving dragons with REDMD, Card of Safe Return could be helpful here as well. Also try Dragon's Mirror. That way you can get out Five-Headed/Blue-Eyes Ultimate easier. As it is, so far all you have is Future Fusion.


Try finding room for 3 The White Stone of Legend. Use Future Fusion/Painful Choice to get all 3 in the Grave and use them to grab 3 BEWD at the same time. That's fun. Then either summon BEWD with REDMD or discard with Trade-In.


2x Mystical Space Typhoon couldn't hurt either.

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